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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. This is wonderful information, from both of you (Alex and Leatha). It definately puts MY mind a little more at ease... Thank you thank you!
  2. paula

    I wonder???

    Darcy..... thats a good question! Ive wondered it myself, but more on the line of taking too big a bite. When will I take smaller bites without thinking of the consequences, just doing it naturally, out of habit!
  3. paula

    LBT Sleep over in Houston Texas! Nov 13th

    Im not sure what to do or what I can do. If I go for the day, Mike may come with me... its a 2 1/2 hour drive and we get little time together, so I would bring him for driving company (hehehe). Hell probably go visit friends in Houston while I stay with yall. But if I dont stay the night then the price of the condo will increase for the rest of you, right?
  4. paula

    Hello--- I'm New

    Hi roro and welcome! Here is a wonderful site that helps us determine if we need a fill or not http://lapbandtransformation.com/Adjustments.htm good luck.
  5. paula

    LBT Sleep over in Houston Texas! Nov 13th

    I hate to be the simple minded here, but what started out as a day/lunch thing turned into a overnighter and now its a TWO nighter.... Mike wouldnt mind the one overnight, but TWO??? Geee, thats really hard when there's little ones to tend to on the home front... like the 2 of us have (Kayleigh, too I think?). Lisa, what about in Kemah? Do you think there would be a guest house we could rent for 1 night in that area? Im just making suggestions......... I may have to call you on this one.
  6. paula

    Dietician changed my orders

    Betty, pleeeeeaaaase post your weight loss for ALL to see (I got a sneak peek at them in the chat room). You are doing fantastic and I wanted to brag on you a little!
  7. paula

    Stranger Danger

    Im assuming that she is one that does not have A weight problem. First of all, if you - or ANY of us - would have this wonderful self-control or will power (that SHE must obviously attain), then there would be no obesity, no alcoholics, no smokers, etc.... NOTHING that has any kind of addiction. At least 80% of folks NEED some form of crutch to help them overcome their addictions/problems. Just think about it....... A/A, the patch, counselors/therapist, diet pills, the BAND.... and I could go on, but I think you get the point. Secondly, about the weight loss... Im gonna pass on to you what a wise bandster (Leatha) told me once, "Paula, if you eat what and how you are supposed to and NOT lose weight, you will be the first." She was (and still is) right. So Ryan, YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT with the band!!!!!! Its EASY for those that have never had our experiences to be so judgemental over WLS, but basically they have no opinion. The opinions that you might want to consider should come from folks that have had weight problems all of their lives.
  8. paula

    Sleep Apnea

    Our very best friend has this sleep machine - 4 yrs now. Worked GREAT at first, but the last few months he stopped wearing it due to these same reasons you mentioned. He JUST found out that the mask should be replaced every 6 months........ did YOU know that??
  9. paula

    Daylight Savings Time

    ohhhhhhhhhhhh, that was a belly-hurting laugh!!!!!! good one, Ryan!
  10. paula

    Queen Michelles pictures

    WOW, from your avator pic, you dont even look like you NEED to lose weight! Youre so pretty!
  11. paula

    Chili post op?

    Hi Mom! It wasnt until week 7 that I could eat something like chili, it has a tendency to be VERY gassy on our new formed tummy's. So be patient, you will start on regular foods soon enough! FYI: this is one food that I MUST eat slow - it clog's the stoma easily. And one more bit of info about chili that I JUST found out; to add MORE protien to it, order a small meat patty along with the chili (Wendy's sell's just the patty's for .60 cents) then break it up and stir it into the chili. It helps fill you up AND you get more protien!!!
  12. paula

    Houston Texas

    Hey yall, just wondering if we should create another thread titled "details on galveston bash" - maybe it will attract more from the area??? just wondering...
  13. paula

    Houston Texas

    Hey! I cant stay the night, but I certainly want to be with you! Maybe I can drive there Saturday and come home that night.
  14. paula

    I'm struggling this week!!!

