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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. Donna, this is the first time Ive ever heard of using the flap for reconstruction. I was in awe to see the reconstruction job on some of those patients! Totally impressed. You have a goal/time line for all of this work to take place.. very wise! Its hard for many of us to give direction on an issue like this - until one goes through it, we're not sure what we would do... but this option looks very logical! And definately one I would consider if I were in your shoes. Good luck!
  2. paula

    Flipped Port

    Hi K@t :wave: - where the heck have you been? I hate that this happened - but its one of the more commen issues with lap-band. Id be the same way - worried and scared! Other then this, hows the weightloss going? I sure miss you!
  3. paula

    What happened to Tired Old Man?

    Tired Old Man & Bitter Old Hag... Now THATS a pair! :biggrin1: :biggrin1: Love you both!
  4. paula

    Lap Band and automobile accidents

    Phew -what a close call. SO glad to hear you're OK! Have you noticed any loss/gain of restriction? That would be my first indication that something is wrong. I agree, sounds like a some bruising issues. But you are wise in calling the MD - even if its just for chart notation!
  5. paula

    Nausea after a fill?

    You may request a script for zofran - its much better then phenergan... Very FEW of us have experienced nausea with a fill. Every now and then someone will say they had it - but not often! Good luck!
  6. paula

    hi from MN

    Jenny, WELCOME to LBT! As far as your question, here is a great site that helps US know when a fill is near... http://lapbandtransformation.com/Adjustments.htm
  7. paula

    Dropped By to say Hi & GURD??

    OK Kim - Cokes are a Big no-no, you know this! But just incase youve caused a flare-up by drinking them, try getting some prilosec and take it for a few days. See if this helps. If not - then Id call the MD! Ive had several stomach issues (reflux, heartburn) brought on by different things and the Prilosec has been my best remedy. Good luck!
  8. Hey Kaleigh!! My Goodness, you look AMAZING!!! My jaw dropped when I saw your current pic. 160? Youre gonna look like the Halloween skeleton's that are hanging in the stores! Spiegel, right? Are you still getting adjustments?
  9. Hey Pam, Since this thread is a few days old, im assuming that you have more news on your removal... ? Crummy news indeed!!! And so sorry to hear its happening to another LBTer. I have a question.. when you were having your stomach pains, did you try taking anything for it? Like Prilosec? OR - did you take any type of acid reducers on a regular basis? Also - if you decide on some type of conversion, will your insurance pay for it? Good luck, Sister! We're thinking about you.
  10. Pam, Im going to find your post. Gosh, I sure HATE hearing that dreaded E-word! Tricia, Question.. did your insurance pay for the conversion?
  11. paula

    I joined Weight Watchers today...

    Hey Michelle, update us on the WW, please? or.. just give us a general update on yourself :biggrin1: !!! Miss you!
  12. paula

    Slowly it goes.

    HI Bobby :wave: Glad to know that 3 years later you are still holding on.. I applaud you for the rededication! Good luck, Man!
  13. paula

    So Unhappy...

    Hey Carrie, just checking in you.. how ar things going since your unfill?
  14. paula

    School Bully's

    Marcus (my oldest) is 11 and is in 5th grade. He just had his first physical altercation with a school bully. The 'bully' is also a 5th grader and has had MANY issues with the school. For example, the big issues are destroying school property & theft.. always in trouble! My boy hasnt ever been in trouble (neither has 95% of the kids in his grade). He goes to a magnet school where the kids have to score a certain level to qualify for this program.. so, 'troubled kids' arent a big issue here. Anyway, about a month ago the Bully had issues with my daughter - he started calling her names. She was VERY upset (Goodness, she's in K and the Bully's in 5th grade!!) so I consulted the Principal - and she handled the situation. Things have been calm since then.. until today. An exchange of words happened between Marcus and Bully. Bully started punching Marcus in the back. Marcus turned and pushed him down - telling him to leave him alone. Bully took Marcus' backpack and flung it across the school yard then went back at Marcus - rolling up his sleeves and started hitting him in the arm! Everything happened so fast.. Im there to p/u the kids.. Marcus gets in the van upset. He starts telling me the story and showing me the marks on his arm that Bully had just made. I pull to the front of the school and get the principal involved. So here is where I need LBT's help... if this were YOUR kid involved in this situation - HOW would you advise him to handle himself IF this happens again? (repeated hits) Mike and I have talked to Marcus many MANY times about a hypothetical situation of a bully picking on him - and for him to get the bully's attention by good eye contact, and telling him to LEAVE ME ALONE. Standing his ground. But this was different. It became physical. All you Moms/Dads/Educators/Grandparents... what is YOUR advice??
  15. paula

    Pregnancy Question

    awe, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What awesome news! Yep - we have a couple of bandsters that are preggo's (or just had one). You may look up PinkMary & Lioness, they are a few months along. So far, Ive heard of nothing bad happening to mom or baby. Good luck! and keep us posted with baby news!
  16. paula

    which side is our port on?

