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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Gone for Good Club - April 2006

    c 185.6 ...I can post my weight again Wed??
  2. paula

    The root of the problem

    awe Kat - Im so glad you two were able to connect. Thats a very valid fear. My first thought when I read this was that I was so touched at his love & concern for you. On the other hand, have you tried showing him the statistics of death rates for AGB surgery? That may settle his mind. And about the aftercare stuff... well, that too is very real. Most of us were aware of the post banding problems that could occur. I dont think any of those that have had problems expected to be in the complication category. :phanvan The only analogy I could give you is to think of your 11G kitchen. Say you have an electrical problem and all the appliances fry -PLUS- the wiring's burned between the walls. Looks great on the outside, cant really tell see anythings wrong! But its gonna cost another 10G to fix all the problems, replacement for the appliances, etc.... And insurance will not cover any of it. I wish I could tell you that you will NEVER have any problems, but.... (((btw, what about FIL helping out with the $$$))
  3. paula

    My eyes are OPEN

    Hi Kelly - and welcome to LapBandTalk.com My only suggestion is to check with your insurance comp. to see of the LapBand is covered (if you are NOT paying cash). A LOT of insurances pay for RnY, but not the band. Hopefully yours will :eek: Good luck!
  4. paula

    New gal

    Hi - WELCOME to LapBandTalk.com! And congrat's on your recent banding. You may want to start a NEW thread asking about fills in your area. It may be a little while before you get an answer. I cant think of anyone fom that territory to point you too for help. Good luck, and again - WELCOME!
  5. paula

    April's Chat

    Happy April Fools day... Marcus just went into the bedroom and woke up Dad - telling him that his (damn) dog just got out of the yard, and was running down the street. Darn, I hate that it was a joke. :devious Pat, sorry to hear you werent feeling well. Pleeeeaaaase keep your "bug" on that side of the earth! :eek: Kelly, hows the new fill??? bet you can see the weightloss already! woohoo! and I absolutely L O V E your new avator pic! Eileen, I think its ONLY fair that come summer you invite us to "test" that new pool. You know, thats what friends are for! :biggrin1: BTW: we need some pics! Cindy, migranes are from HELL. My cousin (she's a RN) seldom has those things - and when it gets REALLY bad, she goes to the ER for a shot in the bum. ((hugs)) Darcy, 1 request. Next time your livin' it up at your cabin... sitting outside smelling/hearing/seeing/enjoying nature. My 1 request: say a prayer for me. Anne, please do tell... whats up with the house plans?! Mikes parents bought an old farmhouse (15 yrs ago) and completely re-did it. In the attic they found a ledger from where the house was used as a store during the CIVIL WAR! How cool! (kinda spooky too) Those old houses have lots of ttales! Good luck! BTW: where the heck is your avator? Betty, hows the garage cleaning going? you know, all that rain you had - we had a little sprinkle the next day. thats it. Doc, Rene, thanks for Welcoming me here in the past. Cant say Ill report in often, but when I do - y'all are always ready to pour me a cup of hot coffee! Thanks! :wave: :wave: :wave: Its 8am. Marcus just called my mom and told her that Max (hubbys damn dog) was hit by a car lastnight (April fools joke). My mom started cheering. :tired wish it was true. While she and I were talking, my sister (who had spent the night over there) told her that my dad had just slipped and fallin down outside - hurt his arm. Another April fools joke (but they "got us" on that one) Its gonna be a long day.
  6. These are the BEST though. Our bodies show us something different more often then the scale. Thank God! Have an awesome time shopping. There's so much more to chose from in your NEW size!!! (plus, its stylish too! woo hoo)
  7. paula

    My BIL got a Purple Heart!

    Anne, What a special sign of bravery. This is something that he will have for the rest of his life! He is truly blessed.
  8. paula

    Gone for Good Club - April 2006

    LOL - Here I am!!! should I post todays weight? or could I pleeeeease wait till Wednesday?
  9. paula

    Esophogeal Danger for Bandsters

    can you bring a friend? Last night we went to Chilie's. I had been anticipating their chips and dip for a couple of hours (now if thats NOT addiction, not sure what it). Honest to God, when I put my first chip/dip in my mouth, I had a chill. From what I understand, Prilosec deals more with the acid. Nexium targets the esophagus (heals). Thats why I was wondering if she kept you on Prilosec. Cant wait to hear what this addict specialist is going to say/do. Its 7am here. Ive got Mike in the back yard with a welding machine putting on the final touches on my cage. Shall he make another one?
  10. paula

