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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    A Tear of Joy!

    Ever thought when you were a kid that youd be excited to see 299 on your scale??? Rachel! You have lost 21 pounds in less then a week???? OMG!!! Way to go!!!!
  2. paula

    Favorite Grandparent Memories

    Mary, I believe you - and I believe it really happened. Denise, just how many 'other' cats do you have???
  3. paula

    Favorite Grandparent Memories

    Mary, your story gave me chills.... wow. Your grandmother must have had an abundance of love for you. Kelly, I cried when I read yours. How sweet, the blanket memory.... awe! My dad is an only child. His parents were typical depression era people - very tight, tight and VERY tight. But they lived on the next street from us, so we were close to them - we were all they had, and they were all we had. Funny how God works... Mike and I bought our first home right down the street from them. So, grandparents were down the street and parents were on the next street. Close family . Anyway, so many times I can remember walking my kids - whether they were in a stroller or just learning to ride a tricycle - "down to Mamaw and Papaw's house". Well, in mid December 02 I had my third child. The day after Christmas my grandpa brought me a big bag of over ripped banana's that he had gotten at the market for .99c. During this visit, I can remember him holding my new baby and just looking at him... something I had never seen him do with the first 2. (makes me cry) He had a different spirit about him that day. He laughed, talked about the baby looking like his people (and he still does). That visit was the last time I saw him. He passed away in his sleep 3 days later.
  4. Hey You! Just checking on you and Patty... you two ok? Were getting lonesome for ya!
  5. paula

    Favorite Grandparent Memories

    Betty, your mom would go into the bathroom to smoke??? LOL... too funny. See, even in those days kids were trying to fool their parents. (I bet your grandmother knew) Penni, LMBO!!! My sweet ole frail grandma would say that word all of the time. ok, here's one of mine... My grandparents (mom's) were poor, simple, country style folks, VERY comical! They had some friends that would visit them from time to time and the problem with this was that they would stink (the friends) - underarm pitt smell, dirty a$$ - whatever kind of smell, they had a very strong odor! Well, Mawmaw LOVED vick's vapor rub - always had a jar close by *Vicks has a very strong menthal smell*. Before these people would come to visit, my grandmother would tidy up things and slip the jar of 'vicks' into her duster pocket. Once they arrived and everyone was sitting around visiting - and their smell was getting strong, Mawmaw would take out her jar of 'vicks' and dab some in each of her nostrils. Voila! The smell was gone - for her! Whats so funny is that she would do it so secretly that unless you were paying attention to her, you never realized what she did.
  6. paula

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    Bright, that sounds like a couple of geniune gangster names... LOL!
  7. paula

    what would you do??? OT

    LMBO.... funny, but true! Im thinking here... isnt there someone in the legal system that appoints a public defender for a person that cant afford one???? And how much of a donation are they wanting... 5, 20, 100 bucks here? Or more? Id probably trash it and forget about it... you know things get lost in the mail ALL of the time
  8. paula

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    First pet and mother's maiden name... that would be Cookie Bourgeois for me.
  9. paula

    What do you wish you had known?

    I wish someone wouldve told me that when I woke up from the surgery, I may be hungry.... because I was. The nurses looked at me like I was nuts. And stayed that way (hungry) for a loooong time... even after my first fill.
  10. paula

    Tuna Fish

    Is it normal to eat the entire 6oz's of tuna (1 can, with the fixin's) for a meal???
  11. paula

    Good Luck Vera!

    Hey Vera... Im praying that everything goes well. Hang in there, this will be over in a flash!
  12. paula

    Tuna Fish

    Lisa, Im sitting here eating the tuna mix idea you gave (lime, onion)....but I added my own seasoning and chopped a jalapeno with some of the juice from the jalapeno's bottle. This is the 3rd time Ive made this in about 3 days.... I like it. Alot. Its delicious!! Its the lime that makes it so good.
  13. paula

    Cancer Free and now Lapband

    Renee... what wonderful news, and its even more awesome that you know Who to give the credit to for your healing. PLEASE keep us posted on your progess. Were just as excited about this as you are.
  14. paula

