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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Whiskers On Kittens

    LMBO!!!! How true! Some of MY most favorite things... LBT.:biggrin1: the sweet smell of a new baby's breath. The sound of my kids laughing. The feeling of the sun BAKING my skin. and last, but most special to me, the Presence of God during my prayer time. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: such a beautiful thread idea, Lisa! honestly.
  2. paula

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    You Go Kathy!!!! I can tell a BIG difference too! WTG!
  3. paula

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    Hey Guys, I really need help praying for something... We have some great friends - A and B. A is pregnant with their 3rd child - nearly 5 months along. B is NOT happy about this. He is right past 40 and is freaking out because he is TOO old to have a baby (I know, its already happened!). Anyway, we've been praying for this family. My heart aches for A. Being pregnant, a womans hormones are wacky - and she isnt getting ANY support from B. Just hurtfulness. We were together lastnight and I was expeciting to hear some good news about B possibly 'coming around'. But its gotten worst. B is even considering leaving. My heart is so so saddened for this little family. A baby is supposed to bring joy, renewal, freshness, hope, and the big ones - love and unity! A baby is a GIFT from God. Its a good thing. In the OT, God would reward his faithful servents with the GIFT of a new baby. I have talked and counseled till I was BLUE in the face ~ its gonna have to come from God to change this man's heart! Please pray for A to have the strength to endure this cross... and for B to get his head out of his bum and start handeling this better. Please. Please pray for them.
  4. paula

    American Idol

    My goodness, what are we going to do on Tuesday nights now? I really really like Taylor - glad he won. Kat -to me- had a MUCH bigger range AND her voice was clearer, stronger. She's gonna get just as much as Taylor out of this deal. But I dont think Im ever gonna invest in her music. Not MY style.... BTW: And did anyone else notice how FAR Elliot had come since the start of the season? His level of confidence SO impressed me last night. I turned to hear who was singing BEFORE I knew it was Elliot. Go Elliot, GO!!! ok, and since everyone LOVES Chris, I thought Id be the sourtart and add my 2 cents about him... I could not take his screaming. So so glad HE didnt win. Taylor will actually be someone that I WILL buy a cd of. :rockon: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who was part of this thread. It was so much fun knowing we were all watching this together, then sharing our opinions about it. SOOOO Much fun!!! Cant wait till next season!
  5. paula

    So...Im Ready for the Dating Scene!>

    Hey Jodie! Ive been wondering about ya. Glad to see you around. Congrat's on the bikini thang. Post us a pic in it, please? Us old fat farts need something to get our butts in gear. :biggrin1:
  6. paula

    Fun thread: foreign languages

    :) :cool: That first line, was that a 'fur ball' or something? ((((that was waaay too cool, K@t))))
  7. paula

    Hello... I'm new

    Hi mmm, and WELCOME to LapBandTalk.com This place has such awesome information on all the MANY many threads. Just hope you have tons of time to read it all.:biggrin1: Good luck, and if you need anything, just let us know.
  8. Hey Tracey, MY thought is this - DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO!!!!!! WW is a GREAT diet. So many of their products are found at your local store - which makes so easy to follow the plan. I wish you lots of success with your continuing journey!!!
  9. paula

    Fun thread: foreign languages

    This is my one desire.... to learn a second language. Telly, my mouth dropped when I read the languages you can speak. How impressive!!!! Im like Penni - I struggle with just ONE, much less 2, 3 or 4 others! I would love to learn French. My grandmother spoke only French (cajun French though) till she was in her mid 20's - then learned English. She was simple woman - no education. My guess is that if SHE could learn a second language, then I should be able to.
  10. paula

    Oprah backs out of lapband surgery

    Im adding something to this thread so I can keep up with it. basically, just being nosey.
  11. paula

    Lotsofkids is now a Bandster

    Hey Diane ~ BIG Congrat's to you! WELCOME to Bandland!
  12. paula

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    This is EXACTLY what I was going to say. If ONE doesnt fit under the Troll category, then they shouldnt be offended. I didnt see Leatha giving personal attacks here - or anywhere. Leatha *ALWAYS* uses on-line etiquette. And I emphasis ALWAYS. I -too- am praying for this place. God bless LBT! (and esp. the "Trolls")
  13. paula

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    This is EXACTLY what I was going to say. If ONE doesnt fit under the Troll category, then they shouldnt be offended. I didnt see Leatha giving personal attacks here - or anywhere. Leatha *ALWAYS* uses on-line etiquette. And I emphasis ALWAYS. I -too- am praying for this place. God bless LBT! (and esp. the "Trolls")
  14. paula

