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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    hmmm... how should we do this??? Any suggestions? Do you all feel comfortable posting your current weight every Monday??? or is there another way we can keep track of each others loss? Jamie, if you want to go for 25 pounds by June, thats fine with me :cool: If anyone else wants to have a different goal, thats fine too... just so we can do this together! Becca - glad to have you join us. And Jonathan, guys ALWAYS lose faster - so from the start Im predicting you as the winner. Penni - for the swimsuit thread, we could all send in photos of ourselves with our faces hidden and make everyone guess who is who... what do you think??? (lol...just joking) Becky - we are going to the in-laws for Memorial Day. I would LOVE to be in a size 12-14 pants by that time. So thats where this motivation came from.
  2. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    Thanks Wade... whatever rules you guys want to have - post em! I'll go for anything!
  3. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    Jamie, you are going to smoke us... that 12 pounds is gonna be gone the first week youre banded!!! Nancy, oh heck, I dont know about any rules... we can report in on Monday's, thats a good day. Thanks a million - I need this badly!
  4. paula

    Vera how are you doing?

    This nosey person wants to know too. Come on Girl.... were waiting to hear fom ya!
  5. paula

    Airbrush Tanning

    Very good info Big T! Thanks again. The air brush tanning here in my area is a technician and charges $25 for a session. The bottle stuff still sounds a little better though... cheaper. Kelly ~ did you have a tech. or go into a booth for yours???
  6. paula

    18 Days Till I Get My Band!!!

    Just think... next year at this time - you are gonna be 1 skinny little gal!
  7. paula

    Positive Thread - Apology

    I definately agree!
  8. paula

    18 Days Till I Get My Band!!!

    Yeaaaaaa Jamie! 18 days?? thats just a little over 2 weeks away... and gosh, thats gonna fly by!
  9. paula

    Airbrush Tanning

    Big T, Thanks for that information. There is air bush tanning here in my area - and the mystic tan. I didnt realize that they were different. So the air brush is better then the mystic?
  10. Hi Roxanna, welcome to LBT. How crazy, but most insurance company's are the same as yours. I had to do a little (not much) phone work to get mine to pay... it was worth it though! Good luck
  11. paula

    Positive Thread - Apology

    Penni, it sure takes a humble soul to do this - and I certainly admire you for it! God bless you...
  12. paula

    This is a hard and sad day for me

    Betty, The birthday's and death dates are always hard... big ((hugs)) from all of us!
  13. paula

    Airbrush Tanning

    Marie, I used the rub-on kind last summer too. And yes, they work! I think I used the Neutragena (sp?) brand. Looks like I may have to use it again... I was trying to get a more even look - and one that last longer. (sigh) I heard the air bush tanning stays for about a week. oh no! I just re-read you post Marie... the spray-on leaves you orange??? Yuck!
  14. paula

    Airbrush Tanning

    OMG... Kelly!!! Im really wanting a tan - these fat white legs are too blinding. Ive had the laser treatment on my face & cant get into a tanning bed until MUCH later in the Spring, so THATs why I need an alternate way of tanning..... (sigh)
  15. paula

    What things hamper your weight loss?

    Can you name one person that isnt????
  16. paula

    feeling restriction?

    Tracy, I gained restriction a few weeks after both of my fills (4 to 6 weeks later). And it has taken about 8 weeks for me to chug Water again... something I am very happy about. But I must take a couple of sips first to make sure my stoma is open before I start downing the water. Also, I keep my water at room temp. which makes it easier for me to chug. When it was refrigerated (cold) I had to take it slower. Definately! Thats VERY normal. And remember, other things in our enviroments can aid in restricion... like PMS, stress, nervousness. Good luck on this new level of restriciton. Let the losing begin!!!!
  17. paula

    new here with questions...

    Hi Mandy, I agree with Marie. First thing you need to do is contact your insurance comp an see if they cover WLS. Thats the BIG question. If so, they should give you specifics on what is needed to gain approval. Each insurance company has different qualifications. Good luck
  18. paula

    Names! Names! Names!

    Im more of a tree hugger. I thought this was a neat name... Peace Valley I kinda like it!
  19. paula

    What things hamper your weight loss?

    Rejection.... ANY type. Thats what hampers my weight loss. When things are running smooth in my daily life, I can do well with my eating. I think we classify this as emotional eating.
  20. paula

    Favorite Grandparent Memories

    Blossom, I even laughed out loud in that one! Thats funny! Are your grand's still living?
  21. paula

    Favorite Grandparent Memories

    Greg, you always have a happy ending! Thats a good one. Blossom, Boy, can I relate. My dad's parents did the same thing to me. About Bee's and bee hives... Mikes dad has several hives at their house. And they always give us jars of fresh honey. Folks have NO idea what they are missing if theyve never tried a homemade biscuit and fresh honey.... making my mouth Water. I can remember going to spend the night with my grandparents nearly every friday night. Papaw would go sleep in the other bedroom so me and my older sister could sleep with Mamaw. By 7am Mamaw would already have started her 'dinner' (lunch) cause they would ALWAYS eat at 10:30 sharp. I remember waking up to the smell of a roast cooking in the oven or one of her delicious stews bubbling. Funny how certain smells can actually take you back to their house in the flash of a moment. I was about 5 and had just gotten a new pair of shoes that day. It must have been on a Friday cause we went and spent the night with the grand's that night. I LOVED those shoes so much that I wanted to sleep with them ON my feet. And of coarse Mamaw let me. Well, the next morning poor ole Mamaw couldnt walk - I had kicked her so much during the night with my new shoes that she was bruised (never complained though). When she was lying on her death bed (still able to communicate) - she and I talked about the fun things we used to do. She reminded me of this story... we both cried.
  22. paula

    I have a summer house. HOORAY!!

    ...just sittin here waitin for a little gust of wind...
  23. paula

    OMG An old pic of me!!!!

    LOL....my goodness Penni, 'those were the days'....
  24. paula

    Fun Thread - Screen Names

    First pet and mother's maiden name (Bright told us to do this ) Blossom - Buffy Boo Watson??? Thats a good one, that could be a real stripper name! LOL Lisa - Dora Rhoda Dick??? OMG, thats too funny!
  25. paula

    I made it! Original Goal!!!!

    Yeahhhh for Babs!!!!!!! WTG!!!!

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