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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Tummy bug 1st time in 2 years

    awe Nana - sure hope you feel better. Think you can handle some hot chicken broth? What about pop sickles? Anything to keep you hydrated.
  2. paula

    OT: Recent Movies

    Oh my goodness, I cant believe I forgot to mention that we saw RV. I nearly pee'd in my pants from laughing... the giant rollin turd! This is a MUST SEE movie for older kids and parents/adults(Marcus is 10 and loved it - Anne is 5 and didnt get a lot of the jokes, she was a little bored in places)!!! My parents told us that this was an awesome show. Is it sad?? (I dont remember what they said) But Ive only heard great things about it. We got the movie Flight Plan (with Jodie Foster) for my dad for Fathers Day. Thats another one I want to see, but will probably take 6 months to schedule it into our show time. Ive never heard of Transamerica OR Hoot - what are these about?
  3. tztmama, Here is Anthony's updated status... http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=20029
  4. paula

    Finally posting

    Hi Judy - and WELCOME! Gosh, youve done VERY well in a years time. I agree, exercise will definately help with body shrinking. Try putting your scale away for 2 weeks while you begin your exercise regimin - and allow your clothes to be your new 'scale'. Good luck!
  5. paula

    Summer Time with Kids

    Those great childhood memories... sprinklers, long bike rides, oh - and I can remember all the neighborhood kids would lay down in our drive way in the late afternoons and make animals out of the clouds. That was fun for us. I NEVER remember telling my parents that I was bored. I dont ever remember GETTING bored. Neighborhood kids are the key to parent's mental stability! Im convienced. Thanks for all the ideas, y'all. Cindy, Ive never seen those sites. Im sure my 10 yr old will LOVE Discovery.com (along with some of the others) - THANKS! jen, I would love this! How do you get the other parents to share this idea??? It seems like everyone is estatic to get rid of their kiddies... but NEVER does the inviting. how sad. Thats one of our main problems. Jacqui, I wanna live in YOUR neighborhood. Australia - here we come! :clap2:
  6. paula

    Can I have Coffee?

    coffee is a stomach irritant... I drink 3-4 cups each morning. The way I figure, Ive given enough stuff up - coffee is NOT negotiable!
  7. paula

    OT: Recent Movies

    Shaggy Dog... Anyone?? Its at our local dollar theater - wondering if I should work it into next weeks 'schedule of events' ?!:biggrin1: Ice Age 2 was so-so for us too.
  8. paula

    OT: Recent Movies

    Whats going on with us??? LOL Im the same way. Yoda, THANK YOU so much for the explaination. I followed it well enough to understand that he got the letter in time to save him from death... I think its just my personality type. I guess Im too practical whne it comes to the time travel thing - it left me feeling like something was unexplained. But thanks again for trying to help me with it. Like you, I LOVE the actors in the show. Again, my hubby liked it! :confused: I told y'all, its ME! Jen, the movie Cars was cute! Its the first movie that my 3yr old sat through without getting up 30,000 times needing to go "tee-tee". Lastnight me and Mike watched (DVD) Monster in Law - with Jane Fonda & Jennifer Lopez. OMG - we laughed till we cried. Its a good one! Eileen - youd LOVE this one. What about Nanny McPhee?? Its another kiddie show. We HAD to buy it, thought it was wonderful!!!
  9. paula


    I chew gum occassionally - especially ones that freshen my breath. And I havent chewed gum nearly as much as I did pre-banding. Something interesting, depending on the brand of gum, some cause me to have excessive burping (may be why I dont chew as often?)!
  10. paula

    Summer Time with Kids

    10 yr old boy, 5 yr old girl & 3 yr old boy. Ive always said that it would be easier if I had all 3 of one sex.... you know, grass is always greenier. Just like Kathy said, someone is too old, too young, doesnt like boy things, doesnt like girl things, one can do something that the other cant, etc And we live in SW Louisiana. The heat index yesterday was 101 degrees. So if Water isnt involved in outdoor activities, then its too hot for it. In all honesty - I should be praising GOD that I even HAVE kids. :speechles
  11. paula

    OT: Recent Movies

    I think its ME! :biggrin1: I asked the ticket lady if she had heard anyone's response to Lake House - and she said everyone LOVES it! ok, so the movie never explained HOW the 2 year time lapse happened. And what about the end - what year was it?? Maybe you can help me like it, Diane. OR it may be that my brain has been re-programed for kiddie movie's only... idunno.
  12. paula

    Summer Time with Kids

    *the library* I keep forgetting about the library. Our summer program is on Tues and Thurs at 10 and 2pm - and like yours, they have special guest on different days. Thanks for this idea! Good one. aamon, day camp? or the ones that boys scouts/girls scouts have? either one may be a good idea!
  13. paula

    Anyone else feel like they're being stalked?

