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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    FEHB--Federal Employees Health Benefits

    Have you checked out First Health (MailHandlersBenefitplan - MHBP)? This is the ins. I had when I was banded. Quick approval and wonderful coverage.
  2. Did the kids have on any kind of I.F.D. (instructional floatation device) when she brought them in the deep end?
  3. You know all those times we pray for the safety of our kids?? well..... Yesterday was the last day of MY kids swimming lessons through the Y. I had enrolled all 3 kids. The 2 older ones (10 and 5) are very good swimmers and my little one (3) still neads floats. I guess that with the pool experiences weve had, I NeVeR even considered leaving and coming back after the lessons were finished. Last year (at my parents pool) we pulled my nephew out *TWICE* - so many kids in the Water and he just jumped in. We didnt see him, didnt even notice he was missing until someone asked where he was. He was ok, but it was a lesson for me that there are never too many eyes watching kids swim! Yes, I sat in the sun and nearly had a heat stroke during their lessons - BUT - I learned that Im the only person that will watch (out of love and not routine) ONLY my 3 kids. Twice I had to get up and check on my 2 younger kiddies while their teacher was busy with another student - totally understandable! And this was IN the water - the place where these teachers are trained to watch them. Just take a BIG breath and thank God that he WAS safe. Everyone learned a good lesson from it - and noone was injured! (((HUGS)))
  4. paula

    Christmas Lovers Thread

    Carol, My goodness, I read the story of your granddad - Im touched! It was the part where he shared his memories of finding different kids in different settings. Makes me feel blessed to come from such a good homelife. Are you in any of the pix? How is your Grandad doing these days?
  5. paula

    Finally Banded

    WOOHOO Dody, -WELCOME- to Band Land. I think each of us experience a different amount of soreness. My level of PAIN (more like discomfort) was probably a *4*? but the groggyness was a *9*. MY problem was that I couldnt seem to stay awake for long periods of time - for the first 2 days home. Dont forget to drink your Water and WALK! Glad you are home and on the road to recovery...
  6. paula

    Christmas Lovers Thread

    Im a Christmas fanatic also! I usually start listening to Christmas music REGULARLY during this month. Maybe it helps cool things off on these hot and blustery days??? Quite a few years ago my cousins and I started exchanging Christmas ornaments instead of gifts. Now we do it with Mike's brothers as well. Our stash of ornaments is enormous - although the same ole' ugly ones seem to always stay in the box. We decorate 2 trees. One with the pretty white lights and all the beautiful ornaments that were given to us, and the other for the kids. Each year the kids make christmas crafts or homemade ornaments (at school) - so I have a tree devoted only to these special decorations. Christmas is magical. There's no other way to say it. Has nothing to do with shopping or Santa Claus or food. Its the anticipation that is built up for this special day - a special Birthday. Instead of joyful celebrations and noise filled events, this is one season (or day) that brings me so much - with so little. Its the quietness the season offers... the air seems to be filled with peace... the joyfulness in strangers voices... the willingness to help those in need... communities actually work together... neighbors speak to each other instead of just waving by... people seem to have a little more patience with each other... friends/family make special plans to visit one another... more laughter, more kindness, more love during this time. Christmas IS magical. I love this thread Amy. Thanks for starting it!
  7. paula

    Summer Time with Kids

    Mert - how I wish it were that simple! MY parents are exhausted with my sisters kids, ages 1 & 2. And hubbys parents are too selfish. Its ok though - summer is ONLY 4 more weeks. Swimming lessons finish this week and they have an Art Camp planned for next. Where did the time go?? hehe Thanks for the suggestions!
  8. paula

    Potty-Training Boys???

