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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Please pray for my family................

    Awe Jess... death is so hard to overcome! This is the 4th breast cancer related death Ive heard about in a week... so sad. May Eternal Rest Grant unto her, O Lord. Let Perpetual Light shine upon her. And may she rest in Heavenly peace. God bless you and your family~
  2. paula

    American Idol

    I didnt think any of them sounded great last night. Kellie (which country is her thing) sounded like Reba. Nothing special. I seem to like it better when they have a particular person's music to sing. Im not a big Stevie Wonder fan, but his style of music is so large that each of the contestants found something that worked for them. I liked that. PLUS - I like the fact that Stevie was there to give personal advice. I just think that its unfair to MAKE these people sing styles of music that they are completely out of touch with. Like Mandesa singing Country. I mean, come on?! OF COARSE SHE DIDNT CONNECT! duh. I am clueless as to who could be going home tonight. Bucky? Ace maybe? Kellie (wishful thinking)? But tonight is when you can see Kellie making all her moves on Chris. For 2 weeks (maybe longer) Ive noticed they were sitting on the couch next to each other ((Probably the producers pick a seating chart)).
  3. paula

    Phentermine anyone?

    You know, I take 1/2 tenuate every now and then. It helps curb my appetite. Ive noticed that if I take it on an empty stomach, I get all the crazy side effects. But if I eat something and take it with a little food - the jitters are much better, and i dont feel like Im on speed. You can try this with the G/adipex and see if it works.
  4. paula

    Gone for Good Club - April 2006

    c184.4 actually, the first time I weighed I saw 185.6. Then I restepped on the scale (an inch farther back) and it said 184.4.
  5. paula

    Potty-Training Boys???

    Amy - Girl! Dont stess about this. Maybe he needs a little more time? Im gonna say a speical prayer for you and little Andy. LOL And honestly, your man did the manly thing this morning. :huggie: Philip pooped twice in his pants since this started. I made such a BIG deal about how gross poo is - stinky and yucky (sticking my tounge out - gagging). Disgusting! YUCK! No BIG boys poop in thier pants. Not Daddy, not Bubbs, not Pop, not Papaw, not Mr Al (his friend/our neighbor). Yuck, Yuck... uughhh! Id say all of this while cleaning him. I guess with all that mental anguish, the poor kid realized that he better poop in the right place. But it worked. update on Philip: I would classify him as officially "potty trained". He does both quite well - on his own (week 3 now). Doesnt even tell anyone. This is good. No accidents since day 2. Happy time in our house. Very good. Life is good. We are happy... yippie. But there's one problem :tired . He enjoys pooping *OUTSIDE*! ...like a dog! He WILL do it on the toilet and not even tell me. But there are times when he wants to run outside and "do it in the grass". I dunno. Whats that saying? Dysfunction Junction. And Kelly, good luck on staring over! How old is Dylan now?
  6. paula

    Potty-Training Boys???

    Kathy ~~~WWOOOO HHOOOO~~~ Tyler poo-pooed in the BIG potty! How exciting! Those big sisters are really little momma's, you know! Hey - I think Rachel should get a prize too... for helping out! And I loved the toothpaste idea. Never thought of that one.
  7. Dody, Death is such a hard experience. I guess that's why the bible says that those that grieve shall be blessed. Because of tonights A.I. youve probably thought more about your husband and your lives together then youve allowed yourself to do in quite a while. Its ok to be sad. But on the other hand, youve spent an evening with your husband! Thank God we can only remember the good/positive memories of our loved one. The memories that warm our hearts and make us smile. I think thats another way God blesses us through grieving. Having only wonderful memories of them. (((hugs))) Tomorrow you will feel refreshed and renewed.
  8. paula

    From our vacation...

    Mandy ~ LOOK how small you are! WOW. The 3 of you look so happy. Glad you had a wonderful time.
  9. paula

    Missing Members...

