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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Bright Red BLOOD

    Goodness girl, you have me scared to death!!!!! I would definately call that doc's office back if you havent heard from them by 4:30 or so! Are you able to drink liquids right now? Any pain?
  2. paula

    My DH is T-Bone.

    Regarding the movie... its wonderful that you two can find a positive side in all of this. I truly admire you! Did you say that your hubby wrote the movie??? WOW! THATS talent! As I read your post, I realized how truly SELFISH Ive been - only thinking of how losing 5 pounds will put me under 200. My goodness, I forget to think about those that have two or three hundred or more pounds to lose to be able to feel normal. What courage!!! I hope his movie gets an award... MANY awards! God bless you both!
  3. (((hugs))) to the moderators! Thank you for what you do here. Yeaaaahhhh Betty!!!!
  4. Some green lights say "off the scale" and some say "on a distinguished road". ??? (Im "off the scale", but Kelly, your green light says you are "on a distinguished road", weird, huh?)
  5. paula

    The hardest part?

    I agree! The problem that Im having is when I start eating, I start getting VERY thirsty after the second bite. Ive realized that this is caused from NOT drinking enough Water between meals. Its made me wonder as to whether or not I was actually hungry... or just thirsty!
  6. In June I was 246... now I am 203. -43pounds. Cant see it much!
  7. paula

    Healthy Band-Friendly Snacks?

    I agree! Ive had good restriction lately and havent felt the need to snack. When I DO feel like snacking, its usually b/c Im actually hungry.
  8. wooohooo Betty - my goodness! Look at that waist - those curves!!! Think it may be time for some smaller pants??? The one thing I noticed MOST is that BEAUTIFUL smile you have. (((hugs))) you look fantastic!
  9. paula

    Slipped Band?????????

    Hi Paula! Ive had 2 fills and both times I gained more restriction about 6 weeks later. I agree with the others that you sound too tight. I encourage you to contact your surgeon and get his opinion on this. Good luck!
  10. paula

    I think I need ANOTHER fill

    Water all day up to 64 - 80 oz then no more or I retain it.
  11. paula

    When U Least Expect It

    You are VERY wise for doing this! I only wish I wouldve held back from telling so many people. Good luck! Do you have a surgery date yet?
  12. paula

    Healthy Band-Friendly Snacks?

    My favorite Snacks are cheese cubes, popcorn and peanuts, actually any kinds of nuts. Also, Carb-Well Breakfast bars is another snack I like. These are the healthy one's that Im telling about... Im gonna keep the not-so healthy ones under my hat!
  13. paula

    About LBT.com?

    Kathy, one of the things I really liked about this site when I first discovered it was that everyone is so personal. When I joined, I felt like I was joining a 'club' or an elite group of some kind. I loved seeing everyone's pictures - and the fact that they ALL seemed to know each other was also 'inviting'. I only wish I wouldve found it before being banded. Alot of the things I read here contradicted much of what my surgeons office told me, so it was very scarey (but informative) to read everything. I agree with you, this place is the best. Sure glad to have you as one of the 'regulars'!
  14. paula

    New noises coming from my body...

    Nope, it doesnt go away... you just get used to it! The experience is something compared to when you drink coke on an empty stomach. Know how you do alot of burping and the sensation of the carbonation traveling up your throat... ??? Thats what this feels/sounds like.
  15. paula

    one week after & I'm hungry!

    Hi Sensey... and welcome to LBT! Right now your body is focusing on healing instead of losing weight. I recommend the high protien shakes... you can even make your own. My doctor's office didnt tell me anything about a 'protien' shake, so I had lots of McDonald shakes. A little more substance in this then tea or broth - and the protien ones keep you full - longer. (I like the slim-fast low suger/high protien) Good luck!
  16. paula

    I need motivation!!

    ohhh yeeaaah! Tanning ALWAYS makes me feel AND look better! Dark fat is easier to look at then white fat! Seeing La Madam's tan got me thinking too... Kathy, LOL - regarding all Kelly needs is a tan! you are right... investing in a good scale is definately worth it! If you find out about the one to measure body fat, please let us know, ok?
  17. paula

    I need motivation!!

    Im not sure if my post was actually considered 'motivation', but after reading what everyone else wrote, I like this - what Nancy says. I agree with her! Even if you never lose another ounce... you are darn pretty girl!!!!
  18. paula

    post operative GAS..Hurting!!

    Walk Walk Walk... Thats the only thing that helped me too! I actually didnt take anything by mouth for it, just walked. When I would feel my shoulder start aching, I would take a walk down the street. Congratulations on getting banded!! Where ya from?
  19. paula

    I need motivation!!

    *Kelly, I almost called you today for us to do lunch!* (((hugs))) Wednesday I called Melissa - I needed a pep-talk. I gain and lose the same 2 pounds, been doing this since first of January. I mean, 7 1/2 months and Ive only lost 40 pounds... and Ive worked HARD for those 40 pounds. Cant get a fill, Im already restricted enough. So I call Melissa. Im complaining about not losing - she tells me that Im getting calories somewhere. She said that its against the laws of physics to eat less and NOT lose weight.... *this is true* she also told me to start writing down everything I put into my mouth. Then I could actually see where the calories are coming from. Ha! That 1/2 bag of Grab-it chips I ate, and the bag of peanut m&m's..... I forgot about those extra calories. Her 'pep-talk' has already kicked me! Maybe you can do this too... write down everything you eat. (Some people go to fitday.com for this) No matter how you feel, you look amazing!!!!!!! Your before and after pics are AWESOME!!!! What a transformation! Hang in there... the 21st will be here soon!!!
  20. Hey Mary - maybe Penni can make you an avator with your new pic. ??? If I looked as good as you, Id want to be seen ALL over!
  21. paula


    Yeah Blossom!!! And many - MANY more NSV's to come!!! BTW - have you gotten any restriciton with this level of fill?
  22. paula

    Songs that inspire you???

    Mary, I just saw your pics on the "before and After" thread... yea, Id say you ARE a diamond!!! Girl, you are so pretty!!! Inspiring music??? I dont have one for weight loss. But I have one for my life in general. There is a song called 'American Dream' by a group called Casting Crowns... and the lyric that sticks in my mind is, "Id rather have a shack on a rock, then a castle in the sand." wow!
  23. Penni - you get extra hugs and kisses for all the hard work you have put into that thread! You are great!!! Mary - look at you! My goodness, you are so pretty! BTW - Have you ever been to SW Louisiana? You look so familear! Michelle - NOT fair! you are one of the most beautiful bandsters hanging out here!!! Please update your 'after' - 20#'s makes a big difference. Betty - where are yours??? Miss -53 pounds in 3 months!!!!
  24. paula

    HI - I'm new here

    Hi Farm girl... welcome to LBT! Could you give us some details about yourself (like current weightloss & location).

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
