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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Gardening Questions and Pictures

    Carlene, that is BEAUTIFUL! I love yellow flowers. Kare, Im having the problems with white flies on my hibiscus. Any suggestions?
  2. paula

    Job interview update

    Good luck Alex! Just remember that IF its supposed to be - it will be!
  3. paula


    Something interesting... could it be the Water??? We recently went to visit Mike's family... ((Hi Kathy :wave: -LOVED*loved*LOVED- the visit with you)) His parents have a well-water supplying their water to the house (not city water). Plus we stayed in a hotel 2 nights - that's several face washings with softer water. Here at home our water is extremely HARD. The results were obvious. Once we were home, I noticed how much softer/smoother (not rough looking) my face was - even my hair wasnt as dry. The water was the ONLY thing different in my regimine. As mental as I am, now Im thinking of washing my face with bottled water. Heck of alot cheaper then all those scripts for creams and oils. *sigh* the saga continues.
  4. Next month will be my 2 year banded mark. Although I havent had the experiences of longer bandsters, I DO seem to understand how the yo-yo'ing of the banded life WILL get old. Im already on that path. Off topic: If you choose band-removal, are you considering another form of WLS to replace the band? Since you are a Granny Bandster to us, Im interested in all your details. :biggrin1:
  5. paula

    Have you ever???

    This is a great conversation thread! IF a large person is presented neatly - well groomed, neat clothes, hair fixed -their size isnt as obvious. Its the big ones that are sloppy, body odor smelling unkept looking ones that I tend to critique. There is NO excuse for being messy, big or small. But I notice the big ones waaay more then the small ones. Im guilty for critiquing those. Im getting off thread topic, but its to say that I DO Discriminate against someone because of their weight ONLY if they are 'messy'. Oh, and Ive never been mad at skinny folks. A little jealous at their self-confidence or looks - but never mad.
  6. paula

    Anyone had Laser Hair Removal?

    http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=13153&highlight=hair+removal Here is another thread that LBT discussed LHR on....
  7. paula

    Anyone had Laser Hair Removal?

    Yes, definately better then it originally was. By Far! But, I think it depends on how long you go between zaps. After my 9 month winter hibernation, I would say that I had a 60% re-growth (more appearing each day). End of Feburary (after this long time) I had a treatment. It took about 2 weeks for me to notice that I didnt have black dots (or a shadow)under the skin. But -at this time- I also began seeing little hair sprouts shooting up here and there - so I just plucked those. Then, by 6 weeks after this treatment I was back to shaving, so I went for another treatment. This time I told the dermatologist that I was disappointed in how SOON I started seeing hair re-growth - and the quantity of it. So she increased the 'energy' level (alot of the outcome depends on this "energy level" stuff). Ive had a much better results from this treatment. Im plucking a few strays daily. Definately not like it was for my very first treatment. Back then my chin/neck hair even wowed the dermatologist and her techniction. How embarrasing! Do I still recommend it??? Looking back, I think that if a woman has such a severe case of facial hair (like mine) then LHR would be a good way to start getting it under control. After its managable then maybe consider electrolysis??? I dunno. Im like you, scared to think of what long term laser treatments to your face may do.
  8. paula

    Child Abuse - what do I do?

    I thought about this, but didnt know how to say it. Thanks Donna! I definately recommend this!
  9. paula

    Child Abuse - what do I do?

    Oh my goodness, this is like throwing a cigerette out the car window and it starting a forest fire (go get 'em Wheetsin)! Your poor friend. Just taking what you said literal, there doesnt seem to be a REAL case of abuse between dad and anyone else. I am certainly no professional - just a mom and wife. But I would think that IF CPS would get involved, they would be able to determine if this was indeed something that needed attention. ?? If I was your friend, I would just let things cool off... and do lots of praying.
  10. paula

    Old Timer's History

    Ive tried Hoodia, but didnt get much out of it. I AM taking 1/2 a Tenuate daily - it definately helps. As long as I take it with a little food, Im not jittery. Also - regarding the Nexium. Ive had problems with reflux too. The Nexium was a nightmare for me while trying to treat the reflux. Go figure! OTC Prilosec seems to be my potion. Good luck.
  11. paula

    Adoption Drama-advice needed

    Im waiting to hear what the cousin's attorney will say. Very concerned about this... God bless this entire situation.
  12. paula

    Anyone had Laser Hair Removal?

    Yep! Ive done this. My first treatment was around Feb. 05 - over a year ago. Ive had several treatments - SEVERAL. And like others have said, after 2 months I start seeing growth again. So as "permanent" as they say this type of hair removal is - its not! Here's the link to the thread I started waaaay back. http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=3488&highlight=laser+hair+removal Let me also add that I went 9 months without a treatment (over the winter months). I was so discouraged at the amount of hair that had grown back. I asked the dermatologist (she does the treatments) - WHY WHY WHY so much re-growth after SO many treatments. She said that i have a hormone going wild. whatever. Its aggravating. Im now considering the electrolysis treatments. Alot cheaper.
  13. paula

