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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula


    GIRL! I saw this thread earlier today but I couldnt post - I was running late (as usual). :clap2: :clap2: What AWESOME news! :clap2: :clap2: Its gonna be here before you know it. A BIG WAHOOO and a high-five to you! Think you'll sleep tonight?? :biggrin1:
  2. paula

    PCOS Treatment Options Help?

    Kim, Im chiming in here - basically just to keep up with this thread. But I did want to add something... I have all the symptoms of PCOS that you do - I even have regular periods as well. When I brought my concerns up (regarding PCOS) MY gyn said that if a patient has regular periods then they do NOT have PCOS... i dunno. Now Im confused. (I usually stay that way)
  3. paula

    Gardening Questions and Pictures

    100 different types of roses??? wow. speaking of Roses! My 5 yr old wants a rose bush. I live in SW Louisiana - very hot and humid summers. What type of rose bushs do any of you recommend?
  4. paula

    Gardening Questions and Pictures

    M - How much do you charge? I need some yard work done... hehe :party: Your place is awesome! Looks like your babies enjoy it too. I bet you have lots of wild birds that visit your place. You guys are giving us fantastic ideas!!! I even showed these pictures to Mike. He likes this stuff as much as I do. do any of you find that yard beautifing is addicting??? The more flowers/plants I buy, the more I want. :phanvan
  5. paula

    Need Advise - I'm a bit too tight

    Yikes, Girl! Id go for an unfill. Slight one. If you are NOT able to have ANY solids than you are probably too tight. My other suggestion would be to wait it out - sometimes fills "loosen" over a little time. But it looks like its either now or in another month.... so I say go now. And if you need more later, then get more later! Its better to be safe, then sorry. To be honest, your 2nd fill seems to be a little aggressive(1.0 cc added). The first fill you had is generally speaking a 'normal' amount. My doctor usually does the 2nd, 3rd and so on in .2 - .3cc increments (even less then this at times). A gradual increase.
  6. Sarah, Gosh, I just wanna itch those things for you... As a message board, I dont think we are -allowed- to 'OK' the removal of those stapels. If you chose to take those stapels out, then it needs to be completely YOUR decision, ok? I had 3 bikini line c-sections, and all 3 times I only had steri-strips to keep the incision closed. When a mother is 300 pounds with an extemely large apron, steri strips on a bikini line have no chance of survival! Thankfully, my guts never fell out! Please keep us posted as to what you decide to do.
  7. Awe Sarah, that looks so bad :party: Why dont you give your doc a call in the morning and possibly email him these pics?? My staples irritated me and caused redness, so I took 'em out starting about 4 or 5 days post op. By the time I had my first visit, I only had 4 staples left in my belly! I dont remember if I applied anything (like an antibiotic cream) - but i DO remember it was a TOTAL relief when I would take one out.
  8. paula

    Gardening Questions and Pictures

    OMGoodness.... you people are making me SO jealous! Melissa, that pond is unbelievable. Honestly. That is beautiful! Leatha!!!! have you added to your pond? I absolutely LOVE it! The picture of your spider lily (#2) touched my heart - my grandma's house was in the country and her yard seem to have tons of those lilies growing all over. LOVED all the pictures. Some seemed like you could submit them for photography awards.
  9. paula

    Gardening Questions and Pictures

    Kim, you made me laugh out loud. Too funny!
  10. paula

    No Edit Buttons?

    Im having a very hard time shaking this thread... sorry guys. Lisa - WHY are you taking everything SO out of context? Not just with me, but with SO many others as well? Now you have brought in 4 other members - PLUS added things fom another thread just to prove your point?? The time that you spent on your above post by copying and pasting is impressive, but is it worth it? Do we really want to spend SO much time reading into other peoples intentions? I dont. This is a message board. We have NO idea what is pivately going on around those of us that post on here. Everything I read on this board is taken loosely... with that thought in mind. I am extremely *EXTREMELY* extremely extremely offended by the past postings on this thread by you. I have now taken this as a personal attack - which is against LBT board rules! And I have contacted a moderator regarding this. Ive had *7* (new and old) members send me PM's ALSO seeing this as a personal attack on me. Like I said above, I gave an apology covering ANYTHING I posted on this thread BEFORE any of your comments were added. The friends that I have (new and old/real and cyber) seem to take value in those words. Why dont you?
  11. paula

    Gardening Questions and Pictures

    jenny, I wish I knew! Im sure you Water it regularly? Have you tried a fertilizer with it? ALL flowering shrubs and bushes have never lasted more then a month at my house. Wish I could help. Kare, can I get Penni to post your garden pics as side by sides? I must say - my mouth dropped open when I saw them. Ever thought about having a retreat in your FRONT yard? My goodness - that is beautiful!
  12. paula

    Happy Bitthday Mariposa Bella

    Hey Estela! Hope you have a wonderful day with that new HOT body!!!! Happy Birthday!
  13. paula

    No Edit Buttons?

