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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    Bigmom, -7? WOW!!!! What did you do to have such a dramatic loss? Come on... we want details!!! Wade, a gain is normal... especially when its due to celebrating a Birthday Jonathan, it may take another fill before you get enough restriction to lose weight... hang in there! Zoe, Michelle, Penni, Im soooo jealous! -2 or more pounds in a week is worth a celebration! Christina, Im sure it was the stress of dreaming about t.v. land that caused a little gain... ? Thanks again everyone! Having all of you do this with me makes this journey so much easier to handle.
  2. paula

    I think he likes me....

    (sighing with smiles) this is better then a watching a good love story on the tube!
  3. Hi Wendy! Im one of Dr Spiegel's patients too. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Good luck on Friday!
  4. paula

    18 Days Till I Get My Band!!!

    Jamie, thats cute! gosh, its really close...
  5. paula


    And Ill take what Penni's having! Michelle, How true!!! Ive done some small eliminating myself and I can see the difference. Just wondering... those w/o OCD, do they think like us? :cross-eye
  6. paula

    update on progress

    Hi Marie, Thats a wonderful weightloss... Congratulations! Keep up the good work!
  7. paula

    Anal Odor

    Corliss, you may want to start a new thread topic with that question - so it can attract more attention, and get more feedback.
  8. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    Lisa, for so long I wondered the same thing. I didnt even like to 'visit' here b/c everyone was losing, and I wasnt - so it depressed me. This second fill has done it for me... once you get a fill, things will be different (you know this already). How much longer will it be before you get that shiny new port (along with a fill)?
  9. paula

    Shocking Weather

    This is going to sound to stupid, but is that snow flakes in the picture? If it is............................. WOW, thats beautiful!
  10. paula

    New Posts

    Lisa, have you tried using the "back" button? Sometimes thats the only way I can find anything after Ive replyed to a post. (did that make sense?)
  11. paula

    hi due to be banded in the uk

    Hi Braveheart, Welcome to LBT! We have several other UK members here - glad to have all of you There is tons of information here, so... Happy Reading!
  12. Just thinking about you, hope you are doing well!
  13. paula

    Curse dryed baked fish!

    Alice, Hope you are feeling better now! Ive have a couple of things that I try when I feel my food getting stuck. Sometimes PBing is inevitable, but sometimes I can get it to pass. At the first sign of a possible blockage: 1. I stretch my abdomen, sometimes this will dislodge the food 2. take a walk around the house, yard 3. lay down on my back, (sometimes I gently rub my belly - dont know if thats ok to recommend, but sometimes it helps). 4. lay on my right side propped up on my elbow - something about this position has helped me many times! If I get to step #4 and Im still slimming bad, a PB is certainly gonna happen. Sometimes I PB and never get to try any of these... just depends! Different days, different foods, different levels of restriction... Good luck!
  14. paula

    Shocking Weather

    OMG...Trish! Did it do any damage to anything? Waaaay back in 97', we had a ice storm in this area - first in a million years (it never snows here, nor do we ever have ice on the roads, much less an ice storm) Anyway, we had a big beautiful live oak tree in our front yard, that the ice storm brought down. I was so upset... I even cried!
  15. paula


    I have NO idea what that is, but it certainly does sound good. I LOVE coffee, all kinds.
  16. paula

    Smiling faces??????

    Lisa - ah, is this a before or after photo?
  17. paula

    Whats For Supper???

    Pat, LOL! Alex, your not alone! Cooking is a chore for me, certainly NOT pleasure! I cant believe what you people eat... egglpant parm, spaghetti squash, squash/cheese/crouton casserole, Pork backbone and ribs cooked in BBQ sauce... yummmmm! It must have been a pork eating night, so many of you had that for supper. Bright, what is mushroom risotto? Sounds good. And a fat free fudge bar for desert? I like simplicity. Tanya, we need to start a book thread with all the books that everyone recommends. Ive never heard of that one, but by the title, it looks like it would have great receipes. Pacomoma (Pat), You and Betty must have coordinated your menu together, lol!
  18. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    Zoe, Ive never heard of this medical condition (lol)! hehehe, must be a new one!
  19. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    199 this morning!
  20. paula

    Liquid Tylenol??????

    Hi Jamie! I used the childrens tylenol, and yes, you have to use twice as much. Another thing was the suger content was very high... yuck! Thankfully I didnt need it very often.
  21. Hope its just gas, but call your MD and get his opinion!
  22. paula

    I took my band on vacation!

    Kim, I dont love ANY pic of me (lol)... I just 'settle' for one that gets the job done!
  23. paula

    All My Friends Are Asses!

    Hi Lisa!!! my goodness... look how little you are getting! And that ass....
  24. paula

    Whats For Supper???

    Marie, OMG, that made my mouth water! Jeanna, weve had hotdogs for easter dinner before, dont ever under estimate hotdogs around here! Pat, you get to make the dessert for tomorrow night's feast. Betty, you are in the winner's seat... pork roast? Thats what I kept smelling...
  25. paula

    North East Winter Weather

    :eek its hotter up there then down here!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
