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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    American Idol

    I kinda got that! Ok, maybe Im just a late bloomer. But has Paula had a problem with drugs/alcohol before?
  2. paula

    For K@t

    Hey Heather! Wow, today's the BIG day (already) ~~~ WELCOME to the Band Wagon, Kiddo! Cant wait to see you 'purrrrrring' around. :cat:
  3. paula

    Happy Birthday La_Madam :)

    Today is your 40th Birthday??? Oh my goodness..... this IS a BIG day. HaPPy BiRtHdAy Michelle! We love you so much - hope you are having an awesome day!
  4. paula

    Gardening Questions and Pictures

    :omg: 3loves :omg: My dream is to have a REAL veggie garden. Funny how you said that - thats how you were raised. I think we ALL grew up tending a garden. NOW we grow up with Walmart having everything :bananadoggywow: . The family picture... thats priceless.
  5. paula

    American Idol

    Pat, WHAT DID YOU HEAR about Ryan and Paula on GMA?????????
  6. paula

    Got me a fill (fingers Xed)

    Nana, give me more details. Since you and I were banded less then a month apart, I like to keep up with your 'problems'. Did the tightness occur suddenly? Did you have any Reflux associated with this? last question... has your doctor ever requested for you to get an endoscopy? I really REALLY need a check-up. But... but... but... -cant find a good enough excuse NOt to go - just procrastination, i guess.
  7. paula

    Gardening Questions and Pictures

    Lisa, We have a HORRIBLE time with clover growing in our yard. What usually helps our problem is just plain ole 'Weed N Feed' found at Walmart. Have you tried anything like Round-Up in the areas that have NO flowering plants? Good luck. Your place is SO neat and clean - AND pretty!
  8. paula

    American Idol

    Pat, we didnt see GMA this morning... what's going on between those two? Is there anyone around here (besides Dody) that LIKES Kellie?
  9. paula

    American Idol

    Guys, I thought Kat was really GOOD! Elliot did very well also, so did Chris. Janet, tell Mikey that my Mike noticed how they always cut Simon off (and Ive never told him that YOU noticed it too). Thats wrong! So aggravating. My vote was for Elliot and Katherine last night. Did anyone else notice the audience giving Kellie a standing ovation at the end of her song? uuugh. yuck!
  10. paula

    PCOS Treatment Options Help?

    holy crap! After reading this, my beard isnt such a big deal anymore. :beard Thanks Sammee for that info. Fortunately we have a local herbal/vitamin shop here. I was going to ask them about an alternative to take.
  11. paula

    Accident - now what?

    Oh my Goodness... what a lucky man you have - Lucky to be ALIVE! Although the air bags are to prevent a death, they usually hurt worst then pain of the accident alone. SO so glad everyone was alive. So glad. ((hugs))
  12. paula

    Gardening Questions and Pictures

    How true! Betty and Pat have gardens that would knock our socks off... wish they would show us what they got! :confused: Heather, I just added my picture to my above post. I guess they arent the same plant? You can see from my newly added picture - they sure look alot alike!
  13. paula

    Gardening Questions and Pictures

    Another Question... what do you use for bugs/insects on your plants?
  14. paula

    The Mommy Test ~ Funny

    How cute! The innocence of kids always gets to my heart. Thanks for sharing!
  15. paula

    Almost 6 months out...

    A Life Changing experience... Thats what WLS has done for most of us. Like you, I thank God I made this WLS decision everytime I go shopping! BIG HUGE HUGS AND CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Your story made me smile!
  16. paula

    Gardening Questions and Pictures

    oh, and Heather, The baby girl in the middle of your pic is the best flower on this thread! :bounce: What a cutie pie!
  17. paula

    Gardening Questions and Pictures

    Hey Carola, I would LOVE some of those hibiscus seeds. Think they will take in this area?? Heather, I have one of those plants. Actually I have several. I L O V E them. Keep in mind, they love the sun and Water. They DO look alot like Petunia's, but they are actually called something like, calamantra?, something with a "cal" beginning (could be a type of petunia?). I cant remember the exact name. And they also droop. wow. So I prefer them in a flower pot (or hanging basket)high enough to see the beauty of them drooping. They make such beautiful flowers. I have purple, red, yellow AND peach colored. Can you tell I love em? I'll post my pictures later as an "edit" to this post. Myra, thanks a zillion for those links. You sure dont know much about roses, do you... :biggrin1: (LOL) Im scared to get one - scared Im not going to be able to maintain it! Thanks for the recommendation! Ill let you know what I find.
  18. paula

    Gone for Good Club - April 2006

    What day of the week is "weigh-in" day? Monday OR Wednesday???
  19. paula

    I need your advise

    Hey Trish... I was just thinking about you. How are ya??
  20. paula

    Fish - Need Help!

    Now THATS a true friend! ...only on LBT, Folks. ONLY on LBT!
  21. Getting those staples out is right next to your first REAL food post surgery. :rockon: Oh Yeah Baby, What a relief!
  22. paula

    Fish - Need Help!

    Heather, Amy is right! Tilapia has NO fishy taste at all. I wonder if you can find it in your neck of the woods? Kristin, IF YOU TRY IT - let me know, ok? (the tilapia parmeseam fish) and let us know HOW you cook it. :biggrin1:
  23. paula

    PCOS Treatment Options Help?

    Tricia, I agree with you about the list of symptoms (having all or just one can be signs of PCOS). Sooooo, *the big question* why get all the special testing done if there is NO treatment plan available for this specific condition? Just for the knowledge of knowing you have it?? (does that make sense?? ) Back to Kim's original question... Anyone know of an alternative (herbal?) drug to treat this?
  24. paula

    Fish - Need Help!

    oh-oh I just thought about something... I went to Sams yesterday. I saw parmesan (sp?) coated tilapia fish. Anyone try this??? Looked good. Wish they wouldve been sampling it. (((anyone else go there for the sample tasting???))
  25. paula

    Fish - Need Help!

    LOL - this place is ALL about HOAKEY moments. I just pray that all of you have safe travels AND quick recovery times!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
