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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Tuna Fish

    lime in tuna? mmmm, sounds good! How much do you use?
  2. Crystal, Phone books are local. Not a problem for me. BUT... if a telemarketer calls & I get ugly with them - they can find (internet) my number and hunt me down!!!! I DO have a problem with that.
  3. paula


    Lisa, LOL, you made me choke on my pop corn!
  4. I too, have just said a prayer. Please keep us updated!
  5. paula

    Google and your privacy

    Im not changing anything in my profile! Picture stays as well.
  6. Brenda, glad to hear you on the road to recovery! Heck, with the way things are going for you, you are going to be at your goal weight real soon!!!! God bless you!
  7. paula

    DeLarla, How are You Feeling?

    Hey Moodey, Welcome to LBT. What kind of questions do you have? I think that only a small percentage of us on this forum actually has a gallbladder inside of them! So, ask away!
  8. paula

    Happy Birthday Donali!!!

    Happy Happy Day to you!!!!! You are a genuine inspiration to me... God Bless you!!!
  9. Nicole, I agree with you, I felt the same way when I found this place. I dont plan on deleting my picture.
  10. Gosh, that google thing is dangerous!!! Marie, Im anxious to hear what Alex can do about it! Speaking of violation, I recieved an email about googling your home phone number and it giving a map to your home. Here's the email I received, I havent done it yet b/c I have no idea how to 'google', so maybe someone else would like to try it and let us know. Google has implemented a new feature wherein you can type someone's telephone number into the search bar and hit enter and then you will be given a map to their house. Everyone should be aware of this! Note that you can have your phone number removed or blocked. Before forwarding this, I tested it by typing my telephone number in google.com. My phone number came up, and when I clicked on the MapQuest link, it actually mapped out where I live. Quite scary. Please look up your own number. Read below for details. Think about it--if a child, ANYONE gives out his/her phone number, someone can actually now look it up to find out where he/she lives. The safety issues are obvious, and alarming. In order to test whether your phone number is mapped, go to: http://www.google.com/ Type your phone number in the search bar (i.e. 555-555-1212) and hit enter. If you want to BLOCK Google from divulging your private information, simply click on the telephone icon next to your phone number. Removal takes 48-hours. If you are unlisted in the phone book, you might not be in there, but it is a good idea just to check. If your number does come up if you hit map, it will show you a direct map to your house...
  11. paula

    "EDIT BUTTON" dilemma

    LMBO.... youre too funny! What a pain if EVERY time we decide to go back and edit our post - we'll have to go through a moderator!!!! If thats the case, then we should submit a request that you get a pay raise (LOL)!!!!
  12. Cindy, do you realize that youve nearly crossed the century mark??? Girl, you look beautiful! Lisa, OMG, you are so skinny!!!!!! Are you sure you are not already in a 16??? Denise, What an amazing difference. You look so different. WHat is you current weight?
  13. paula

    Feeling Blue

    A couple of ideas... In all honesty, you may have a chemical imbalance and need some sort of temporary anti-depressant drug. If you want to avoid that route, try walking/exercising... any type of exercising acts as an instant mood lifter. One more thought. Ever heard of the herb Rosemary? Its awesome for lifting moods. Its cheap too! Usually a vitamin/herb store will sell this. I took Rosemary for about a year and a half - loved it! It made me so HAPPY!!! Good luck. Keep in mind that depression is very hard on a person and their family! I hope you find an end to this soon!
  14. paula

    Tuna Fish

    Wow... these are all great ideas Yummm, I may have to stop at Walmart to get some tuna - yall are making me hungry for it. Marie, Im not a great food preparer... the simpler the better for me!
  15. paula

    DeLarla, How are You Feeling?

    I dont know about that, but a few years ago I had several prayer warriors lay hands on me and pray for me to lose weight... I believe it worked (with the help of Phen-fen)! and hey, Im right there with you - Ive only lost about the same amount in 5 months!!!! Ill take your challenge!
  16. paula

    How much weight have you lost?

    Great idea Betty... Betty 54 pounds Paula -43
  17. paula

    Do u notice this???

    LOL, Jonathan... maybe you would also like to consider a BR?!?! I heard this a while back... "Happiness isnt having everything we want, happiness is wanting everything we already have!!!" (I guess Im not very happy, cause I want smaller boobs, long hair, nice tan, bleached teeth, the list goes on and on)
  18. paula

    I don't enjoy eating

    Michelle and I had the same thoughts on this... "eat to live, dont live to eat!" When I went for my pre-banding consultation, Spiegel told me that the band was designed for the person to eat normal foods - just in much smaller portions. He and I talked about this in detail because I didnt want to have to follow a 'diet'. Maybe this is why Im NOT losing... I dunno! But to answer your question, I still eat what I want (better choice of food though) just not as much.
  19. paula


    Hi Victoria! Ive taken them off and on since Ive been banded - before I had a good level of restiction. Ive heard that sometimes a surgeon will write a script for them pre-fill (right after banding, before getting a fill). My surgeon didnt do this, but Ive heard of others doing it. I had to go to my PCP for mine. Good luck!
  20. paula

    DeLarla, How are You Feeling?

    ((((BIG HUGS))))) I had a feeling things werent going good. My 2 cents... during this time of 'healing' I would be writing letters and letters and letters to anyone and everyone that has eyes to read. Inamed, FDA, local newspaper !!! Use this anger for YOUR advantage! I would think that Inamed would be bending over backwards for you - helping you bring justice to this situation so they can clear up the air that none of this was their fault. About the eating. How about diet pills for short term use - just until you can get a port and a fill? Girl, youve got a best-seller in the making... hang in there!
  21. When you drink, are you taking small sips? Sometimes when I take a BIG gulp, I have pain! And what about when you drink warm liquids... like tea or coffee? Painful? hmmm... I would call my surgeon and see what his opinion is - just to be on the safe side.
  22. paula

    Bright Red BLOOD

    That's just what I was thinking!!!!!
  23. paula

    My DH is T-Bone.

    Crystal, I just took a peek at your profile to see how old you are... you have a birthday in 4 days!!!!! (still have no idea how old you are) Happy early Birthday!
  24. paula

    Fears about the long term....

    Marie, Im impressed! What's her secret? ...18 years!
  25. paula

    Fears about the long term....

    My goodness... UNBELIEVABLE, that's like 18 years!!! WOW! Marie, did she say if she's ever had it replaced? NO problems??? (Im trying hard to now sound shocked, sorry)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