    Mine is directly in the middle of my tummy, just below my sternum
  17. Hey Cal - this IS good news! Thanks for sharing. If you dont mind telling - what state are you in? I truly believe medicaid SHOULD cover -in extreme cases- some form of WLS. Good luck!
  18. paula

    So Unhappy...

    Hey Carrie - Big Hugs to you. Something is not right. How long has this been going on? Did you talk to your surgeon, and what did he say? Please keep us updated. Hang in there, kiddo - k?
  19. paula

    School Bully's

    PaulaX, Great point - and its something I DO need to discuss with him. Thanks for that thought! He and need to talk about the issues you mentioned... although I DID breathe a big sigh of relief when Marcus told me that he wasnt scared of Bully - but he was scared of his principal! He respects authority, which Im happy to hear. Winner, Equality isn't always equal! how true! Fortunately his principal is fair. Marcus told her that he pushed Bully away... she told him that he did right!!! Thank God! But you are right, too many times BOTH kids are punished which is sad for the victim/student. They are hurt twice, once by the bully and second from the school! I think thats when I would suggest home-schooling!
  20. paula

    School Bully's

    Brenda, Your daughter did more for that kid then any counseling session! I agree, sometimes kids just need to work-it-out themselves. Im really concerned about your friends daughter not eating. How long has it been since this has been going on? ..and she's just a 6th grader?????? OMG! middle school is such crucial years for girls! Whats the BIG deal with these young guys having issues over girls with weight problems? Thats what (our) Bully's problem started with a month ago - calling my 6yr old FAT! Come on, she's 6 yrs old! He called her fat, then said her brother was fat - and went on to call her whole family fat! She was devistated!!! This little turd crushed her and her entire world. Especially on this forum - I think the majority of us experienced some sort of 'prejudicism' over size... and most of the time, it was the oppostie sex that initiated it! Why? Why is size an issue for these boys - at such a young age? Back to your friends daughter - HER bully's parents need to be contacted.. this could end in some type of failure of health!!!!
  21. paula

    School Bully's

    Mandy - thats the Golden Question.. HOW does this child remain at our school? Why not send him to a regular public school so he can mingle with kids on his level.
  22. paula

    School Bully's

    Hey Guys - have I told you lately HOW much I love yall?! I do. Trizzy - youre check list is pretty much the same as here. Since this was Bully's second time harrassing MY kids, Im feeling pretty angry today - like suspension isnt the solution. Its a holiday for this kid! The principal told me that Bully couldnt give a reason for lashing at Marcus! He had no excuse as to WHY he did it. My main reason for posting this drama is to find out how America is teaching their kids to react to bully's with physical contact. Mike is encouraging Marcus to knock the shit out of the boy IF it ever happens again... Dad doesnt want his boy to be a wimp! Although IF Marcus were to strike back, he would be suspended as well. crazy laws!
  23. paula

    School Bully's

    Mrs. Hughes, I wanted you to know that I have taken care of the incident and the student has been suspended. I will assign the other student a place at car pick up away from Marcus UPDATE: I just received this email from our principal. At this point - Im angry! Suspension is the least thing that this boy needs... I like what someone said about insisting on Bully seeking counseling. Anyway - anymore great advice out there?
  24. paula

    School Bully's

    Thanks y'all! His Principal is awesome! No doubt that she will properly handle this situation. Bully has been suspended numerous times.. we just cant figure out WHY he's still enrolled at our school?! My main concern is over self-defense. Mike told Marcus that IF this were to ever happen again - he needs to fight back! Bully is much smaller then Marcus - which is why Marcus didnt 'fight back'. Besides, Marcus is scared to death of 'fighting' - thinking he will get kicked out of the school. Which brings me back to my original question.. What are you teaching your kids to do regarding these types of bully's? Fight back? just ignore the punches? run and tell an adult?
  25. paula

    What's the MPG on Your Car?

    I need feedback from regular folks - not a car forum.. so please help! I recently bought a 2 yr old Corolla... thinking it would pay for itself by getting a really GOOD mpg - like 30 (in town) - which is what I need for my small delivery type job. Im not asking for anyone to help my issues (Ive already done a ton of things PLUS had the dealership check it out)... just wanting those that have small cars or motors to please tell me what type of car you have and whats your mpg.. please? Im only getting approx 21 mpg not good!

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