    Im with Sarah (great ideas) .... talking to her about how hard this is as a bandster! Can you ask her to keep the crap in her car or luggage? That way its not in your face when she's consuming all of this.
  15. paula

    Junk Food Challenge

    After I accepted this challenge yesterday, I went and found my sons halloween candy that was hiding in his room from the party the night before. I ate all - ALL - all of the chocolate in the bag and left the "junk" candy for him... what a wonderful mom, huh? Today is a new day! First thing I did was throw all candy in the trash ola'!!! Now I shall be a good girl!
  16. paula

    My lapband Ad!!!

    I must be doing something wrong, cuz I cant get the ad to open!
  17. paula

    Paula has pictures!

    Lisa Green the picture queen! Thank you so very much for doing this. And I DO look like a beaver, chubby cheeks and big teeth! This was taken in June, about 4 weeks pre-surgery. So I am now -30. Its our first and ONLY family protrait!!!! Can you believe? Marie, thank you for all your kind words. You always make everyone feel loved! Like I told Lisa, this is a good one for pesticide.... bugs be gone!
  18. paula

    Inner peace

    I agree with everything you said. The best part of this journey is that we are ALL better people because of our weight problems. I know that I am! Because of my obesity, I am waaaay more understanding, more compassionate... I am able to console my kids emotional pain much better when a friend betrays them, and to guide my children to look at others with their hearts and NOT their eyes - needless to say, we FORBID "name calling" in AND outside our home. This is just some of the *good things* that comes from our hurt past! I am truly excited for your new found "peace", that is what THIS journey is all about, but just remember.... If it wouldnt have been for the ugly cocoon, the butterfly wouldnt be so beautiful!
  19. paula

    Many Emotions..surg Date 11/11/04

    I did the same thing....around 12 lbs to be exact! Good luck, and WELCOME!
  20. paula

    Junk Food Challenge

    Boy, I really need this one! Only one junk thing a day... do bites count?? My favorite saying to the kids is, "can Momma have a bite????"
  21. paula

    Houston Texas

    Hi Betty, and yes Kemah and Kema IS the same. Its a huge boardwalk with lots of speciality shops and restaurants... even a few amusement rides. Saturday or Sunday is the same for me, Ill need childcare either way!
  22. paula

    Protien Bars

    Simple question.... just wondering which ones were the best for us to have.
  23. paula

    Houston Texas

    Yikes, the 14th is not good for me. Maybe - just MAYBE I can work something out. I hope so.... but I doubt it!
  24. paula

    Counting my Good Fortunes

    Ryan, Ive learned that the caregiver needs just as many prayers as the patient.... so I too, pray for both of you. You know, the reason we all feel so comfortable in this place has to do with acceptance! Its our greatest need in life... to be accepted. Here in this place, we all accept each other as we are. Doesnt matter if one is edcuated or not, rich or poor, big or little, banded or NOT banded.... Its a place of TOTAL acceptance. I cant find this anywhere else..... not in my neighborhood, not in my family, not in my church, not even among friends, and CERTAINLY not in my in-laws! Sorry Ryan, I certainly didnt mean to "steal the show"....... I just felt compelled to share that thought. God bless you!
  25. paula


    Amen!!!!! I am so very sorry to hear of this. Has things been worst since your surgery? As I read your 2nd response I noticed you mentioned him "sabotaging" you since you were banded. Something came to mind..... about 2 weeks after surgery my hubby was acting really weird. It took about another 2 weeks for him to open up and be absolutely honest with himself and me as to what his problem was. He would magnify any little ordeal into a MAJOR arguement, VERY sensitive - snap my head off for nothing. Getting to the point, we realized that he was scared. Scared I would lose 100 pounds and leave him for another - better man! I realized that he was acting this was out of self defense....... Maybe your hubby is on the same planet as mine WAS on. this is just food for thought (sorry about the pun). Anyway, I agree with Tricia about trials and tribulations building character (awsome words) and know that time heals everything... well, MOST things! God bless~

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