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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    I just realized...

    Wow Susan. Those are wonderful realizations! RUNNING up stairs is a BIG thing. And my mouth dropped open when I read that you are ONLY 37 pounds from losing the century mark. Oh Happy Day!!!! What shocking realizations have hit you lately? That Im no longer obsessed about wondering if Im the largest person at ANY function. Its not even something that crosses my mind. And Im no longer 'scared' to go anywhere ~ like dancing, a casino, or even being in front of a large crowd, or anyplace where I may see someone that I havent seen in years. Obesity was my prison.
  2. paula

    Janet & Mikey's NSV Post

    LOL... I loved LOVED this list. Definately made me smile. You two are such an awesome team. And many many many more to come! :clap2: :clap2: GOOOOO Janet and Mikey!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. paula


    Mary, in my readings on Roseaca - they say to use a green tone for conceling. Maybe Eucerin is the right thing to use? So many choices makes me overwhelmed. Im useing the Aveeno Ultra-Calming moisturizing cream under my make-up. And the metro-cream at night when I remove all the goop off my face ~ I also have some Aveeno Clear complexion daily moisturizer (in a pump bottle)that Ive applied a couple of times here and there INSTEAD of the metro cream. Im not sure if any of this stuff is working. Kathy, Im scared that the olive oil would make my face extremely oily. Im gonna wait and see what a weeks worth of this treatment's gonna do for you.
  4. paula

    Laughlin River Run Pics

    oh Lisa! I love your biker pics! Makes me wish I was a little 'wilder'. btw:are you braless in these photos? you sexy thang.
  5. paula

    Sarah's NSV List

    Sarah, whats wrong with your face? You look gorgeous to me. And I love the new 'do'. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Thank you - Thank you for showing us a pic!
  6. paula

    American Idol

    Bye Bye Paris. Im getting bored with the show. Anyone else?
  7. paula

    A Complete Unfill! Yikes!!

    Megan, Take it one day at a time Girl! Dont look at it in a "Month long" ordeal. One day at a time... even one moment at a time. I would *think* that a complete unfill would make me SOOO paranoid of gaining, that I would actually freak everytime I would put a bite of food in my mouth. Ultimately losing, instead of gaining (like Alex). Hang in there. Oh, and you get a BIG hig-five for quickly responsing to the Reflux issue! :high5:
  8. paula


    wowee Crys.! First of all, it sure is good to see you back. Welcome home! We have missed you. Phew! You have a right to be stressed out. Thats alot going on for one person to deal with. Im really sad to hear about your mom's diagnosis. Just remember that somthing GOOD always comes out of something BAD. She is the only mom you'll ever have. You have every right to be upset over this news. ...and OF COARSE you Wow'd him in your interview. You are awesome, intelligent, straight forward, honest, patient... I wouldnt have expected him to respond any other way! When's the BIG interview gonna be? And more stress over MORE blood work, and unanswered test. *sigh* (((hugs))) :hug: soooooo glad to see you. We were lonesome.
  9. paula

    My first baseball game

    Hi Nana! Im a baseball fan too. Who did you get to see play? Ive never been to a MAJOR league game. I heard they were awesome! Big congrat's on your first game!:clap2:
  10. Yep! I caught this one too. I just figured that his office was equiped with the right surgical tools??? and this was a commen thing for him - to perform surgery in his OFFICE??? Trish, I strongly recommend you to contact your insurance company and give a complaint against this doctor. Thats how some insurance companies drop physicians from their plans. If WE (the customer) do not complain, they (the insurance) will never know that their is a problem. ((just as a side note... Mike needed to see a ENT doctor in Houston. Our ins. had around 30 ENT physicians in network. We were clueless to any of them. I called our ins. and asked for them to recommend one. My ins. rep. first narrowed down the list by eliminating the ones that had complaints against them - complaints from patients like YOU and me.)
  11. paula

    Signs/Symptoms of Complications

    Lisa, Some bandsters can NOT eat chicken - even if its chopped in a chopper. Something about the texture of the chicken just doesnt work with their band. Are you sure you werent having a moment of being 'stuck'? This is what it sounds like to me. ?? Until something BAD occurs, then dont borrow trouble, k? This sounds easy, but I know its really hard to do at times. If the throbbing keeps up for a couple of more days, then Id call the MD.
  12. paula

    Banding and bummed!

    awe Kate, its gonna be ok! I dont think you'll need special care, just a little help here and there. Many bandsters go home to an empty environment, left to tend to themselves. I think you'll be fine. Maybe check into someone doing light housecleaning (laundry) till you are able (for a week?). And remember to stock the cupboards REALLY well before heading to the hospital. Everything's gonna work out! This will be a great opportunity for you and your husband to have some quality time. You'll see.
  13. WooHoo Kim! Seeing that date on a calendar makes everything realistic! :clap2: Congrat's on the good news.:clap2:
  14. paula

    Lap Band Complications

    Leatha, Ive often wondered if a person could experience BOTH problems at the same time. DeeDee, my heart and prayers are with you. Fortunately, you still have your life. ((hugs))
  15. paula

    Fill from hell (LONG)

