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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    LOL... Penni, I can relate. I was thinking that it has to do with the Virgo in us!?! Great thread Lisa!!!
  2. paula

    Laser Hair Removel

    Crystal, (LOL) I had NO idea you had responded... I was writing this response for about 30 minutes - lots of interuptions! Now THATS funny, but Girl, Id be right there with ya!
  3. paula

    Laser Hair Removel

    Pam, funny you resurected this thread... a week ago I had my second treatment. ***this is very personal. I am sharing this only for experience and edcuational reasons**** My first visit was mid November and after the doc finished lasering, I had about 10 hairs that were actually zapped out of the folicle. 2 weeks later, I saw little improvement - nothing major. Almost as if the laser had stunned the growth for a while. A month later, my chin area looked like it did before my first treatment. (sigh) So, remembering that the doc had set me on the 'lightest energy level' (whatever that means) I decided to give it another try - with a higher energy level. Which brings us to lastweeks visit... which was quite a bit different then the first. First time the level of pain was about a 2... maybe 3. This time it was more of a 6 or 7. That was the first difference. When she finished, I had a multitude of hairs that were zapped out of the folicle. The area that was lasered was red, swollen and felt numb in spots and sore in other places (my husband even commented that I looked bruised). Here it is a week later and the redness and swelling has gone down (still a tad bit swollen), and still a little numb and sore in areas. In another week, Ill see the full results of this treatment (it usually takes 2 weeks). At this point, Im not eager to encourage someone in having this done. My friend went to a major city and had her back hair's lasered. She is VERY satisfied with the outcome. So, since I had an excessive amount of facial hair, Im not sue if my uncertainess is in the lack of experience in the facility I used (VERY new with this - started in October) - OR, if its the fact that I may need to have several treatments to notice a big difference... Whatever it is, at $200 a treatment - Im dissapointed that I havent been MORE impressed. (thats alot of money for me!) If anyone is interested about this, Ill keep you posted.
  4. Just wondering, after all the problems youve been having - how are you doing/feeling??? And how's the wound look where the old port was? Are things any better???
  5. paula

    How much weight have you lost?

    This is AMAZING! Greg, you own a car that weighs less then this... LOL, thats cute!
  6. paula

    Hot Tea

    Thanks - there is one about a mile fom my house. And about the brushing... I brush my teeth about 4 times a day (on a regular day) esp. if I eat something strong. Ill keep this one in mind when I enjoy all these new teas! Thanks everyone for all these great ideas! What about ones that 'keep you regular'??? Are there any that do that? Crystal - about the coffee's - I drink Community coffee. Its a Louisiana brand . VERY strong! It definately wakes ya up!!! Betty - what brand of green tea do you drink?
  7. paula

    baby food?

    Gosh, I feel embarassed to say this, but I like baby food - esp. banana's and peach cobbler. I ate baby food several times during my mushy phase - limiting myself to 2 jars a day, has lots of carbs .
  8. paula


    Sue, I too, burp alot after eating something small. AND sometimes I have to force myself to burp several times to make my food go through the stoma. (sorry for the graphics) Strange. I love those ole timey Granny receipes! Im gonna write this one down and try it.
  9. paula

    Hot Tea

    Thanks yall!! You are all so wonderful. I am so excited that this counts towards our water!!! As always, Im late getting into the groove of things... (sigh) even drinking tea! :cross-eye Crystal, whats the difference between African coffee and American coffee? *I cant stand splenda in my coffee either*
  10. Jamie, you are a knock-out!!! How old is that pic of you?
  11. paula

    Hot Tea

    NOT knowing what I was getting, I bought the Lipton Green tea. I added a tsp. of turbinado sugar and L O V E D it. Already had 2 cups. So a cup of hot tea can count towards our Water intake???
  12. paula

    Feeling Blue

    Glori, I LOVED taking the Rosemary! After my 3rd baby, I started taking it again (wouldnt take it during pregnancy) and noticed that I would have severe headaches every afternoon. A nurse friend who is also a holistic specialist told me that I had developed a reaction to it, so I havent tried it since.... Just opening the bottle and taking a big whiff makes me smile.
  13. paula

    Chat Room

    Hi Bigmom... I love your name! We used to have a weekly scheduled chat every monday night at 7pm central time - last fall. I dont think its on the schedule any longer... we just started getting busy (holiday's happened) then everyone forgot about it.
  14. paula

    DeLarla, How are You Feeling?

