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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    I see the Endo tomorrow-- send love!

    Crystal - just checking on you girl! We're all thinking about ya.
  2. paula

    I Cant Stop Eating!!!

    oh, and YES - I have gained weight. So now Im going to update my signature.
  3. paula

    I Cant Stop Eating!!!

    Sometimes I DO get sick and pb... which I turn around 15 minutes later and eat something else. But lately my food just passes on through. When I get the stuffed feeling, it only last (the longest) about an hour. Why? Because Im eating crap - and crap foods just slide through the band.
  4. paula

    I Cant Stop Eating!!!

    Brother - Im feeling it too! How ironical, I woke up today fighting a stomach bug (kids had it, guess its my turn). So far, Ive had only one cup of coffee (only 1 - so you KNOW Im not right). My stomach is so unsettled. When I think of burnt toast, I gag. Maybe this is my "cage"? Ill take it. Susan, that picture made me cry. It needs to be right up there at the top of the page, next to the "lap band". How perfect for THIS thread. This pictures speaks a thousand words... I needed that. To all of you who have responded: there are no words I can say that express my appreciation for what you have done for me (and possibly others). I have read each response a dozen times. Thank you God for support groups.
  5. paula

    I Cant Stop Eating!!!

    Thanks guys ~ You are all so awesome! This "binge" has been going on for 3 weeks. Not 1 day, not even 2 or 3 days... but weeks. Each day getting worse and worse. Its the carbs. I crave literally CRAVE something sweet ALL the time. This has become an addiction. Thinking about Jonathan and Penni's comments.... I think this started with sleep deprivation. My body was lacking something in one area (sleep) - so I was trying to make up for it in another area (food). Other then that - the kids driving me totally nuts at times - which makes me want comfort foods. Funny thing, when I eat bad - by family eats bad! So Im guilty for hurting the enitre family.... I just need to start over. Cleanse my sytem out. Im thinking that maybe I need a cage?
  6. paula

    30 months and my band has slipped!

    Awe Kelly - I had a feeling thats where you were! I wish I had something wonderful to tell you - to make things better. Just know that this is part of your journey (and many others). Banded OR bandless, please stick around. (((hugs))) We need you now more then ever! God bless. ps - what did Spiegel say about the slip and you wanting it removed. Did he try to talk you out of it?
  7. paula

    American Idol

    Paris wasnt good THIS week OR last. Im sure she's staying, but definately needs to fine-tune things. And poor Melissa. I like her. I think she's good. really, I do. What I didnt like was Simon PUSHING the people to kick her off. Did anyone else hear that the other night? He told her that with the last note she sang, she just booked her flight ticket home. I didnt like that. I like her better then Kelly Pickler.
  8. paula

    Im a newby from Scotland Hello

    Hi Tilly - youre from Scotland?? wow. Another newbie - fom another country. Thats amazing! Welcome to the LBT family.
  9. paula

    Missing Lesbian

    Hey Angie - glad you are ok! And heck, dont worry about falling down. Thats the time when you need support more then any other! Hang in there - we ALL fall!
  10. paula

    American Idol

    LOL - doesnt matter how old you are, you still have hormones! Kim - I saw Taylor. My God! I was laughing so hard. The kind of laugh that comes from the guts. He gets SO into his music. LOL But overall, I think HE had the best male vocals. I agree, he is getting better and better each week. After last night's peformance - Id buy a ticket to his concert. Who is Soul Patrol... his band? He was good! Chris was so so. But my lover boy - ACE - was SO yummy.... its his little dance moves. phew. **fanning my face** Mandisa was awesome. She gave me chills the other night. Kelly still gets on my nerves.
  11. I think Dr Felix Spiegel is 12,500, but not sure. He is located in the Pt Neches area AND in Houston. He has a web site - you can look him up and get a number to contact his office for more details. http://thetexaslaparoscopy.reachlocal.com/coupon/?scid=23077&cid=16460&tc=06030908093258115&kw=141624:25230&dynamic_proxy=0&primary_serv=thetexaslaparoscopy
  12. paula

    Wheetsin is so pretty!

    ***psst, Strawart - where's YOUR avator?***
  13. paula

    30 months and my band has slipped!

    :omg: (((KELLY))) Not YOU too! I cant believe. Well, I CAN believe it, just hard to accept. You are making a decision many of us will face sooner or later. I totally support you either way, you know this. Please let me/us know what Spiegel says. Im extemely interested to hear his side, what HE wants to do. Youve been w/o anything since Saturday? you may be at goal weight now. You have my number - call me if you need to!
  14. paula

    Morality VS Self Preservation (Neighbor issues)

    Im laughing here.... as the mother of 3 #L O U D# kids, Ive often wondered how many times my neighbors wanted to call CPS on us. LOL You did the right thing! In the mean time, interest rates are down, why not shop for a starter home so you wont have this problem again! This story is interesting - keep us posted, ok?
  15. paula

    3 weeks post op and new to the forum

    Here's a couple of links to get food ideas from... http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=3498 http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=3995 Just as a FYI - week 4 is the absolute hardest. This is the time when you are just down right H U N G R Y. (can it get any worst??) Chug the Water, and take lots of walks. But like i said - your gonna make it. ((hugs))
  16. paula

    Stainless Steel Sink advice needed......

