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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. I havent had a major hair loss. I take a liquid vitamin that Penni recommended - and it HELPS! This may sound funny, but if I forget to take it for a couple of days I will notice my hair falling. So I believe that this vitamin has definately helped reduce my hairloss. Its called Source of Life - most viamin and herbal stores carry it.
  2. Lisa, what about Nancy???? Isnt there one for her?
  3. paula

    Something kinda fun that I just found.....

    ROFLMAO............................. only YOU would think of that!!!!!
  4. paula

    Pictures Texas Overnighter

    I think all of the pictures were wonderful. It captured a moment that wouldve been lost forever - regardless of the quality. But what in the world was I doing with my hands on my boobs?????? (#93) My goodness.......
  5. paula


    This was one thing that I was bothered by as well (pre-surgery). My answer is generally the same as everyone else... a little tenderness the first week or two. And now, 4 months later, I very seldom think about it or notice it there. Another thing that I was concerned about was it causing uncomfortableness during sex. That wasnt a problem either!
  6. paula

    Something kinda fun that I just found.....

    Kim, I did the model for my weight - that is NEAT! And the radiologist you work with, what a jerk! Some people dont care if they hurt anyone by their words. If he WOULDVE been smart, he wouldve asked you tons of questions, since this banding IS a happening thing. Im with Marie, 32 pounds in a little over 2 months is fantastic. And now with major restriction, loooooook out! He (radio.) may not even recognize you the next time he sees you!
  7. Hi Linda, WoW, what an experience! You must be doing well, your stats look great. Welcome!
  8. paula

    Pictures Texas Overnighter

    Marie, PLEASE PLEASE get Lisa to make you an avator with that pic of you on the balcony.... It was WONDERFUL. And a "super moderator" NEEDS an avator!!!! (lol) Marie, I cant thank you enough for all the planning and work you put into this weekend. (she even thought ahead to make a phone list of names and numbers for all of us to bring home so we can stay in touch). You are a supreme person... and I thank you for all you did.
  9. paula

    See you next week

    Lisa, that pic of you and Chris is beautiful! You are looking great. Have you noticed lately how small youre getting?
  10. IMHO - Leatha is everyone's big sister. She has "been there and done it".... NOTHING surprises her! You could walk in the room nude and she wouldnt flinch! Her genuiness and down-to-earth personality is sooooo uncommen these days, which makes you feel so comfortable to be around her! Thanks Leatha... I love you!
  11. paula

    Pictures Texas Overnighter

    Hey Betty, that pic. of Marie on the balcony would be a wonderul avator for her! Thats a great one!
  12. My God Leatha, I cried when I read your post! How true, how true! Greg said something about LBT a few weeks ago, and I want to steal his thoughts regarding this weekend. You know how you get in a group of people and some personalities tend to clash??? That didnt happen this weekend! Everyone was equal. No competition, no proving to be better, no blacksheep.... just pure honest genuine people! Almost like a movie where strangers from different areas come together and their lives are changed. I know mine is! The stories that were shared were so touching. I feel honored knowing all 6 of these beautiful women.
  13. Melanie, WELCOME! I had my surgery for the same reason as you... my kids! I just want to go play basketball with my 9 yr old and not pass-out. Good luck - and keep us posted on your progress.
  14. Marie, thats fine! Leatha... I would love to meet the other bandsters. Thats a great idea!
  15. Can't share this excitement with anyone else but you guys! Well, I went to my GP yesterday to get some nerve pills so I could handle Thanksgiving week at Hell-cat's (MIL's). So, at the doc's office, you know how you have to weigh first? So I took of my shoes and stood on the scale (I actually wanted to strip, but figured the doc would give me more then just nerve pills). I weighed 215 - actually it was 214.8, but she charted it as 215. My last visit was May 15th and I weighed 246. When the nurse told me this my mouth dropped open. I made her repeat it like 3 times. Its one thing when you see the scale going down at home, but when you have it "officially" recorded, it has a little more impact on you. To make the day better, I go shopping for a jacket for our trip. I go to JCPenny's and try on a 2x - cause you know the boobs are still a happening thing. TOO BIG... so I got the 1x. I think Im starting to realize that Im losing weight!
  16. paula

    feel like crying

    Go shopping! Even if you dont buy anything. Its such an uplift in my spirit to go to the store and just try on clothes that the sizes were once tight - and NOW fit loose. This helps me!
  17. ROTFLMAO....... my goodness, look at what we have become.... our grandmothers!
  18. paula

    Oh boy!! Here we go!

    aaaaawwwwww! You wont be able to eat much in galveston. I do wish you the best though.... you know I love ya!
  19. "Undulating Pendulums" sorry Ms Penni, I WISH mine looked THAT good. Mine look more like a bull's nut sack...
  20. paula

    My fill went bust...

    I KNOW thats a disappointment - especially with all the effort you had to make in getting there. But OMG - girl, you have lost 70 pounds!!!!!! Did you know thats how much my 9 year old weigh's? Youve lost a kid in weight! Sorry about the fill, but I HAD to give you a big hug for the weight loss!!!!
  21. paula

    Ryan, This ones for you

    That is too cute!
  22. paula

    See you next week

    Will there be lots of ~HOT~ sun and salty maragaritas??????
  23. Lauri, just wait a little longer on the blank page (after clicking the chat button). It takes about 30 - 45 seconds to load. Once you hear a woman's voice say "Welcome", you are ready to chat!
  24. paula

    LBT Sleep over in Houston Texas! Nov 13th

    Hey guys... Im confirming that I WILL be there! I hope Im not too late. Ive already pm'd Marie with my phone #'s (like I have several !). Im so excited to be with all of you, and a little nervous, but not being with you - with leaving my 3 kids home with their father! They MAY go hungry, unbathed, watch tv for 24 hours straight, run the streets NUDE at midnight..... and MIke will be playing guitar in the house totally unaware that anything other then himself needs attention!!! God help us! But Ill be there... yall just pray for my kids!
  25. paula

    LBT Sleep over in Houston Texas! Nov 13th

    No, not speedos..... NOTHING! hehehe, just kidding. I dont want HIM to be there! This is girls night out... he has his time with the guys.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