    I posted 3 times on this thread. My apology was for ANY participation in this discussion. ((hugs)) to all those my "newbie" comment may have hurt. I honestly didnt mean it to cause this.
  14. paula

    New Mother Makeover

    Ive never even heard of this. BTW: do we know you? hehe :biggrin1: :hug: Glad to see you back!
  15. paula

    Apron Removal

    I wanna see some pics too. Honestly. This would be the only type of PS that I would most likely consider.
  16. paula

    Fish - Need Help!

    ahhh, Ive never heard of a K@t NOT liking fish.... hehe :biggrin1: Shontel AND Heather are getting banded next week???? Oh my goodness! Only advice: Watch out for all the "last suppers"!
  17. paula


    Dovie, Out of everything Ive read on this thread, YOUR story gave me the creeps. sooooo weird. And your husband has NEVER talked about it? wow.
  18. paula

    Fish - Need Help!

    Hey Shontel! There is a tilapia fish thread somewhere around here. It has great ideas of different ways to make it.... hang on, lemme find it! Here it is! http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=14696 Now catfish ALSO goes down real well. But the only way I really like catfish is with corn meal batter then fried. good for the taste, but NOT good for the body. Try the tilapia out. Sams has a big bag for around $10. If you want me to get with you and give you a couple of fillets (along with the lime pepper) so you can try it out first - I dont mind. Just let me know! tilapia = yumyum!
  19. paula

    Missing Members...

    ((Im responding to something from another thread here)) When the hurricane damaged our area last fall, we were without internet for about 6 weeks. That was a long enough time away from LBT that this place was absolutely purged from my addiction. I didnt think I was missed. And after I sank into a "I thought these people were my friends" depression, I realized... I come here for - ME. I need this place - this place doesnt need me. I need LBT. I need the support. I need the prayers that others offer. I need the laughs. I need the friendships. I need the food ideas. I need the exercising encouragement. I need the cry's. I need the reminders of being a good bandster. I need the love. I need the debates (helps me see things in a different perspective) I need everything LBT offers. Others dont need LBT like this. But I do.
  20. paula

    No Edit Buttons?

    Hey Mandy, Im gonna respond to your latest reply on this thread, on my Missing Members thread (so I dont hijack this one). :biggrin1: http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=16862
  21. paula

    Apron Removal

    Amy, Just wondering if youve found anyone that has had this done? Id like to hear their story!
  22. paula

    Missing Members...

    Hey guys, I just wanted to say that before I ask about someone's absence on here and declare them an official Missing Member, I check out their profile to see when their "date of last activity" was. Sometimes members log on and do lots of reading, and feel the need to do very little posting (like Whippledaddy). Looking at the last activity date just lets us know that they are still ALIVE! :biggrin1: its late. am I making any sense?
  23. paula

    No Edit Buttons?

    Dearest Mandy, Since Im the person that started the "Missing Persons" thread, Im feeling a huge sense of sadness for your hurt. I am so so so so so sorry for not mentioning your absence. Im going to send you a pm to explain something, ok? ((hugs)) you ARE extremely valuable around here. Everyone is! Regarding thread topic: I had an outting earlier and really starting thinking about my "stoking the fire" on this thread. I just felt the need to apoligize to all of you for even adding something - anything. Once I thought about it, I realized that none of this is really a big deal. Im still gonna be addicted to this place - whether I can delete my threads, edit my post, or not. sorry to Mandy. sorry to everyone else.
  24. paula

    Gardening Questions and Pictures

    Carola! Holy cow - those hibiscus flowers are B E A U T I F U L!!!! What do you use? Miracle grow??
  25. paula

    Gardening Questions and Pictures

    Hi everyone! awe, Im so happy someone else is interested in gardening. Trish, as much as I love flowers, Im not very good with them. The blue one has only lived here about a month. Well see what another month does to it. (LOL) Kare, Im impressed. Do tell. Do you pour liquid coffee in the fern's pot?? or just the grindes? ooohh, I love this idea. Thanks Cant wait to see other pictures everyone!

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