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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    What's the MPG on Your Car?

    TOM, when I was driving our 4.0L v-6 truck - I was getting about 18 mpg... same job/same driver/same terrain.... Im now driving a 1.8L 4cyl car and Im getting 21mpg. Doesnt make sense. Wheet's - whats a Tornado?
  2. paula

    What's the MPG on Your Car?

    Kat - I can see a lowered mpg - but NOT 21.... I thought you had a little vroom car? whats your mpg like?
  3. paula

    My BEAUTIFUL band baby!

    Hey Nicole, Im just NOW viewing this thread... O M G she is BEAUTIFUL! Makes my eyes tear-up, seeing her innocent peaceful face... awe, Nic... cherish these days, cause before you can blink, she'll be starting Kindergarten! BTW: Ive never seen a new mommy look this awesome so soon after child birth!
  4. paula

    Recipe book

    Hi Patrick - WELCOME! Im not sure about anything in the stores, but here on LBT we've added many food ideas and receipes for the different stages of banding.. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=9 its located under the FOOD topic. Good luck -and hope to see you around often!
  5. paula

    What color/race do you see?

    TOM - we own that particular movie... just have never seen it. Maybe tonight? Leatha - as always, you say what I feel inside, or what I wanted to say. :amen:
  6. paula

    Friday the 13th?!?!

    LOL - Friday the 13th, eh? I find the date a little amusing... Just remember - that day is just like any other day. Ive personally never had anything bad happen on any F/13th, and cant recall anyone that HAS. Hang in there - and be JOYFUL that you have a date!!! btw: CONGRAT'S!
  7. paula

    What color/race do you see?

    Im in LC Louisiana - and you are So right. Vidor, Tx (about 20 minutes W) is home of the KKK. Racism is a very sad but real form of hatred in our society. I think that there are changes being made in areas, communities. But generally speaking, racism is just as BIG as ever. Looking at the inside and NOT the outside is something that we -as overweight folks- have learned to do many years ago. So I would assume that this particular forum would be more inclined to anti-racial/anti-prejudicism remarks before anywhere else. btw: I have many black friends that I would claim as family BEFORE claiming my own relatives.
  8. paula


    This is an old one.. SO old that I cant remember the answer.
  9. paula

    Band Removed Yesterday

    Garland Mom, Your story is VERY valuable here. Thanks a ton for sharing it..
  10. paula

    Dizzy/Light headed

    Imagine, please make sure you are getting enough nourshiment (i.e. protien shakes) and taking a multi-vit - regularly!
  11. paula

    My wedding pics...

    awe Kel - you look GREAT, and SOO happy! Thanks for posting these pics.. we were waiting on em! :confused:
  12. paula

    Happy Birthday Stockymd

    Happy Birthday to you! Hope you are having an awesome day!
  13. Unfortunately I had a recent birthday - that required a re-newed drivers license. I thought the old/new version of me was worth sharing... old was in 2002, I had wls in 2004, new is 2006
  14. paula

    Explaining the band to young kids

    Lets see... my kids are 10, 6 and 3. When the older ones have asked questions about my eating habits... my answer is/was: Mom has this plastic thing inside my tummy to help me lost weight! Its short sweet and to the point! If they want more details, we talk more about it!
  15. Hi Sherilynn - and WELCOME! Yes, the seminar's are a general way of getting the ball rolling. My suggestion is to contact your insurance company and ask THEM if they pay for weightloss surgery - and in particular, the Lap Band procedure. Its usually a yes or no answer. If its a YES answer, then the next question to your insurance should be, HOW DO I GET APPROVED? Different comp's require different 'qualifications' for approval. My insurance gave me a list of about 5 things to gain this approval, for instance: MD documented attempts of failed diets (diet pills/programs) for at least 6 months, physc. eval OR nutrictional consultation, a letter of recommendation from at least 1 MD. Having health conditions will certainly help gaining approval, like, having HBP, diabetes, sleep apnea. I suggest keeping close contact with your insurance AND surgeons office just to make sure everyone is on the same page Good luck and let us know if there's anything else.
  16. Hello Nancy M. WLCOME to LBT. Im not canadian - but I would love to still offer you some support for your journey. Good luck!
  17. paula

    Happy Birthday Malice X Girl

    Happy Birthday to you!!
  18. paula

    Pre-surgery questions for doctor

    Will you be hungry after the surgery? lots of us think that our appetite is going to vanish once we awaken from the never-never land... WRONG! My tummy was growlilng as soon as I woke up - and didnt stop til I got my first fill... that was a LONG 4 weeks post op!
  19. paula


    Hi Anne! Welcome to LBT. Lots of awesome reading material here... much more stuff then you'll get form a surgeons office! got a question.. you only weight 104 pounds????
  20. paula

    Just because I am Paranoid...

    TOM - I swear.. EVERYTIME I read your post I feel like I know you. Are you sure you arent from Lake Charles and have a daughter named Paula? you remind me so much of my dad. :girl_hug:
  21. Im impressed. Kellymoos - have you heard if Spiegel has any erosion cases?
  22. Jo Ann, know whats sad? His office was the very same way back in 04. I even complained to him about his staff's horrible disorganizied riga-ma-row! nothing seems to have changed. (BIG SIGH)
  23. Absolutely! But my answer was addressing the thread question regarding band vs bypass (or any other WLS).
  24. Barb, do they file your insurance?? or is $125 cash price only - no exceptions?
  25. Barb, please give us more info on Surgicenter. Fill cost, location and phone # if possible. thanks!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
