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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Issues with Wellbutrin XL?

    I took this drug years ago in my unbanded days. Yes, at first it helped with my appetite - and it also kept me from sleeping at night. Definately had a 'pick-up' in it. regarding your question about it causing restriction - when I take my diet pills, I notice an increase in restriction. Even Water gurgles as it goes down. intresting.
  2. paula

    going for an unfill tomorrow

    6" sub - bread and all? wow. *sigh* Those were the good ole' days. Heck, if being unfilled offers relief from nausea then I wouldnt even THINK about another fill for a very looooong time. This is SO uncommen... the nausea. What -in the world- are we gonna do with you?
  3. paula

    Baby Food During Mushies Stage?

    Yep! I did baby food. Definately recommend it if you want it. 3 weeks of no real food was a type of food death. No texture, no crunching, no spicy, no FLAVOR.. blah blah blah. VERY hard to do. Baby food offers many different flavors in the mushy phase - and this is the phase your appetite is awakening! So I say blah to those bland puddings/yogurt flavors and get some Gerber peach cobbler and get after it! This was one of my favorite flavors. Just a FYI: most of the foods mentioned above were ok'ed for later post-op phases, but NOT the first 3 weeks of being banded. re which ones I recommend... all dessert flavors in phase 3. Hawiian Delight IS good like Poodles said, also the fruit salad, peach cobbler - any of the cobblers are good. I cant remember any of the other names. Oh, and due to the high carb content, I limited myself to 1 a day.
  4. paula

    Christmas Lovers Thread

    Yep Cindy, I hear em. I was wondering what that noise was - 96 degress outside, dogs panting, grass is dying, the locost are singing.... and then I hear bells - SLEIGH bells. wow, Christmas is in the air! I can feel it. *big sigh*
  5. paula

    Another Lopez slip!

    Hi Christine, My question is the same as Kathy's, did you get your band unfilled? Sometimes a complete unfill will slip the band back in place... at least its something to hope for. Also - to my knowledge, most insurance's WILL cover a band removal if you are admitted through ER. I dont think they'll cover a repair though :huggie:. Hang in there and know we're here for ya!
  6. paula

    Selling a new home?

    You may want to pm Princess-N-thePea - Jenna just sold her home (I think?). Spring time she started a thread about cleaning the stains out of her sink... remember? Yes, you can live in your home until its sold. Sometimes you can work out a deal with the buys where you pay the note(s) - like renting it - until you find someting else. BUT - most people expect the keys to their new home at the closing table. My advice is to start decluttering NOW. Potential buyers like to see lots of baseboards so they can imagine THEIR junk in there. Clean closets, pantry's, patio, garage area. Clean clean clean! This is a BIG seller. And the color of your walls is another factor to consider. Try reading Jenna's thread... lots of good discussion in it. Good luck!
  7. paula

    Scared to WASH MY HAIR!

    Hey Girl, Im 2 years post-op. Just to let you know, last week I got a haircut and kept running my fingers through the back of my hair to feel it, just to see how short/long it was. I realized something - My hair was so THICK. Like Leatha said, this will pass - and it will! We promise. So dont rush out to buy a wig just yet - I think this means you are on the normal side! :huggie:
  8. Gosh, he has a valid reason to be scared. You are a completely different person then his first wife, so at this point he needs to have trust that this will not happen again. Kinda like.... (bad example here, but its the only one that came to mind) getting in a bad car accident and losing someone you love - THEN - being too scared to get back in another car, afraid of another accident. I like the idea someone suggested about couseling. Wouldnt hurt!
  9. paula

    Brothers treat me like crap...

    Oh gosh, that's SO painful. ((hugs)) Are you together very often? I would refuse to be around them... simple enough!
  10. paula

    Letter to all....from LOTSOFKIDS

    Hi Diane, just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you. Hope you give us an update soon. very worried about you. (((HUGS))))
  11. paula


    Hey Greg, Just wondering how Whip was doing. Any news?
  12. paula

    'nother Newbie!

    Hi Joanne, Ive been banded 2 years. "They" say that this is supposed to be lifelong... guess we'll be the ones to find out . Hang in there - and again, WELCOME!
  13. paula

    Got The Green Light Today

    :clap2: woohoo Nat! This week is gonna FLY by. Congrat's on the news, next step is Bandland!!! :clap2:
  14. paula


    soft tortilia's equal a pb - every time. And not just a regular pb, but one that stays stuck for about 6 hours. Ugh! This is one of about 5 foods that I totally void! Be cautious.
  15. paula

    Pain in the Arse Neighbors

    I love this idea! My suggestion was to MOVE.
  16. paula

    Bandiversary, wasn't sure I'd make it!!

    my goodness.. my mouth dropped when I saw your pictures. 146 pounds - thats the weight of a full grown adult! Youre the new LBT Super Star! :clap2:
  17. Hedwig, My sister has Crohns disease. When she has a 'flare-up' her symptoms are a lot like what you just discribed. Stress, cola's, spicy foods, shell fish, lack of rest - are all reasons her Crohns will start showing up. But this is just one of the many things that your symptoms could be related to. Regardless, my suggestion is that you find a gastro-doctor *soon*... unless your insurance requires you to work your way up (start with GP then get a referrel to a gastro). We're worried about ya, Kiddo! ((hugs))
  18. paula

    Happy Thread

    Anyone have something happy to share? Any good news is welcome! Anything made you laugh or smile recently? happy things only... Here's one - Anne jumped on her 2-wheel bike today and took off with NO help :clap2: . She was smiling from ear to ear - as well as laughing and singing to the top of her lungs! Big milestone in her little life. Seeing this made me smile - laugh actually. Your turn!
  19. Im with Elizabeth.. Lots of burping, but very little problems from the other end, Thankfully.
  20. paula

    Goodbye Clothes!!!!!

    actually -for me- it was due to needed MORE room on my side of the closet :biggrin1:
  21. paula

    Happy Thread

    Getting a vehicle DETAILED after 2 weeks at the beach leaves a BIG smile on MY face.. and its not even MY truck. actually - ANYTIME I clean my van I get a smile. But fill-it with sand and heat and kids and all the food & body smells for TWO weeks :omg:... Yep, I say this definately qualifies for the Happy Thread. :biggrin1: Eileen, you get the prize for the #1 Happy Comment. That IS the best news one could ever receive! :clap2: Melody, WOWOW, that IS great interest rates. But the best news is to finally eat solids, yum. Food will never taste as good as it does now. anyone else have happy news to share??
  22. Tostada's.. homemade. :hungry:
  23. paula

    Now and Then (link with photos)

    :omg: Wow Mary - youre a hottie! You dont even look like the same person.. wow! Youre going to be a new mommy?? BIG congrat's to you :clap2:
  24. paula

    'nother Newbie!

    HI and WELCOME to LBT. Have you seen the Before and After's pictures? That's a BIG seller for the LapBand. Goodluck!
  25. paula

    any advice

    I take generic peri-colace as needed.. Walmart brand. When problems arise, having 2 with my morning coffee makes everything get back in working order.:biggrin1:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
