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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Lizard in the house

    Amy, I like those little things too. But they RUN fo their lilfe when they see us... My Anne is the BEST lizard catcher in the South. She literally LOVES them to DEATH! LOL - no lie! One time she wrapped a lizard up in a baby blanket - had it named and all. She left the blanket alone for a few minutes and I noticed the lizard hadnt ran away... it was DEAD! poor little guy. I later figured out WHY she named it "Squishy".
  2. paula

    Hormone Topics: LOL!!!!

    LOL - how funny. Yep, I admit it, Im a Chocoholic! I honestly think that Heshey puts Prozac in their chocolate. :biggrin1:
  3. paula

    Lizard in the house

    Hey Heather, I have an idea.... try getting some house plants - couple of them - place them in different areas of the room you think Lizzy's in. Lizards/Gecko's LOVE plants - at least they do over here. Maybe this would confine it to a place where you can see/catch it.
  4. paula

    Missing Members...

    OK, Im updating this thread. Here are some of our Missing Members. I realize that there are many members that havnt been around in a while, but here is a few names of my friends (members) that Ive had past connections with - and I terribly miss... Dylansmom (Kelly) Jonathon Whippledaddy Jammin and Losin (Jamie) JanetC StraWartS
  5. paula

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    Robyn, a n o t h e r - port infection! Gosh girl, what are we going to do with you?! (((hugs))) and prayers.
  6. paula

    Green is good?

    awe, i wanna see. Please? I think LBT can take it, come on Trish! Post those before and afters, k? you gotta remember, this is for information/education purposes. By looking at this picture ((wow)) I was thinking that by now -8 weeks later- we should be seeing something better looking... ??? Im shocked actually. You must've had one massive canyon under that little dime. Goodness. So whats the ole band doc saying these days?
  7. paula


    Gosh Heather, What talent!!! Great job! My personal favorite is the apron and towel set. wow! I cant knit or stitch or sew or do anything with needles and thread. Im impressed, y'all.
  8. paula

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    You know, lots of times the things we dread end up being our biggest blessing. Just remember, everything happens for a reason. hugs and prayers.
  9. How funny!:biggrin1:
  10. paula

    Would I get the Band again?

    :tired dont tempt me. :tired
  11. paula

    Would I get the Band again?

    Ive been wondering this too. Thanks for the update Penni. Hey, when its all over (company and all) maybe we can all go on a LBT cruise. I sure need a vaca from fighting kids... :tired :tired :tired :tired
  12. paula

    I just realized...

    Woohooo! You are kicking some serious weightloss butt!!!!!! Isnt it simply amazing how our life changes so quickly with the shedding of weight? you are awesome girl! keep up the great job!
  13. paula

    Someone please help

    Try laying down and resting for a little while. The relaxing of your body should relax your stomach as well. This usually helps me.
  14. Products have ALOT to do with texture. Anytime you add color (highlights) to your hair it brings a little thickness. And the product line I use is Big Sexy - the 'volumizing root pump' does wonders to my fine/thin mop head. Best thing to remember about your shedding is that its only temporary! ((Thank You God!))
  15. Gosh, what a loaded question! Just like Donna said - I wasnt living life to the fullest when I was heavy. I go to water-parks without being freaked out that "people are looking at me". I dont even notice that stuff anymore. Or the "am I the biggst one here?" question we all wonder when we are MO. Its given me a completely different mindset of when I was MO. I now have the confidence to look people in the eyes and begin a converstaion INSTEAD of waiting for people to speak to ME first. Perfect example: About 2 weeks ago I saw a guy I graduated with... 18 years ago (wow!) Im now about 10 pounds lighter then I was back then. He and I stood and talked for the longest about where weve been for 18 years - and I never felt embarrassed or uncomfortable conversing with him. And I could tell that he was equally interested and excited in visiting with me. That was neat. If I hadnt lost 70ish pounds with my band, I wouldnt have felt comfortable enough to talk to him. I wouldve either avoided him or just made small talk and moved on. Anyway, there's a whole lot of great personality changes that happen when you lose a big amount of weight. Its actually every aspect of your life that changes... not just personality, but clothing styles change, sex life changes, the way other people interact with you. Its awesome. Honestly!
  16. Hi JJB, You are right - hair IS important to our looks. Its one of the first things people notice about us! Im not sure HOW short you're wanting to go, but Im a BIG fan of short hair AND highlights... especially this summer. I naturally have fine/thin hair, so Im honest enough with myself in needing to work with what I have! With that being said, I B]love[/b] the shorter styles out right now. Oh, and dont worry about your man. Not sure why, but ALL men LOVE long hair... ??? He'll adjust! Here is a pic of My short and highlighted 'do'. I took this shot in the mind set of not liking something about it... regardless, I overcame my dislike and re-did something similear! (Im crazy!) If I get the opportunity Ill take a recent shot of my new cut and color. Anyway - GO FOR IT and have fun!!!! Whatever cut/style you chose just remember, it hair! It'll grow back. :biggrin1:
  17. paula