    ((Kathy, you always crack me up.)) See?? Isnt it much easier when the little guys are ready to do this?! HiP HiP Hooray! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  9. paula


    This move may be the best thing for y'all. Tell hubby that people do this ALL of the time - they pack up and move FAR away (like Amy said). Its always scarey, but staying optimistic is the key. And I would think that landing a job in computers would be easy, although Im not the one looking!
  10. paula

    Letter to all....from LOTSOFKIDS

    Diane - we want to see the scar pix.. please? I have a map on my belly too - but I think You have more road-ways. :biggrin1: Goodness, now a sick little one. How in the world did she get this - in the middle of the summer? Helping her to get well may help you get your mind off of your own health conditions. PLUS - you'll get some special bonding in there! Just remember, God always makes lemonade out of lemons. Sure wish we lived closer... LBT would do some cooking and cleaning for ya! ((hugs)) to better days!
  11. paula

    What's in your Ipod? MP3?

    Please - for those of us slow learners... tell me what an iPod is AND what it does. Ive heard of it - just dont know anything about em'. And where do you get the songs??
  12. paula

    Irritated stomach and esophagus

    Hi Cathy! So sorry youve had a rough start. But taking the prevacid should help. If your symptoms are not improving by a week or 2, please call your doctor back and ask for something else for your tummy. Its not uncommen to have to switch around meds (any meds) to find the right one for you. The stomach meds are no different! About the antibiotic - YES! some DO irritate the stomach. Try sticking to mild foods for a while - just until things heal. Stay away from stomach irritants like alcohol, coffee, tomato based foods, spicy things, etc. A stomach ulcer WITH our band is not something to take lightly. So please be careful!!!! Also, just as a personal rule, when I MUST visit my PCP, I *always* remind him of my band and the need to have scripts written that are gentle for the stomach and preferbly something in liquid form. (((hugs))) Hang in there, you should be on the road to recovery!
  13. paula

    Back from Costa Rica with Pictures

    Costa Rica - Im thinking Jurrasic Park. Those pix were wonderful. My personal favorite was the one where you were on the chez taking a quick siesta! My ideal vaca spot is on the beach in the sun & sand. You took me there for a brief minute - thanks! And the waterfall and waterpark - just beautiful! The orphans were heart touching. I bet you wanted to take each one home! Oh, and Mary, on the food tray... the loooong round thing in the middle of the tray, what was that? Looked kinda weird.
  14. paula

    you asked for it! WEDDING PICTURES!!

    awe Michelle, you know what's really neat? That LBT has been with you and Calvin from the beginning. Weve had the opportunity to watch this fairytale unfold. How awesome! The wedding was so pretty & peaceful - I loved the outdoor setting. Living in that kind of surroundings, it was perfect for your wedding. And you made an exceptionally BEAUTIFUL bride! :clap2: Congrat's!:clap2:
  15. paula

    OT: Spread of Bacteria

    **I just got this in my email box. Its NOT my writings/findings. But it sure makes those of us with OCD issues think alot! ** Bacteria on Purses A study was performed on women's purses. A health team went to a local mall and took samples from the bottom of 50 women's purses. The purses were swabbed with cotton swabs along the entire bottom of the purses and placed into special containers. The swabs were then processed at a local laboratory. The Health Report also showed where women place their purses: public rest-rooms (on the floor beside the toilet), kitchen counters & kitchen tables, on tables & chairs in restaurants, etc. The results of the laboratory tests contained the following most serious result: 1 out of 4 purses E COLI Other extremely serious bacteria also were listed, including Hepatitis. They recommended that women should DAILY wipe their purses (particularly the bottom) with a disinfectant wipe and to be extremely careful where you sit your purse. Most important, do NOT place your purse on a table (anywhere) where you will eat or on a kitchen counter and do not put it anywhere close to a toilet. Remember, when you flush a toilet, the spray goes a distance that is unrecognizable by the human eye. WASH YOUR HANDS as often as you can! Keep an antibacterial hand sanitizer cleaner (no Water needed) in your purse and use it often! And as soon as you get home from shopping (or wherever you have been and used your purse), immediately wipe it all over with a disinfectant wipe. This is from me MEN who do not wash their hands after relieving themselves should be ASHAMED! Not only that, they are seriously affecting your health and their own. My husband has told me many, many times (over 50% ratio) that he has seen men in public rest-rooms relieve themselves, zip up, and immediately leave the rest-room without washing their hands!! Women get on your men and be sure they are washing thoroughly after using the rest-room. My hubby also noted that everyone spends all this time washing their hands and then grabs the door handle to exit the rest-room. So DAH! All those other folks who did NOT wash their hands have their germs all over the door handle! And I have seen many women who do NOT wash their hands after using the rest-room. So, use that paper towel you dried your hands on to open the door and then dispose of it in the closest waste receptacle (women, please do not put it in your purse!). Repeating, this is a factual report aired today on Health News, Fox 5, Atlanta, GA. Please do your part for yourself and everyone else! As soon as I saw the report, I immediately cleaned my purse with my Clorox Antibacterial Wipe and then set it on a paper towel where I normally place it on a table in our den. And I asked my hubby to PLEASE scold me if he ever saw me putting my purse on the kitchen table or counter again!
  16. paula

