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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. Penni's reply gets a thumbs up! The Water trick is something I have to do often. Michelle (La Madam) has suggested many times for us to wait until our tummy starts growling before we eat again. I use her idea to share with you because Ive actually had to do this, MANY times... basically because "my belly is full, but my brain is still hungry". Doing this allows you to KNOW you are really hungry... that its not just head hunger. Another thing - is when you rid your body of those bad carbs, Jack's dragon isnt as strong!
  2. paula


    Thanks Marie! ...are you sure this moderator position is worth all of this crapola???
  3. OK, Ive been doing pretty good lately. Eating decent size meals, lots of Water, no eating after 8pm... done so well that Ive even broken that little plateau I was on. Hadnt even PB'd in about 4 weeks. UNTIL... Thursday!! Mom called and invited us over for supper. Yummm - I love going there to eat, better then any restaurant! So, we get there, I fix our food and sit down to eat and - OH NO!!!! Major restriction. (PMS) But the PIG in my just couldnt resist eating. So I ate. Of coarse you know what happened... ended up having to PB. Then had the reflux when it was time for bed. Its been down hill ever since. PB'd yesterday, and again today. Just when I was getting the hang of this new fill (new - being 3 months ago) now I have to start all over again. If only I wouldnt have eaten at Mom's.... (sigh)
  4. paula

    Cross Your fingers-please

    Oh gosh, I remember that feeling! Yes, I certainly will say one for you... let us know ASAP!
  5. paula

    Group Hug!!

    Great BIG (((((hugs))))) and Kisses to everyone!
  6. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    VERY well said Zoe!!! She's right... anyone and everyone is welcome to join! Jonathan, you are doing awesome!!! Thank you so very much for all of this - and if it does become a headache... well, Ill just mail you some tylenoyl ....LOL! So Jack, Taylor, Crystal (vinsqueen), Nana and Bobby... Welcome to the game! -12lbs in 12 weeks!!!!! Thats all you have to do. If you want to set your own goal for June 1, thats fine too!
  7. paula

    Rated PG-13

    *In my small world, Ive never heard of this word til this past weekend - fellatio. I think Ive just figured out what it is. * Nicole, the only restriction my surgeon gives that pertains to sex is 'no rough sex for 3 weeks after surgery'. Good luck!
  8. paula


    I vote for Bo - I even like Anwar, but he wasnt that good tonight. Didnt think anyone else watched it...
  9. paula

    Check out my hole

    Vera, sooo glad you are all fixed. But I MUST say that every time I see the title of your thread, I giggle!
  10. paula

    Can U Feel The LOVE

    We missed you! Hey, you were in MY state! Only 4 hours east of me though. If youre not a party animal, then N.O. is no fun... glad youre back
  11. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    Welcome to the game Big T and Chief! So Jack... you in or out??? Well take you in your panties - we dont care!
  12. paula

    OT (Strattera)

    Hey Mary, just wondering how things were going with your son?
  13. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    Thanks Kim and Tracey... Im sure Jonathan will add you to the list as soon as he checks in!!!
  14. paula


    yeeeaaah... Kaleigh has an avator again!!!! Glad to see you back!!! Is that your little boy? No offense, but he is waaay too cute to be a boy - beautiful child!!!!
  15. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    I just wanted to say that if anyone else wants to join - just let us know! :cool: I need all the help I can get!
  16. paula

    Mind-bending NSV!!!

    Alex, Ive just read this for the first time... cant believe Ive missed it. This touched my heart.
  17. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    WOW - you get a BIG LBT hug for all that work, Jonathan! THANKS!!!! And Becky, Thats a great idea... gives everyone a little more motivation. Darcy, Im like you - just a 'hurray for Paula' will be good enough for me! :cool: I just wanted to add a little spice to it. We are involved with the Children's Miracle Network, and Ive seen how important that meager $1 can be to a charity.
  18. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    I have an idea for the winner.... how about everyone donate a small sum of money ($1, 5 but no more then $10) to that person's favorite charity in our own areas (for example: women's shelter, food pantry, orphanage, animal shelter - these are places that every city has) - does this make sense? Do yall want the winner to be the one that gets to their goal first - OR the one that loses the most by June 1???
  19. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    Yeah Kelly... (I was wondering about you) Add Kelly to the list! Let the game begin............
  20. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    LOVED that idea Jonathan. And you can just do the updates if you want - no need to give me access to your site. Can you add everyone's name? Lets see, there is: Wade Nancy Jamie Zoe Darcy Becky Penni Bigmom Michelle Blossom Becca Illsucceed Betty Jonathan (you) Paula (me) Id like for it to be in alphabetical order. Becky suggested the end date being May 22, but I think it would be better to stick to June 1... 12 pounds in 12 weeks! (I need that extra space Becky :cool: ) Yikes Penni - Im with ya! I gained 2 pounds this week as well, so my starting weight is 202. Anyone else want to join??? -12 pounds X 12 weeks.... (seems so easy, ha!)
  21. Hi Karen and WELCOME!!! Sorry, I cant help with the ticker thing, just came in to say 'hi' ! Hope you are able to post often. Where ya from?
  22. WHY is that???? Just like Penni said - a bite here, a bite there - THEN its time to fix yourself a plate. And it was gumbo too, chicken gumbo (like soup)! The last 3 times Ive eaten gumbo, Ive pb'd. Maybe its the roux that bothers my stomach.... ?? Id hate to have to put that one on my "Do NOT Eat" list.
  23. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    Jonathan, thats a great idea about the weigh-in's. And yes, it would be great if we could get a thread going with 3 column's. Not sure how we can do that. Bigmom????
  24. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    Yeah Michelle!!! Thank you. Bigmom - thats a great idea about the total weight loss. Becky, LOL... (shhhh, she still knows NOTHING about my surgery) Heck, I gotta get motivation somewhere!!! Do any of you have 'rule' suggestions?

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