    What Mary told you is DEFINATELY on the 'up' side! You certainly needed to hear that today! Good good news! ***warning, this is waaaaay off thread topic*** ok, got a true story to share with you regarding the collodial silver... when we started using it (about 4 years ago), we were told how easy it was to make. So, since we were using it so often, we decided to give it a try. I call this lady in Iowa state (a friend told me about her) to get the directions on making it. She and I got into a big conversation on the many different ways we use it. She told me that she would pour about 1/2 cup of collodial silver into her pigs Water trough (weekly) and it would keep the green slime from forming *AND* her pigs never had worms. True story.
  15. OMG... Ive just showed my family these pictures! Ill succeed, the "drip" picture look like professional photography - like it should be on the cover of a magazine! My 9yr olds favorite is Gunner as "Batman"! Oh, how funny!!!!
  16. paula

    DeLarla, How are You Feeling?

    I LOVE Collodial Silver... We used to make our own! (Also, its a natural antibiotic!)
  17. paula

    Joke Thread

    Women Over 50 (Im just in mid 30's, but I can see how this it true) By Andy Rooney As I grow in age, I value women who are over 50 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why: A woman over 50 will not lay next to you in bed and ask, "What are you thinking?" She doesn't care what you think. If a woman over 50 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do. And, it's usually something more interesting. A woman over 50 knows herself well enough to be assured in who she is, what she is, what she wants and from whom. Few women past the age of 50 give a damn what you might think about her or what she's doing. Women over 50 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it. Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it's like to be unappreciated. A woman over 50 has the self-assurance to introduce you to her women friends. A younger woman with a man will often ignore even her best friend because she doesn't trust the guy with other women. Women over 50 couldn't care less if you're attracted to her friends because she knows her friends won't betray her. Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 50. They always know. A woman over 50 looks good wearing bright red lipstick. This is not true of younger women or drag queens. Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 50 is far sexier than her younger counterpart. Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell you right off if you are a jerk if you are acting like one! You don't ever have to wonder where you stand with her. Yes, we praise women over 50 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, it's not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed hot woman of 50+, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 18-year-old waitress. Ladies, I apologize. For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. "Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage!
  18. Ill succeed, You are killin' me with those pictures! They are great! Im like Zoe, the Halloween costume is my favorite too. Too too cute!!
  19. paula

    DeLarla's Weekly Fun Thread

    LOL... Greg, thats funny! Honest AND funny!
  20. paula


    Im not photogenic either! I have to take about 10 pictures of myself before I find one that my eyes are bugged or half closed or dont have a bushy ball of hair sticking out... girl, we ALL have a problem with self image... thats one reason we are all here! But this place has helped me realize that coming out of my 'box' may help others do the same. Ok, so now lets talk about your pic. That glimpse of you is a good one! We're making progress... ... BTW, Isnt today YOUR day???? Happy Birthday!
  21. paula

    I know I should know this but,...

    Penni, this second fill Ive had has also thrown me for a loop. 4 weeks post fill - I had lots of restriction, lots of pb's and reflux; BUT - I stayed hungry... go figure! I finally had to "start over". Liquids & mushy's for about 4 days, then introduce solids again. I realized that with all the pb's and reflux - everything was swollen and I couldnt tell if I was just too restricted or doing something else wrong.... like a cycle of events. (This is when I started getting addicted to cappuccino's ) Anyway, it took me a couple of weeks to calm down my system .
  22. paula


    Thanks Greg for this information. Gosh, you are right, I too wouldve been eager to get my card out and read them any numbers *thinking they were doing me a great deal of justice*. Yikes!
  23. paula

    Tuna Fish

    Just wondering, what do all of you eat your tuna with??? Wheat bread, ritz crackers, plain...???
  24. paula

    DeLarla, How are You Feeling?

    Lisa, I know this is may be a lame idea... but have you tried vit. C ??? Vit. C helps heal and it increases the immune system. When my kids get sickly, I give them up to 5000mg a day till they are better! Walmart (anywhere) has the chewables - cheap too!!!! Heck, it wont hurt to try em.
  25. paula


    I vote for Crystals avator pic! Just like you, no pics of me in the family photo album - Im usually the one holding the camera. Anyway, one day I realized that if something happened to me, my kids wouldnt have any pictures of me for their memories. That changed my mind. Having experienced many deaths of loved ones, Ive realized how important my pictures are of them - whether they are good or bad. Basically, just post a darn picture of yourself... we wanna see you, please???

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