    I'm a New One

    Hi Gwen, WELCOME to LapBandTalk. All I can say is WOOOoooOOOOW!! 120 pounds in 8 months??? My mouth literally dropped. You are an exception. Good luck!
  17. paula

    Reflux Poll

    Analoren, Reflux (for me) is when I bend over or lay down and a feeling of liquid and/or food particles (some call it a hot lava feeling) comes up my esophagus into my throat/mouth. here is a thread devoted to Reflux/Gerd issues. Lots of good readings in there... http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=4154
  18. Hi Sharon - and WELCOME! Kat brought up a great point... sometimes the fill may NOT give you restriction until later (3 -4 weeks later). For some, it happens immediately. Each of us is different. Although Im one that gained restriction later (4 weeks later) the fill DID instantly decrease my hunger. None of this may make a lot of sense to you right now... after Wednesday's fill you'll have a better idea of what all this is about. Good luck, and again - WELCOME to LapBandTalk!
  19. paula

    Letter to all....from LOTSOFKIDS

    Awe Diane, unbelievable for one person to endure in such a short period of time. (((HUGS))) my friend. Good thing you live with a medical professional... You should be in good hands. And I dont think I even realized that you were banded in May. duh! Hang in there Girlfriend... Hugs and prayers!
  20. Due to night-time reflux, I try not to eat 3 hours before bedtime. For those that have no reflux problems, I dont think there's a time limit. Some bandsters just chose to have a 3 hour fast before sleep (like Paul mentioned above) Also, some bandsters have a practice of drinking Water (water being the last thing through your pouch) before bed to "wash" out the pouch. This isnt doctor recommended - just something older bandsters learned and passed on.
  21. paula

    Would I get the Band again?

    Yep ~ She sure did. Here's her updated thread about that visit... http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=20860
  22. paula

    Banded for 5 1/2 years

    WELCOME to LapBandTalk. WOW - 5 and a half years????? I think youre one of LBT's longest bandsters... maybe THE longest one?? So glad to meet you. Have you ever had any complications? Good luck on getting the old 20 #'s off.
  23. paula


    Anyone ever heard of this? http://www.herbalife.com/hl/templates/templatepreportal/herbalife/index.jsp Here's the story... There's a couple from our church that we've been having casual 'Howdey' talk with. Nothing personal. Lastnight I met the wife in Walmart. She started talking to me about Herbalife - they are distributers for it. :tired Ive never even heard of this - I actually thought it was Metabolife, the old herbal diet pill. She corrected me - AND - listed many of the WONDERS Herbalife has done for her and her family (I hate people like that) one of her poke's is that she dropped 60 pounds when she started using Herbalife. Best yet, she informed me that her husband is ALSO a Personal Fitness Consultant :confused:. Looking back over the sales-pitch, its funny that she shared HOW much money they make, could make, will make, blah-blah-blah... she talked about money MORE then how awesome the product (Herbalife) is. That was weird. Anyway, what's up with this Herbalife stuff?? Anyone familear with it?
  24. paula

    Made a mistake .lol

    Hedwig, you can try this. BUT - for me, even wine-coolers, wine & margarita's cause stomach troubles. Good luck - I really do hope Julie's idea works for you!
  25. paula


    Terry, Im glad you pointed that out. Barb., How sad... very very sad.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