    Hey Pam! Dr Spiegel is MY surgeon as well. As hard as it seems, try not to worry about what this could be. "Maybe you have some odd esophageal dysmotility thing!" or "Maybe the initial 1.6 cc made you go into spasm"? Time will tell with your next fill. And *hopefully* everything will flow smoothly. Dont worry. Be happy (at least for the next 3-4 weeks ).
  16. :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: :omg: literally, my mouth dropped open when I read this. Im not a nurse, nor am I in a medical profession. So before I REALLY get bent out of shape and start recommending that you see a GOOD mal-practice attorney, Im gonna HOPE that some of our good RN's come to Dr. Quacks side and defend him for doing this. ...no wonder you are in SO much pain. duhh. ((((hugs)))
  17. paula

    American Idol

    LOL - its not the pain pills. I thought Taylor did great! He was my favorite, although Simon gave his performance a negative review (first song).
  18. paula


    I think it is too. I wonder which is the lesser of 2 evils... Plucking for an hour a day OR lasering? Night before last I used the metro cream. Then last night I used some aveeno complexion stuff. Get this, today I had a compliment on my complexion. I even thought my face looked smoother this morning. Im just not sure if its the metro cream OR the aveeno stuff???? time will tell. I just wanna be able to go make-up less during the summer (possibly forever). wishful thinking. :nervous
  19. paula

    Louisiana girl

    I sure hope you can answer this question... Just wondering, are the surgeons in this group the ones that TEACH the banding technique to other MD's? Im in Lake Charles. The word here is, "New Orleans is where surgeons are trained in Adjustable Gastric Banding. Go to New Orleans for Premium pre and post surgery care." IF the Surgical Specialists in Covington is the same place I mentioned - AND they are doing cash prices for 13G... Then Im gonna start referring people there, INSTEAD of Houston.
  20. paula

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    *What an awesome thread to have!* The last time I checked this thread, this was the last post on it. I went to reply and was side tracked... THEN kept losing it. phew! 3loves, regarding this quote from your post... did you guys make it to church? I hope so. Weve been IN church and OUT of church through out our married lives. Funny how life seems to go much smoother when we go regularly. I will also pray for all the petitions that are presented on this thread. Leatha, I worry for your mom. 70 yrs old raising 2 kids - my goodness. My heart is broken thinking of your family, and especially for your sister. More then anyone else, SHE doesnt want to be this way. Remember, To have a resurection, you must first carry the cross. and what a horrible cross this is. God bless you and your sister, your brothers and your mom, and those pecious kids. God bless all of you that have (and havent) asked for prayers...
  21. paula

    American Idol

    Drew, They are doing 2 songs each. 1 song is from their birth year and I have no idea what the other one is. I knew 50% of your question! :biggrin1:
  22. paula


    hehe, Ill let Kathy be my guinea pig! diva, thanks for those details. I feel like I NEED an oral drug to get this going in the right direction. My treatments became disrupted last week when I had a Laser hair Removal appointment. Since my face became super sensitive for 3 days after the treatment, I stopped using the metro. cream and went back to the hydrocortisone. I didnt notice any change in my complexion. From start of Meds - to last week - to now.... everything seems the same. I feel like Im spinning my wheels.
  23. paula

    Gardening Questions and Pictures

    YES! I had *2* long stems on a 'Lily of the Nile' plant. Each stem had about 6 buds just wanting to bloom.... HE ATE THEM! All the anticipation I had built up seeing those stems produce little buds - waiting for the blooms to appear. And the damn dog ate them before they showed any color. i hate that dog. Chili pepper is NOT what I have in mind for THAT dog. jenny, so far so good! you may want to ask Carola (archermom) more about hibiscus plants. She seems to have the right idea - her hibiscus plants are HUGE ((beautiful too))! Ive seem these plants in planters AND in the ground. Im not sure if certain ones do better in one place then the other. But all Ive done is put this one in a bigger planter then the one it came in, and water it with Miracle grow once a week. Simple enough! I should have 2 more blooms open by Wed. I love flowers.
  24. paula

    Should I look for a new Dr.?

    Trish, Im glad you added your problems to your signature line. Everytime I check on this thread, there's others that are reading it. A lot of people dont know what to say. I -on the other hand- ALWAYS talk too much, and have waaay more to say then what people want to hear. sorry. What about putting the word out on LBT about the 2 doctors you mentioned above. You need feedback - fast! Ask if anyone has used these MD's before and what's their opinions of them. Girl, you need medical attention. Being in this level of pain is serious. ESPECIALLY now that its over a week and you arent any better. Are you having fever as well? This is not good. Not good at all. Have you checked air prices to get to Penni's doctor? I know its kinda far, but at this point its an option. Im worried about you Trish. Im more worried about YOU then Ive ever been about any other bandster that has developed problems. Please get the proper medical attention needed - quickly!
  25. paula

    I'm baaaaaack :)

    ~~WOHOOOOO Shontel ~~ Welcome to the Bandwagon! So glad you are home, safe and sound. Although this recovery phase is going to be a little rough, its SOOO rewarding when you step on the scale. :biggrin1: Good luck!

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