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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    80% Divorce Rate!!!!!!!!!

    Rachel, I have a couple of things to touch on. First is, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! That wedding picture is fantastic! How much time span is that picture from your avator? Secondly, I dont think thats an accurate divorce rate percentage. I know about 6 people that have had some sort of WLS and NONE are anywhere near divorce. Myself included. Great thread!!!!
  2. paula

    WATER Challenge

    You know, this challenge has helped me. I attained the goal of getting in 80oz's of Water daily and Im remembering to take my water bottle with me when I walk out the door. Thanks everyone . I know its not Monday yet, but I still wanted to thank everyone for doing this with me. Lisa, I still havent been able to stay AWAY from the choc's!!! Now Ive moved on to peanut M&M'S. How are YOU doing?
  3. paula


    Here's a HIGH-FIVE for ya!!!!!!! BTW - How in the world did you do that DURING the holidays??? Even though the scale shows a loss, you really look like youve lost LOTS of inches (christmas photos).
  4. Mary, this is such a delicate situation especially when it deals with a child. At 7 years old (the age of your son) they start getting self conscience. And if any of his friends find this out... well, you know how cruel kids are! What made me bring my 3yr old to the doctor is the fact that having to do this ritual of events just to get her to poop was not normal. My pediatrician didnt help. It wasnt until I brought her to the specialist that I realized that there are other kids out there with these kinds of problems - not just mine! Its actually commen. You may want to inquire about the miralax, or try the advice Jack recommended with skipping all dairy products for a longer period of time. Good luck, and know that you are NOT alone!
  5. Been there and had to do ALL of that!!! She has had BM problems since birth! All in all I have realized that she has a problem with milk. Any more than 1 glass a day will cause her to have BM problems. Anyway, a year ago (she was 3 at the time) we would go through the ordeal of her crying b/c it hurt her to have a BM (too large to pass), so she would hold it in. I brought her to a pedi-gastrologist and he prescribed her the miralax. Its a powder that mixes well into any drink. No taste, dissolves quickly.... and is very effective! She doesnt even realize that its in her drink. When I notice that she hasnt had a BM in a couple of days, I start giving her the miralax, usually she will produce something by the next day. great topic, eh?
  6. paula

    Woo HOOOO! 1st step down!

    I didnt have the guts to have a phychological evaluation; I was afraid they would lock the doors and call the padded truck to come and get me. So I went for a consulatation with a reg. dietition... much safer for me!
  7. Lisa, that type of cyst is VERY commen... AND painful. My sister and my cousin each had one in the same area, on their tailbone! Very very painful! Mary, Im not sure if this is the kind of response you are needing to hear, but when I feel like Im getting a little "stopped up" and the prunes are no longer working, I take a prescription laxative called Miralax. VERY gentle. Works well too. Actually it was prescribed for my 4yr old daughter who was having problems a year ago with passing large stools. Anyway, I just felt the need to spread that name and let others know that they can try Miralax before resorting to dynamite!!!!!! (lol)
  8. paula

    A Christmas Tale

    You know, I JUST found this. I sat here for about 10 seconds before I could move. That was BEAUTIFUL! Ive heard that silence before. Only at certain times or in certain places though. I NEEDED to read this - tonight! Especially since the lack of peace Im feeling over this Spiegel fiasco! Thanks Ryan... even a couple of weeks later, the magic that this story has in it is still happening!
  9. paula

    Hearing Rumors

    Thanks Leatha! I called her (Leatha)today and explained what I knew. It wouldve taken me hours to say just what she has said. I would LOVE for all of this to be a rumor and not true. So if anyone knows facts of something different, PLEASE set us straight!
  10. paula

    Hearing Rumors

    I am so UPSET!!!!! First of all, midniteblue, thank you for giving us a heads-up on things. The surgeon that she is talking about here (these rumors) is the one that banded me, Dr Spiegel. Without getting into many details, I started doing some research and found out that there IS a rumor going around about these deaths! I did not get a correct number, but 6 deaths is close. I am very upset right now. Supposedly the deaths have occured in different situations, some right after the surgery, some later. Ive already talked to Kelly (kellymoos) this morning, she is enroute to Houston to see Spivak. What do I do??? Should I go to another surgeon and get my band checked immediately???? By the way, I just called his office and his staff is denying any of this.
  11. paula

    WATER Challenge

    oh Lisa, you certainly can make me smile! I am VERY upset right now over some news about my surgeon (Im fixing to post something about it on another thread) - and gave in to the hershey thing. I went to Target and couldnt resist picking one up (emotional eating) and I have the monthly thing that came lastnight, so there's another reason that my self control is shot. And there YOU are, doing so well . Company is at the door and I REALLY need to post this stuff about my surgeon so I can get some feedback.
  12. paula

    WATER Challenge

    Becky, everything was slow on this site lastnight. I kept getting booted off, then it took FOREVER to pull something up... I gave in and went to bed. Although I wouldve love to go into the chat room, just couldnt get there! mmmmmmm, fresh baked cookies! Thats HARD to resist!
  13. paula