    Gosh Diane, what a VIOLATION of your kindness and open spirit! This is so aggravating. How long has this been happening? And how often are you getting pm's? Wonder if its the same person?? As many pictures as Ive posted here - and as long as Ive been around, Ive never had a problem. I agree with the others, forward those pm's to a moderator. You can also turn 'off' your pm box for a short time (under user CP). ((hugs)) this is freaky!
  14. paula

    Three year Bandiversary

    Gosh Babs, 3 years already?? Seems like yesterday you quit smokin - and its already been a year for that! wow. You and Leatha have both been HUGE inspirations to this board - and to me! But I really think its time we see some updated picture of you... please??
  15. paula

    Leatha comes to dinner

    Thanks for letting us know, Kathy! Im dissappointed for y'all though. Leatha's fun! I read that Mom was home, but sounds like she's not out of the woods yet. ((hugs)) and prayers Leatha - God bless you and your family!
  16. Sweet Penni, thank you SO much for keeping us updated. LBT loves you! ((hugs)) Hey Christina! SO happy knowing that you are doing well enough to go home. Thats actually the place where the real healing will occur. Im assuming the reading/typing that LBT will give you will be therapy (we're hoping at least :eek:). Cant wait to hear fom ya!
  17. paula

    Update on my Wound

    Hey Trish! So its fairly good news. No puss - green stuff - fever. Thats something to smile about! You poor girl. All of this and still a leaky band needing to be fixed, right? I just thought about something, have you considered taking extra Vit. C. Im a believer that Vit C aids in healing. You can use the brand that Walmart sells, but if you have a Vitamin store near by, they may have a better brand (one that doesnt contain as much ascorbic acid). just a thought. We gotta get you fixed up so we can start having some gran-kids around here. :eek:
  18. paula

    Killing their daughter

    What a sad story. When people like that cross my path - I usually think that its Gods Will and remember them often in prayer. That father needs it (prayer). He is obviously sick.
  19. paula

    Welcome to our new moderator!

    Youre gonna be a great Moderator, Wheetsin. ((hugs)) glad to have you as one!
  20. paula

    Away for the weekend

    Do we have to?:devious Hope you have a great time. Thats my idea of paradise - me and the kids having fun in the sun and water! love it. Just think of all the wonderful memories y'all will make! :biggrin1:
  21. paula

    New and learning!

    OMG - Jeanne! Youre now an icon here!!! You MUST start you own thread and introduce yourself. Give us all ALL gorey details, what kind of band you had, where you had the surgery, the surgeon you used (new and old) - ALL details! We LOVE that kind of stuff. :biggrin1: Banded *25* years ago??? wow! (is anybody else reading this with me and gawking??) ...and had it for **12** years??? :omg: wow. WELCOME to Lapband talk!
  22. paula

    New and learning!

    http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=16312 Here is a link to a thread several of us contributed to months ago talking about Childhood Obesity. You may find something worth trying in this thread. I have the hardest time with the same issues - and with my oldest. He hates anything healthy. Ive actually paid him money for taking a bite of something - for every bite he earned more money (I love bribery). It had to be a decent size bite, not a couple of grains of rice on each spoonful thus making it into 100 bites - smart kid, you know? YOU may have better ideas. If so, please share em. We need all the help we can get! Hang in there with the sick kiddos!
  23. paula

    The Picture Thread

    Diane, HONESTLY... you look about 10 years younger. WOWZA! Donna, I love those silly pics. Makes me think that they are having fun in their childhood. She's a cutie pie!
  24. paula

    Jack's Harem

    Poodles, You're not a stalker, are ya?? Girl, youre scaring me!:nervous
  25. paula

    normal weight range!!!!

    Hey John! Hey - youve lost your beard!?! looking good. Does this mean that you are at your goal weight? Keep up the great work!

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