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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Adoption Pros and Cons Please

    Back in the day - when our great-grand's were having kids (before birth control), it was nothing for a woman to have a baby at 45. So, your not the first. Actually, even older then this. My grandmother told me that when an older woman has a baby, that it was a gift from God - that baby was going to keep them ( mother & father) young and give them company in their later days. ((hugs))
  2. paula

    Three-year bandiversary!!

    Alex - you're determination to make your lap-band work inspires me on those days when I fail. You are a total success! **psst: and I LOVE the fact that you are still loosing!** Happy *3 year* Band Anniversay, Sister. ..And here's to many MANY more! :clap2:
  3. paula

    What to do?

    What about the gastric sleeve? Refresh my memory - didnt Billy say that he wouldnt recommend this? And would your HMO/PPO cover it? I guess thats the BIG question. Out of all weight loss surgeries - the GS is the one that makes the most sense to me - even more so then the band. But MY options deal more with $$ then 'sense'... and that means the by-pass would be my only option.
  4. paula

    I am so excited!

    :clap2: YEAH for Penni ~ Great news! Will this be an on-going 'deal', or just a one time thing? Regardless, this is something to Celebrate about. :clap2:
  5. paula

    Letter to all....from LOTSOFKIDS

    Hi Diane, so glad to hear form you. As hard as it is - dont worry about the kids. They are gonna make it. Funny how the big ones tend to the little ones when mom and dad are tied up. Thats when you realize and see all the hard work of your parenting skills - actually paying off! Those kids are gonna be fine!!! I promise And you seem to be in the right Spiritual mind! God bless YOU and your family. btw: could any of your olders kids (or close friends) update us while you are 'out-of-pocket'? We're gonna be here waiting to hear from you. (((HUGS))))
  6. paula

    3 years out

    ATTENTION LBT MEMBERS: We have found our LBT super model. Girl, you look AWESOME! And whats funny is that you dont even have tale-tell signs of being overweight. No saggy-loose stuff or stretchy lines anywhere. You look totally normal. BIG BIG congrat's :clap2: And I absolutely LOVED the kiddie pics. I bet its not long before you and Rox' are wearing the same clothes! And the last pic... the one where son's displaying his kool-aid moustache - OMG - made me smile! Such cutie-pies!
  7. :omg: I LOVE you - lovecates! Yes, I have a small problem with these things as well, but the price keeps it from getting too out of hand. I can not wait to try this receipe! :biggrin1: yummy yum yum!
  8. paula

    Teachers Of Elem!! Need Pen Pals?

    Hey Jenna, My son's in 5th grade over here in Louisiana. I can ask his teacher if she's interested in this project. What state are you in? This (to me) seems like fun!
  9. IF you should ever find yourself in this position again - try drinking a glass of milk. It usually helps me de-clog, and may lessen the burn.
  10. (((Angie))) awwe, I ^kinda^ know how you feel... TODAY was our first day back - and my Anne's first day of BIG school kindergarten. She didnt want me to walk her in - only wanted big brother to drop her off at her door - then he goes on to his room. So grown-up. independant. happy. She even looked like an angel this morning. where did the time go? I just had her yesterday. Back to kinda knowing how you feel... I still have BeBe at home - he's 3. Now, when HE starts BIG school, Im gonna be crying in my Soup for a week! Although "they" (our elders) say that this is a fairly easy transition for us .
  11. paula

    Happy Birthday Jachut!