    I want to wish you a Happy New Year

    Betty, this may be a ludicrous question, but what were your first symptoms of the flu? Its been YEARS since Ive had it.
  14. paula

    WATER Challenge

    Lisa, Im gonna check at Walgreens for that little cooler. Dont worry about the chocolate's... my fetish lately has been a hershey bar w/ almonds. Ive had *2* today. duhhhh, no wonder Im gaining weight! Becky, Betty and Greg, you are making us SICK!!!!! The rest of us are here are gaining weight, fighting with chocolates, eating tons of carbs... and you three are leaving us to inhale your dust!!! This is supposed to be a hardship challenge, and you 3 are having too easy of a time! blahhh! (Im just jealous - hehehe) Marie, Michelle, Lisa (and ANYONE else, just let me know)... I have an idea! Lets try to have no junk food tomorow. Just try it for 1 day and see if we can do it. Maybe it will be the day that gets us back on track. I cant do it without someone else (isnt that stupid?) - so even if you lie to me and tell me that you are gonna do it, thats fine cause I wont know any dfferent ! So for me, no hershey w/almonds or doritos tomorrow. Just protiens, salad and H2o!!!
  15. paula

    WATER Challenge

    OK, 1 week down - one more to go! I look back and see the progress from 20 oz's of Water a day to 80oz's. But how sad, the scale has actually moved UP... 2 pounds MORE today then last Monday! Probably was that Peanut Butter pie I ate. In 2 days I ate the ENTIRE PIE! Oh well, at least I got my water in, right??? Thanks everyone for helping me with this - you guys are wonderful!
  16. paula


    Isnt there a site that gives all of this information?
  17. paula

    Feeling Down

    Shrinking, I am not a fast loser either. But I have noticed that when the scale isnt moving, usually I start seeing it more in my clothes. Almost like a balancing act. I lose a little weight, happy with the scale, but no change in my clothes. 3 weeks later, no weight loss, but my jeans are roomier. Everone's journey is different. Dont get discouraged. Im going to tell you what our wise bandster sister Leatha told me once, "Paula, if you follow all the bandster rules, and eat what you are supposed to and how you are supposed to and still NOT lose any weight, you will be the first!" She is right!
  18. paula

    Chatters Wanted!!

    Nancy, once you click on the "chat" button, wait for a good 2 minutes before giving up. Sometimes it takes a little while to load up.
  19. Misty, my advice is to be WISE in who you tell. All of my family knows about my band. The family members that are obese admire my decision and have supported me from day one; the ones that are mildly overweight (20 or so pounds) do NOT comment on my 40+ weight loss -and were VERY against me having it done, they also have the same attitude as the 3 people you mentiond above! Again, I remind you to be wise. I even regret telling my best friend. If you are in doubt about telling someone, wait a little while. My thought is that once you tell them, they will know forever. Marie has only told her husband!
  20. paula

    Body temperature question

    Great question Heather! How funny... I just told my mom LASTNIGHT that I stay cold, wondering if I have thyroid problems (Marie - we were thinking alike). We were visiting at my parents and I was the only one wrapped up in a blanket... I was freezing!!! I used to sleep in just a gown; now I wear gown, sleep pants and socks - then I put a blanket on my side of the bed. Glad to know Im not the only one looking like an eskimo (sp?) when its 70 degrees outside.
  21. paula

    Happy New Year everyone!

    Thats beautiful Ryan... thanks for reminding me of that. How's Patty?
  22. paula

    Need more fiber

    LMAO... Leatha, dont worry, I dont think that its an age issue - I think its more of a woman issue! Seems like after childbirth and/or turning 30, that department never work right again. Ever notice that men seldom have this problem???
  23. paula

    I want to wish you a Happy New Year

    Hey Betty, I noticed you havent been around. Thought maybe you were out-of-town. Here's a (((hug))) and a hot cup of chicken noodle Soup to ail those aches. We miss you - hope you are well soon. Love you!
  24. paula


    I get hungry too. But alot of times its more like food cravings and wanting to continue eating even when I should be finished (just like Nancy said).
  25. paula

    Aggravated, but Campbell's Soup at Hand is Good!!

    There is a Dr. Chung here in Lake Charles that started doing the lap-band on Nov. 1. Ive already talked to someone at his office and he refuses to touch any other bandsters that HE did not band. If he was wise..... oh the money that man could make!!!!! And ultimately, its IS all about the money! Thats why (I think) Spiegel went to Houston. money, money, money But thats not what this is about. Please address this issue to Spiegel. AND I would certainly take Lisa's advice and contact INAMED. Spiegel has two choices. He can fix the problem and find someone to handle emergencies, or he can choose to ignore it. I personally think that it would be in his best interest as a physician in such a SMALL area, to fix this problem. And I would talk to him - NOT any of his staff... including his wife!

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