    Gas Pains. . . Ouchies

    Dena, another thing I remember reading about that helped other bandsters is applying a heating pad to the aching shoulder. Gosh, I hate hearing that you are still suffering the crazy shoulder pains this far out.
  14. Hi Sherri, and WELCOME to LBT! I agree with choosing the more experienced surgeon vs the cheaper insurance paying surgeon. Good luck on the July 21st date. There are MANY of Sanchez's patients on here. Hope you enjoy reading their stories.
  15. paula

    Gas Pains. . . Ouchies

    Try walking. It seemed to be the ONLY thing that helped my gas pains. Some recommend gas-x. If you are still having these gas pains 8-10 weeks post op, you may want to mention it to your surgeon - just to be on the safe side.
  16. paula

    I screwed up

    WELCOME to LBT! :biggrin1: A 4-FOUR year bandster?!?! Wow - Youre an asset to have around here. Please keep us posted on the endoscopy results. Hoping that its only GOOD news. Oh, and many of us have to spend time in the car to visit our surgeons office... mine is also around 100 miles away! oh well, could be worst.
  17. paula

    band vs sleeve

    Re: Sleeve. You may want to do some research on another board for the pro's and con's of this type of weightloss surgery. As far as sweets go, we CAN have them. But its usually the evil that got us into this situation to begin with... so thats why we are told NOT to have sweets. Alcohol ~ this is a stomach irritant. ANY alcohol (wine included) burns my stomach, so I avoid all alcohol. :phanvan The carbonated part (like beer) is something else to deal with. MOST bandsters totally stay away from all carbonation - it causes excessive burping --- VERY uncomfortable feeling. oh, and white items (like bread and pasta) are usually restricted form our diets because these things seems to stick to the band while passing through - thus creating a 'stuck' feeling. not a pleasent experience. But we look at these restricted foods as a good thing (white items are loaded with carbs and turn to sugar once consumed). Something else that comes to mind as far as restricted items go is ANSAID medications: ibuprophen. This is also a stomach irritant and should be avoided by bandsters. There's tons of LapBand info around here. LBT is loaded with facts of everyday living with the band. Good and bad. So, Happy reading! And if you have any other questions, just ask!
  18. paula

    New pics of me UGH!!

    Hey Penni ((hugs)) I think you look great regardless of what the scale is saying!!!! ....and LOOK at that new 'do'! I love it! My mom always says that our hair is our Crown! Its one of the first things people notice about us. So if our hair is well done, then our weight is a little more camouflaged. I like that thought!
  19. paula

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    UPDATE: regarding my pregnant friend and her hubby not accepting the news of a new baby... As of last week, things have become much better between the two. Seems like they have made a huge leap in communication. Thanks for the prayers guys. Thank you. Thank you. Plainsneech: There are so many things I want to tell you for consolation. Your sister needs a good analogy to help her understand what this is all about. My sole comment to you is this... EVERYONE'S journey in life is different. God may be delivering you in other ways then the way your sister was delivered. ??? Try to clear your head by listening to your husband. God has given our (Christian) husbands a gift for leading their family to holiness, or in the right direction. Not that my husband ever makes bad decisions - he does, we ALL do. But when I am questioning/making a BIG choice, I always allow my hubby the final say so - and take that answer as concrete. Not my parents, not my sister, not my friends.... but my husband. Remember, its a GIFT that God has given to the man of the house. So if your husband is supporting you in this WLS, then find peace in that!!! ...and tell your sister to pray for you and NOT to condemn you.
  20. paula

    Should I band?

    Gosh Caleb, I think YOU are the only one that can answer this question. Yes, weight loss should help with your family curse (diabetes), but HOW you chose to lose weight needs to be your decision. The band is designed to limit calorie intake = resulting in weightloss. But as SO many of us have said, having the band is not a final solution. 2 years out and Im taking diet pills to maintain weightloss... Good luck!
  21. Ive heard about this, but never checked it out. My kids LOVE to dance - and seeing that summer vaca has just started, maybe this will help entertain us a bit. Thanks for the idea.
  22. paula

    Sight + Smell =/= Hunger

    The worst place this happens to me, is my parents house! To a degree like no other. I have to do major head work EVERYTIME I go there. This really is a great thread P'Nut.
  23. paula

    Pituitary tumor

    Hey Crys., Ive been out-of-pocket for a while. So Im just now catching up on threads.... any more news on your PT? how are youi doing (in general) these days? ...and your mom, how is she?
  24. paula

    Dr Huacuz Should Sleeve Gastrectomy

    Good info Fabfatgirl! :biggrin1: The VGS would be MY next form of wls - if needed. All in all, this type of WLS has been around for MANY years... many many years. My MIL had her stomach stapled 20 something years ago. She lost 100 pounds her first year.... like all WLS's, she lost a big amount at first. About 10 years ago, she gained a portion of her weight back. Im not sure how (bulemic, maybe??) she lost THIS extra weight. But she has managed to maintain 160ish. Many times Ive seen her go all day without eating and asked her about it, she would say, "Im just not hungry." Her restricted foods: having very limited white items and red meat. So our diets are basically the same. When I look at her long term results/problems ---- I NOW wish I wouldve chosen VGS.
  25. paula

    American Idol

    Anyone watching it this season??? I have one word..... Ace. my-o-my. :hungry:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