    1st Memory of my Problem Foods

    1st Memory of my Problem Foods when I was 13, my first crush broke up with me. I ran right to the fridge and took out the left over christmas cakes. I started eating, and eating, and eating. I have come to realize that (for me) food feels good when nothing else does. Its the one positive thing I can have at the moment - when everything else is so negative. Its still the same as when I was 13.
  15. paula

    Old Disgruntled Failure Forum

    Just for the record, I wanted to let all of you know that back in 2000 I left my Thinking Cap in the Labor & Delivery room. Ive been calling the Lost and Found weekly, but nothing yet... Keeping that in mind, am I the only one that saw this????? or is the sleep deprivation causing hallucinations ALONG with the disgruntled failure stuff.
  16. Janet, where are you going girl? You are disappearing from us - literally! Keep up the -obvious- great work! Donna, where is your avator? YOU ARE GORGEOUS!!! If I looked half that good, Id splash my mug all over!!!!!!!!!!!!!! youre a fox! Everyone looks so great!!!!
  17. Last night I made a quick run to our local K-Mart for some bottled Water. I noticed a "10 for $10" sale sign for a new type of flavored water. I checked the nutrician label and there's NO sodium, NO carbonation, NO sweetners.... and best yet - NO calories! So I spent the $1 (comes in a 4 pk) so I could test this new product out (at least its new to me). Let me say that Im NOT into ANY of the flavored waters (not even tea). The only time I even add lemon to my water is when Im at a restaurant (it takes away the tap flavor). It taste just like my aquafina bottled water - with a dash of lime or orange squeezed in. Nothing special. No artificial sweetner hang-over, nothing. Just plain water with a little flavor. Here's the ingrediants: purified water, nautral flavor, ascorbic acid (vit C), citric acid, Calcium lactate, magnesium sulfate and potassium phosphate. and here's the link to the company: http://www.le-natures.com/ To all the LBT naturalist, Im really curious to see if any of you have found a secret no-no in this stuff. My 10 year old LOVED it (all 3 kids did) - and Im trying hard to give him as many good and natural food items as possible. So, tell me what you know about this stuff...
  18. paula

    Le Nature's ice water

    Thanks Elizabeth and Roberta for responding. I did find it a bit odd that it says to "refrigerate after opening".... hmmmm.
  19. paula

    Old Disgruntled Failure Forum

    *sigh* boy, I needed this thread. FAILURE! That horrible "F" word. Since the fall my banded journey has been quite different. Now that Im having so many problems, the ONLY reason Im scared to get my big butt to the doctor is due to this "F" word.... I think I need to PM Sue or Leatha or someone else thats gonna give me the hard ball of what Im dealing with here. BEING OBESE DOES NOT EQUATE TO BEING A FAILURE ...you promise???
  20. paula

    bubbles while eating?????

    Mandy, since my second fill, my stomach makes SO many strange sounds. Its really embarrasing when Im on the phone and I hear something like a zipper noise coming up and out of my mouth. strange. I can only imagine what the other person is thinking. Im wondering what would happen if you had a little malox before leaving the house in the morning. It may coat your tummy and help with the noises... ??? just an idea. Good luck ~ and if the other moms hear your snap, crackle and popping, just telling them that its that darn rock candy you ate before meeting them.
  21. paula

    Happy Birthday Princess n Thep

    Hey Jenna, Happy late-Birthday! So glad you had an awesome day. By the way... You had your hair done??? you know what that means... We need pix.
  22. paula

    Home Alone

    So my 10 year old has two friends that are allowed to stay home ALONE for short periods of time - 30 minutes or less. When mom needs to run to the store or pay a bill. I dont know y'all... whats the appropriate age for this? ((((Im asking because I have a job where I may have to make short (very short) delivery's in my neighborhood - just every so often. And sometimes my kids are still sleeping, getting ready for school, etc... when Im phoned to make these quick trips. Its just so much easier to jump in the car and go alone - then load the entire bus full for a 3 minute ride down the street. )))
  23. paula


    Hi Miss Macy, WELCOME to LapBandTalk.com Im another one that Dr S has banded. One good thing I heard about him is that he has given THOUSANDS of bands - and NO erosions reported. That's something to smile about. :biggrin1: :biggrin1: Good luck and let us know if you need anything.
  24. paula

    New Mirror at Wal-Mart

    :biggrin1: Love it.:biggrin1:
  25. paula

    Thinking of Lap Band Surgery

    Hi Tonya, and WELCOME to LapBandTalk.com The above post is exactly what I was going to recommend you read for questions to ask your surgeon. Some of the stories on this site can scare you. Just remember, everyone's journey is different. Just like everything else, some have good stories and some have not-so good ones. Dont be afraid to speak up and ask questions. Glad to have you around! Again, welcome! :biggrin1:

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