    Has anyone else pulled up Nana's profile? Gosh y'all, everything's been deleted... EVERYTHING :ban: wonder what happened?
  10. paula

    Happy Birthday Dawg!

    thats SOOOOO sweet! Hey Dawg ~ hope you had a super duper day! Happy Happy Day to you... and many more!
  11. Hi! Welcome to LBT! Wow - you did great with your first month. -28 pounds? WOWEE, thats great!!! So, you got your first fill today? You feeling ok? Glad to have ya! And again... WELCOME!
  12. paula

    back in the saddle again.....

    woohoo Kim ~ Youre gonna smoke us now! This is when losing weight is actually FUN. :ban:
  13. awe Shanna ~ ((((hugs)))) I wish there was something that would/could make this better. Fortunately you are way ahead of the game. Youve lost a whopping amount of weight - something that may have been impossible without the band. That's worthy of praise! What a wonderful support group you will find among the other LBT Bandless members. Im sure, there will be many more to join your new group. :ban: just leave the light on for us.
  14. paula

    Missing Members...

    hmmm, Wheetsin - Im not sure. "Younger" - meaning her avator was a picture of her as a child... in a pool? What about Nana & Ill Succeed. Theyve been quiet too. And Madeline's Mom.... Where's everybody going?
  15. paula

    This really is unbelievable.

    Randy, Have you received any bills in from the doc. or hosp. for amounts due?
  16. paula

    Obesity and marriage problems

    Jules, I just wanna commend you for "speaking out" about such a personal issue. Because of your cry for help, Im overjoyed at the others (like you) that have decided to "speak out" as well. My heart hurts for each one of you. "Happiness isnt having everything you want. Happiness is when you WANT everything you already have." God bless you Jules, and each of you that is in the similear situation.
  17. paula

    Round of applause for Asphalt Angel!!!

    How awesome!!!! BIG Congrat's JoLynn.... WOW -54 pounds??? ....in 3 months??? I think youve just made lapband history!
  18. paula

    Francesca's official Harley Babe thread!

    Have I told you lately that I love you.... AND your pictures! Tell Francesca *HI* from LBT! BTW: who's the girl on the left - the one in the green pants?
  19. paula

    My 1 yr Bandaversary....

    Kellie, What a great first thing to read on Monday morning. I can relate to so many things in this post.... Absolutely! And isnt it funny that we didnt even realize that we were this way until we lost weight. Losing weight is the biggest healer for so many ailments. Physical, emotional, mental. Im so excited for you! And I praise your effort for "doing something about it"...
  20. paula

    Potty-Training Boys???

    Hey Kathy~ just being my usual pesky self... hows little Spidey doing with the pottying?
  21. paula

    Problems all day with forum

    Yep! Me too. Thankful that Im not the only one.
  22. paula

    The root of the problem

    I just re-read my reply. I have no idea why I posted that analogy. Doesnt even make a lot of sense... Kat - Sorry! my frame of mind is, well, not so "framed" today!
  23. paula

    Alright guys, need some help!

    Cheri, For my second fill, I was on the recommended liquid diet for 24 hours, soft for another 24, etc. When it was time for food, (like you) I would pb after the second bite. It took about 2 weeks of this back and forth stuff before I completely started over. ONLY liquids for at least 2 days (VERY important to have these 2 days of liquids. IF you can handle 3, 4, 5 days of liquids only, then go for it! Its almost impossible for me to do this more then 2 days post banding.) Once you start with the soft foods, use extreme caution (pudding, yogurt, soft soups) and the slower the better. Try counting to 20 between swallowing's. Along with everyone else's words of wisdom, this should help!
  24. paula

    South Beach Diet Protein Bar

    Dody, I cant find them. ...Ill keep checking.
  25. paula

    Met DH birth mom this week

    Shanna, I love stories like this one. Its another chapter in your husbands life book. And I totally commend your husband for being SO open to all of this happening (seemingly at once). Im sure its just as exciting for you as well. Looking for certain features or resemblances of a blood relative is always interesting and often rewarding! How's his adoptive mom dealing with all of this? Here's a blessing of peacefulness during this new adventure for your entire family!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
