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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. Susan, **whisper voice ON** its because of THAT thread, Ive decided to keep my big bazoomba's. **whisper voice OFF** Did you notice that most of the "before" pictures were not THAT large. Amazing.
  2. paula

    Kim is Home!

    Hey Kim - we're thinking of you. Hope you are bouncing around real soon. God bless~
  3. Karen, There was a thread about a year ago with this exact problem... re: problems with underarm arm odor after WLS. Seems like this problem was restricted to those that only used Secret. Strange, huh? After they switched D.O.'s, everything was fine! I use Dove - and have for years. No problems yet!
  4. paula

    American Idol

    you know, there is something that keeps telling me that Kevin actually believes all this sex-symble stuff they (Ryan Seacrest esp.) are saying about him........ poor kid.
  5. paula

    American Idol

    Dody, youre cracking me up! BTW: you listen to FUEL??? LOL boy, you said a mouthful there. And I do think she IS informed. thank you. Remember when Simon told he that she reminded him of a... something about a minx? yeah, he see's through her too.
  6. paula

    American Idol

    Kim, LOL - your list was right on! And what about the guys make-up? Come on people, they (the makeup artist/hair dressers) can do better then THAT!
  7. paula

    Band removal in 12 hours...

    Jonathan, Ive had you on my mind all day... how ya doin?
  8. paula

    Anyone Know Where Jack Is?

    Didnt Crystal (Vinesqueen) have coffee with him sometime in the past? Maybe SHE has a tele number and could ring him.......
  9. paula

    American Idol

    DrewsLou - I agree 100%. Even as good as Katharine was, everyone sounded the same. So, my question is - IF Stevies songs are SO hard to sing, then why do they force the contestants to do it? In the ReAl world, WHY do we need for them to show us diversity if they are never gonna be diverse??
  10. paula

    American Idol

    LOL - just sitting here thinking of Taylor... LOVE his voice AND he makes me laugh. ((anyone else down load his songs from the site Kim gave us?? good stuff, y'all!))) Gotta say that *I* thought lover boy ACE was good. And again, "Kelli Pickler from Albermarle North Carolina" - turns my stomach. Did anyone notice Simon trying to ditch Kevin??? I agree with Simon though - the competition is too advanced for him.
  11. Hi Maggie, This site has some great before and afters. http://breastreduction4you.com
  12. paula

    1 year Bandivarsary

    Wow, already? That sure went by fast. Hope the NEXT year brings the answers that THIS year has left you asking.
  13. paula

    I Cant Stop Eating!!!

    Penni, WOW! I am forever grateful for this!!! Im printing it so I can look at it (study) regularly. What does "entree" mean on the menu? And I noticed that this meal plan isnt about carbs.... like you say, its more aimed at calories and protien. Think thats where the secret is at??? Counting calories, not carbs? interesting. What do I owe you for this? (((BIG HUGS))) for being the BEST sister in the WORLD!
  14. paula

    Band removal in 12 hours...

    Jonathan, Im truly dissapointed for you. The only peace I find in your situation is knowing that everything happens for a reason. True, you are mentally better able to fight the food demons NOW then pre-banding. But goodness, all that money spent. Know you are being prayed for today - and the days to come. God bless~
  15. Try starting a NEW thread with this info. You'll probably get more feedback if you do it that way. good luck fighting your way through "insurance hell".
  16. paula

    Low Rise Jeans and Thong Panties

    Susan, LOL - slight difference. (I had to laugh out loud at that one) Im glad this thread was re-born. I recently went shopping for jeans. 3 c-sections, gall-bladder surgery and band in my belly - low-riders are NOT comfortable on THIS body. yuck. I hate them.
  17. paula

    I Cant Stop Eating!!!

    Susan, Dont show me THAT! I got the tubed cashews... compared (and STILL debated) between the two. I dont think the tube is quite a cup though. Maybe 1/2 a cup? So half those numbers you gave looks more like what I saw on the package. ..i think.
  18. paula

    A question for after surgery

    The "cotton shift" will probably be your most comfy attire and safest! My bra gave me extreme discomfort. Some say that a sports bra worked for them. This was probably the most difficult thing to deal with post banding... the no-bra issue. Lasting about a week.
  19. paula

    Ban Food Ads?

    As I read this, I remembered something that could bring light to the banning food commercials idea. My God-mother is a horrible alcoholic(recovered). Her poison was Cap Morgan's Rum. Although she's been clean for 3 years now, seeing ALL alcohol advertisements are still a very painful reminder of "the good ole days". During the holidays, one particular road she traveled often - had a billboard advertis. for Cap Morgan. She went 5 miles out of her way just to avoid seeing this. When I look at banning food commercials from THIS perspective, I understand it better. food for ME, is the same as alcohol for her. same as tobacco use for others. i get it. I voted that I would think about it.
  20. paula

    Need Suggestions please OT

    Have your ex get his mom's cell phone records from the local store outlet(this can be done). The store (I think) can tell you which service the number is from(Sprint, cingular, etc.).... then go from there??? I say let HIM prove your innocence. No matter what YOU do- they are gonna think you are trying to cover something. After youve gone nuts over this -in their eyes- you are still gonna be the bad one!
  21. paula

    ~Night All

    Hey Leener... best wishes for a wonderful surgery and recovery!
  22. paula

    I am having my Band replaced

    I agree 100%. I'd contact them right now - today! With all the unbandings due to erosions/slips, Id be scared to do this all over again. :tired (rebanding for any reason) Have thought any about a revision to another WLS? Im gonna be praying for you. Remember, we're all on this road together.
  23. paula

    Moving to Malawi - long

    Reading you story and looking at your pics, I have only one question: do you have A/C? If so, Im packing my bags - tell me where to meet you. (Honestly, this seems like an amazing job and location to be in. Best wishes to you.)
  24. paula

    Yikes I have Hives!

    Try stopping the Singular for a day or so - see if it gets any better. You havent bought any new jeans/pants lately???
  25. paula

    Yikes I have Hives!

    Only wish I was a nurse, but anyhow ~ Gosh Kathy, how miserable! truly miserable. Last spring I developed hives on my lower half. Itched me to death. I linked them to the new jeans I had just bought (did days of thinking about it). Even the areas of my arms that touched the jeans developed hives. And even though the jeans stopped at my waist, the hives went to my chest. strange. Hives are NO fun! I feel for ya. ((hugs))

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