    (((See? There we go again! That's exactly what I was going to say.))) Definatly change the faucet! And I agree, the granite is beautiful (looks almost identical to Pat's), just needs an updated faucet. With a new one - noone's gonna even notice the scatches in the sink! Hey Jenna - post some before and afters of your projects. Gives us ideas for our own home improvments!!!
  17. paula


    ok - so I have a question for all you hypo's (thats sounds funny) Ive noticed that this strange thing happens to me when I eat only protien for Breakfast (like a meat patty, egg, etc. - when NO sugar/carb's are involved). About 30 minutes after I eat, I start sweating, get all shakey, my energy level drops dramatically(like from a 10 to a 0 in seconds) Im so weak I can barely make it to a chair. Only way to get going is to get sugar into my system. But whats odd is that I always drink 3-4 cups of coffee for breakfast with lots of cream and turbinado sugar. With that much sugar in my coffee, I cant imagine my blood sugar dropping just a couple of hours later... ??? My mom is a diabetic (I know, I know - it runs in the fly) and yesterday I had this "episode". Mike happened to be home and quickly ran to mom's to get her monitor. I TRIED to not consume anything until he got back, but ended up having some Cookies. Approx. 10 min's later is when I checked my b/s level - and it was 83. Im not calling the pcp for this (at least not right now)... cause I KNOW I can control it with diet (which has been HORRIBLE lately). I just wanna know what the heck it is.
  18. paula


    What is the difference between hypo and hyper glycemic and diabetes? I should probably just search the net... ?
  19. paula


    Vera, Due to this thread, Ive found out that Marcus needs deodorant. Thank you. He thinks its funny. I told him that the next thing to happen was to get hair there (pointing to his underarms) and there (pointing to the groin) - he's seen dad, so he knows whats next . The ONLY place he wants hair, is on his chest! LOL I wish innocence could bottled. Penni - you crack me up! I NEVER thought about doing this... Thanks for the idea! Something else to make him giggle. You are right about making it fun. EVERYTIME I bring up the fact that he is fixin to have "puff-pitts" - he starts sneakering.
  20. paula


    Aways be honest, even if you have to use clever wording. Its all about what she has been exposed to, drawing from your belief system, and how to chose your words carefully... not giving too much, and yet, giving enough! Seems like Dr James Dobson would have something. Check with your local Christian Book store. Let me know what you find... Im right there with you!
  21. I recently helped with a telethon (1 day) and the enviroment was food-filled. :eek: Things I hadnt put my eyes on in months! My mouth watered while I gazed at the tables of food for all the volunteers. What's harder was all the people coming up asking, "Did you eat yet?" "Hey - get a bite while you're here" or "Dont forget to have some lunch". So many reminders to eat, eat, eat. I grabbed a bottle of Water and started chugging - then left that area! You can do it. By the way... are you with FEMA? Bet you didnt realize south Louisiana (and Mississippi - if you went I-65) was still in such bad shape THIS long after the hurricane! What you are seeing in the flooded NO area - is basically the same as 10 miles south of my house. With the exception of NO still having trees/telephone poles/street signs and some structures standing. South of me is nothing. total devistation. You get a standing ovation for coming to this area to help. God bless~
  22. So here's the million dollar question.... buy a $500, $600, $700... thousand dollar walking machine that takes up as much room as a love seat, that Im gonna fight with the kids to use (at first), AND not sure how long will I use this expensive thing before I get burned out with it. Its all about convience - and I like that idea. I can do it rain or shine. Ugly or pretty. Night or day. Kids are home. Im home. Everybody's happy (well, maybe :tired ). AND - **possibly/hopefully** Mike and my 10 yr old will use it as well. Flip side of the coin... buy a membership to the local fitness club. One time fee (lots cheaper then the hundreds spent on ONE machine) and have tons of aerobic classes to chose from, and other machines to try - PLUS a personal trainer is in-house during open hours (not that this impresses me -I just thought it may impress someone else). And the biggie - they provide child care while the parents "do their thang". Which is OK - but another place where the kids are going to have to be under someone else's care. At home, they are in their enviroment. I dont know y'all. Please help.
  23. paula

    NC March Chat

    *knock*knock*knock* :wave: Hi Yall - just came by for a second... KATHY, YOU HAVE AN AVATOR!:omg: :high5: i love it.
  24. paula

    Back from the Oprah show!!

    Darn Kathy, I watched the show - but didnt see you. Who cares about Oprah - we wanna see our Kathy!!!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