    Looks Like Band Removal For Me

    Karen, it almost sounds like the problems you were/are having may not be band related??? (crossing my fingers) My goodness, you sure have a busy time ahead... all the doctor visits between you, hubby & mom. Im really concerned about your husbands condition. Please keep us posted. God bless!
  11. paula

    Esophogeal Danger for Bandsters

    Lisa, Are you still on Prilosec? What about Nexium? Doc didnt want to change it?
  12. paula

    Oh, LapBand, We Meet Again

    Dont worry StrawartS, at this point, I welcome a good pb.
  13. paula

    Esophogeal Danger for Bandsters

    I thought about this yesterday afternoon. All of these bandsters have/had esophagus problems since banding (Im sure Ive forgotten some): Mary (bubbame), Lisa (DeLarla), Geezer Sue, Leatha, KarenB, Alexandra
  14. paula

    Potty-Training Boys???

    Hey Kathy, If he's into Spiderman tell him that if he tee's in the potty ALL day today then thisafternoon you and him (or he and Dad) will go to Walmart and buy him his own SPIDERMAN (actionfigure). Oh yeah, and when Philip would tee tee (then progresseed to pooing) - me or Mike would make the announcement and it was like a family party. Dancing, clapping, indian woo-woo's.... all 5 of us ended up in the smallest room in the house (bathroom), cheering for the smallest person in the house - together, at the same time! He liked that attention. (we almost got carried away with it!) But heck, like i said, dont stress yourself or him about this. If he cant get it now, wait another month or 2 then try again. For me, this is all part of the process. This was my second attempt for Philip. The first time was in December when he had just turned 3. I tried for a week. Realized that HE needed more time. Couple of months later, this task seemed effortless. Just remember, its no big deal.
  15. paula

    Potty-Training Boys???

    Kathy, He may not be interested in this right now. No big deal. Never met a kid that started K in diapers. On the other hand, you have to catch him staight out of bed to get the first morning pee - even if you bring him outside and let him Water a tree (if dad's got the toilet reserved). And when you are home, its ok to let him stay w/o a diaper - alot of people find that this is the safest and best way to train. just like the others have said.... each kiddie is different. Iv never used the potty chair with any of my kids. But for Anne we bought the little toilet ring that sits on top of the regular toilet seat - so she wouldnt fall in. That may be another idea for you to try. And it seems that its when we went places (shopping) and I would spring the idea, "You need to potty???" I realized he just wanted to check out the bathroom, but ended up using it as well. How old of a 3 yr old is he?
  16. paula

    Happy Birthday Banded for Life!

    Hi Keri Hope you had an awesome day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  17. Hi Crystal - WELCOME WELCOME! Wow, Monday morning??? Its really easier then I thought it would be. Just remembe to walk as much as possible after surgery. It helps rid the body of the gas used during the procedure. Good luck!
  18. paula

    Happy Birthday Banded-For-Life

    Hey Keri - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you had a wonderful day. God bless~
  19. paula

    American Idol

    :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: Oh NO! I didnt see THAT! Knowing that he is married... that really makes me dislike her even more!
  20. paula

    American Idol

    LOL Janet!!! I am SO glad you saw it too. I was getting worried that I shouldnt have said that on here. I was :nervous AND :confused: ! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! for seeing it and saying so. Yep - not just a minx, but a NAUGHTY little minx. Simon had her pegged from the get go. I told ya! hehe Kim??? Where the heck are you? ((If anybody else noticed that - SHE did))
  21. Kat, if your hubby is still not 100% for this - then I would be nervous to continue persuing this operation at this time. Listen to your man. Im telling you from experience. ((hugs))
  22. paula

    Esophogeal Danger for Bandsters

    Lisa, Ive thought about you all day today. I figured you went to the doc for some good ole diet pills. Phew, this stuff you just posted is giving me the shakies. Im glad you clarified what Barrett's is. A pre-cancerous thing? Im scared now. And all they gave you is prilosec? Nothing stronger? Im ready for a endoscope.
  23. paula

    Here is my Grandson (14yr old)

    Penni - thats some fine looking boys you have!! I bet y'all had a blast.
  24. I deleted my first reply - cause after I re-read it - it was way too confusing. PLUS, I like Wheetsin's idea better. Wheetsin, Im going by PetSmart today. Im gonna get some and try it. Believe me, I have plenty of opportunities for trying a new product :confused:. Ill let you know how it works.
  25. paula

    American Idol

    Stacy, I never thought of that Where is Bucky's fan base?? I agree. re: Chris and Kelli. Remember what Simon said about her?? A naughty little minx. Chris looks like a good guy - decent morals. ' Its HER! Janet - when you re-watch last night's show, look how close she is to him. I dont trust her. Maybe its just cause they have the NC bond. ((although she dosent seem that close to Bucky!))

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