    HI Jacqui! Gosh, this was yesterday's news? sorry. Hope you had an awesome day!!!!! Happy (late) Birthday!
  12. paula

    Husband Help

    I just scared BeBe from my sudden outburst of laughing!! That was too funny! When I was first banded, Mike would buy (every now and then) something bad. When I would question him WHY he brought it into the house, he'd say: "You're the one starving yourself - Not ME!" No Cookies, chips, colas, junk stuff... and men think we're trying to starve 'em!
  13. paula

    Whippledaddy Has Passed Away

    I am so sad to hear this news. Ryan was a devoted husband, and friend to all. His writings and style of writing inspired ME to be more creative. He was one that I would re-read his postings 3 or 4 times before moving on. May he rest in heavenly peace. Id love to purchase a copy of his book. Think Amazon would have it?
  14. ***warning, this is realllly gross*** When I slime with no food, I drink something. It seems like the liquid acts as a de-clogging mechanism for me. After a few minutes the liquid along with clogged food will come back up. My theory: I cant produce a valid pb on food alone (from the eating with no drinking thing). I must drink the liquid to make the stuck food unclog so it can come back up.
  15. paula


    *shrugging* When I click on the link, I get a little message that says something about "not showing pop-up". From what Ive read here, Im interested in trying it.
  16. paula

    Chocolate Addiction....

    Elisabeth, you are so baaaaad. Who wouldve thought about this one. Im on my way to the store - Ive GOT to try this! Kelly, I share your choco-love! I dont even fight it - I just give in to the little brown demons. I cant drink alcohol. I dont do drugs. Cakes get stuck in my hole. So all I have is my m&m's. :nervous btw: my mom is a diabetic. When she has a sweet-fit, she'll show self control by eating some s/f chocolates made by Russell Stover. Eat too many and you'll die from gas pains. I guess its a type of negative reinforcement for eating too much of it. It does helps with the chocolate fix tho! Good luck
  17. paula

    When to reveal?

    It depended.. MY family was extemely supportive and I also told one of my very good friends. I didnt tell anyone else - scared that too many opinions, negative comments, shocked expressions, etc.. may have altered my decision to have the surgery. My thoughts about this... once you tell - you can't un-tell.
  18. paula

    Husband Help

    Men have such a strong will-power. Stronger then women. I bet that with a little incouragment (motivation) your husband will get on the right track. like..... Since its just the 2 of you, why dont y'all have a race or challenge to see who can lose xx amount of weight?! Guys hate to lose at any game or anything else, so I bet this may spark his interest in losing a little poundage! With that male will-power, I bet his total weightloss will double what yours will be! :biggrin1:
  19. Hey Texas Rose, I havent added to the discussion on this thread (nothing for me to add) but I have been keeping up with it... so, how are things going?
  20. paula

    Update on my Wound

    (((psst Crystal - I think she's ignoring us... *winky wink*))) Com'on Trish! U P D A T E usssss, pleeaassssse!
  21. paula

    Liquid stage question

    Cindy, Some liquids/foods that our surgeons recommend are really a trial -N- error for each individual. Be careful with the V8 juice.. tomato's are SO acidic and could cause you discomfort. You may have NO problems with it, and then you may... try waiting a good week to test this one to your new tummy, k? Another good thing to keep on hand during this phase is s/f pop sickles. It gives you the chance to CHEW - which is something we start grieving for after 2 or 3 days of liquids only.
  22. paula

    Happy 40th Gadgetlady!

    Happy Birthday to you! Hope you are having a wonderful day.
  23. paula

    Black Widow and eggs in my garage

    Babs, Try going to Lowes or Home Depot, a place that sells insecticide (granuales or concentrated liquid) - and do a little investigating on which one kills spiders - esp. BW's. There's usually a list of insects that the product targets. Seems like I remember seeing a product that kills BW's.. ?? Mike just told me that you can call a Feed Store and they should sell or recommend something..... GOOD LUCK!!!! I hate those things too!
  24. paula

    NON-Acid Reflux

    I agee with Alex - sounds like reflux to me too! Incase it takes a few days to get an unfill, try resting on your side or tummy (instead of your back) and see if this helps. It may or may not. There's a whole slew of other things to do to avoid or reduce night time reflux, but the sleeping position was something Ive learned on my own.
  25. paula

    Conversion Surgery Options?

    Jenna, I was JUST wondering the same thing. I was wondering about the cost to switch to a GS - which most insurance comp's are unaware exist! Are you near Pleatmen?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