    For those who have religion

    Amen! You have said exactly what I wish I had the words to say. Well done Brother! If someone wouldve told me 5 years ago that I wouldve had this many friendships to this depth - through a computer, I wouldve laughed at them. God bless each of you, you are all so special to me too. Kathy, ((hugs)) to you my friend!
  15. paula

    Fun thread: Nicknames

    Neat thread idea Betty! Cajuns are french decendents, so my parents, grandparents spoke french fluently. Alot of times our nicknames were in french, or had something french in it... like mine Anyway... my older sisters nickname was 'noon pop' cause she liked pop! My younger sister was called 'shicken', cause she liked eggs and chicken as a tot. And mine was... (drum roll) 'cot-cot and four more' In french, 'cot' is the number four, so I was called: 'four, four and four more'. Doesnt make a lot of sense; but I was so hyperactive as a kid - that my energy level was the same as 12 kids. And no, not called this anymore. One more... my little girl is VERY active (cant imagine where she got that from ). My parents have nicknamed her, "Shaw-tig" means wild cat. LOL
  16. paula

    Laser Hair Removel

    Denise, thats a good story! Nicole, YES! Ive heard that you can laser ANY area you want. My friend is very nice looking and wears a bikini in summer. She was bothered with the dark fine hairs on her lower back - so she had them lasered. You can laser anywhere. Only thing is that you cant be exposed to sun before or after a treatment for a while. My friend went to a tanning bed about 3 weeks prior to her first treatment and after she was lasered, white spots appeared over the area... it went away as her tan faded, but it was a good lesson for her (and me). Kelly, I think electrolysis would work for those who have just a few stray hairs, here and there. But for a major overhaul, I dont think its worth the experience. My mom went to electrolysis for YEARS when I was growing up. Now that she is older, her chin area looks kinda wrinkled (like a raisin). Not really noticable to others, but I can see it - and she says that its due to the years of having electrolysis... whats funny is that she STILL has to pluck every morning. You can try it - MUCH cheaper then the lasering.
  17. paula

    Laser Hair Removel

    phew, for last weeks treatment I had NO numbing gel. When she would 'laser' the left side of my under chin, It felt like plucking about 10 hairs out at once - even felt it in my toes. I had to make her stop about 3 different times to actually catch my breath. Today is a full 1 week later, and I still feel a little sore and numbness in a few spots... hope it goes away! Still having to shave every morning. You know, there's some kind of bonding agent that occurs when a man uses his razor during his morning ritual, then 20 minutes later his wife comes in and does the same thing :rolleyes (sorry, tooo much info here)
  18. *I came on here just to see what Penni had to say... knew it was something good*
  19. paula

    911 - DeLarla goes to the Emergency Room

    LOL... USED to be a super student, what happened???
  20. paula


    Hi rcampus, and Welcome to LBT! Sounds like youve had a pleasant journey so far Glad to meet you, hope you visit often!
  21. paula

    How Much Liquid After Surgery???

    hmmm, I never payed attention to how much I would drink in those early days. When I would feel the urge to drink, I would - slowly.
  22. paula

    Restaurant Eating

    I agree with Kelly, depends on where we go. I eat Wendy's chili alot, or at another fast food place, I'll get a salad. Sometimes at Burger King, Ill eat a couple of their chicken tenders (NEVER wouldve thought Id say that I could eat 'a couple of chicken tenders'!) As far as a restaurant, Im like Marie, I go for the appetizers, or ask the waiter what's a 'smaller' sized meal.... ALWAYS have leftovers.
  23. paula

    Whippledaddy, Ryan... Where are You???

    Ryan, I sure hate to hear about Patty. Any clue's as to what's going wrong? What a heavy load you carry. Just know that you are being thought of, AND missed. God Bless you Brother!
  24. paula

    OT: Heartbreak. For dog lovers only.

    ((((BiG HugS)))) Truly - I am so sorry to hear of this sad news. I will pray that your grief will pass soon... God bless you.
  25. paula

    Two More NSV's

    Yeeaaahhh!!! You made me laugh... "needing a tow truck to help pull up panty hose" and "falling off high hills" OMG. As small as you are, I cant believe you dont dress up more often!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