    I talked to Lisa Green

    Hi Lisa Green! WOW - youre a blast from LBT's past. Girl, where ya been hiding??? I thought you were dead. And look at you, Ms. 160#'s. Wtg!! How are you??
  18. paula

    Writing A Eulogy

    Kare, I love reading your post. You always seem to give great insight on things we NEVER think about. Cant say Ive ever had to do anything like this. How intreresting! Poor Uncle Harry - may he rest in peace.
  19. Gosh Anne, regardless how easy fixing a port may be, I sure am sorry to hear that this is going to be another band related surgery for you. Try not to get discouraged! Here's one of my favorite sayings: It could be worst! how true.
  20. paula

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    Oh Leatha, how so very scary... ((((((((HUGS)))))))) I am sincerely going to lift her up. ...and on another note... This may shake your sister up enough to get her the help that SHE needs. How's the kids doing with all of the stress? I love you girl. And you know Im gonna pray for y'all!
  21. paula

    2 years already? Wow

    Being overweight is such a prison for most of us. I *now* totally understand the cocoon/butterfly analogy that many people refer to after being oveweight for so long and losing a large amount of it. You are a genuine inspiration to the people on this board. God bless.
  22. paula

    Adult Content XXX - Intimate problems

    Heather, I was able to read this before the edit. I felt like IIIIIIIIIIIIII was the one that wrote your post. I feel the same way about EVERYTHING you orginally posted. FYI: my weightloss HAS helped pick up the sex-drive for me - and should for you too. You did what I wouldve suggested... visit with Penni and get a/some 'items'. Oh, and maybe a vitamin/herb (try online) could help raise the libido. ??? Just a thought. Look out hubby - there's a K@t prowling around! hehe
  23. paula

    Leatha comes to dinner

    :omg: I am SO jealous... You are going to visit with the famous :hail: LEATHA! (((If ONLY our trip to NC wouldve been planned 4 weeks later.))) Y'all are going to have an awesome time!
  24. paula

    Prom Night

    What a handsome young man! ((ALL of your kids are good lookin!)) You SHOULD be proud... he seems like a good kid. Rare find these days. Being the last of your 4 to go through all of this, I bet this IS sad for you. Look out Penni - your getting OLD! LOL...
  25. paula

    Folding Sheets, or, My Idea Of Hell

    I -purposely- have been avoiding this thread. Im determined that in my afterlife, Im going to have a basket of clothes attached to my hip. Everyone in my house changes clothes at the very least - twice a day. My middle child (my little Anne Marie) is averaging 3 to 4 changes a day. :biggrin1: Dearest Kathy... when I showed my Anne - Rachels bed, her eyes LIT up with a HUGE smile across her face. Great IDEA is what was going though her little mind. :tired How true!! You know my friend thats pregnant for the 3rd - the one that the hubby is freaking??? Well, this entire family is a ball of OCD's. Even the kids. The 5yr old comes to my house and see's a spot on the carpet - and TELLS me I have a spot on the floor!!!! For the longest time Ive noticed that they NEVER stay home. Both parents work 40 hours a week. Kids are in after school programs, then brought here and there until supper time. After supper, its bath then bed. No time for messing up. On weekends, they go to movies, take road trips, just go go go go go go..... because (Ive figured) they dont want to mess up the house. My friend told me that HER biggest fear with having #3 is not being able to keep on top of thing's. I just smiled. Sorry, got off topic for a sec.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
