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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mumof2boys

  1. mumof2boys

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts. Unfortunately our counseling isn't until tomorrow night but I did talk to him today and he seems to understand but he said he was just in shock. This is going to be hard but we're going to try to sit down and figure things out...not tonight but soon. One of my big concerns is because of my work schedule, he drops the kids off in the morning at daycare. I leave my house at 4:30 am...I'm going to see if he can come to the house in the mornings and take care of the kids. Wish me luck...Thanks again, everyone.
  2. Thanks...me too...on top of it all, I don't feel like I'm getting my mothers support and she lives right next door and can be a big help but she thinks I should stay with my cheating ass husband. Anyway...I guess it will all work out one way or another. I'm gonna make it work.

  3. Yeah...I'm sure that in the end I'll be happy but the money thing is killing me and I am concerned over scars. Sometimes I scar alright and other times they are horrible. I guess I can't stress...I have to just wait and see what happens. The other thing I'm concerned about now is that I am finally seperating from my husband so I'm worried about who is going to take care of me when I get home...I asked my dad to come help me.

  4. I knew from the very get go that I would need PS. After having two HUGE babies...there was no snapping back. My first weighed 9 lbs. 8 oz. and the second one was 10 lbs. 4 oz. So...needless to say, I knew that PS was in the future for me. I'm having a lower body lift and breast lift with implants. I'm scared to death. I know it's gonna hurt like hell but in the end I will be so happy.

  5. mumof2boys

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    OK guys...I need some strong vibes sent my way. The weekend was very ackward. He was acting as if we didn't have a conversation. I am to the point where I really don't know what to do. And...on top of that I feel like I don't have my mothers support. I was full of anxieties and depression this weekend because everything is so strange to me. We have counseling tomorrow night and I plan to discuss this and only this. I don't know how else to say what I said...does he not understand that I think we need a seperation? What's the deal? Any suggestions?
  6. Thanks! You can do it...just think of how great your going to feel at the end of your journey. I'm having plastic surgery on April 14 and I just cannot wait. It's like starting a new life. The band is my best friend. And...I meant it...you're looking great. Keep up the good work.

  7. mumof2boys

    No caption

    Speed...you're looking HOT. Keep up the good work!
  8. mumof2boys

    Holy crap...what size is that?

    Thanks for the compliments everyone. Believe me...I'm sure if I went to a different store a six wouldn't fit but I'm still happy about it. I want to wear the pants inside out so everyone can see :confused: I'm usually wearing a size 8 which is beyond my wildest dreams...never thought that I would see it. You guys...you can do it...you WILL succeed!!! If I can do it...anyone can. Keep a positive attitude and keep working hard...it's so worth it. THIN FEELS BETTER THAN FOOD TASTES!!!!! (it's true)
  9. Hey there...I can be your buddy...I live in MD also. I was banded on 4/30/07 and I love every single minute of my new life. I have lost 131 pounds and only have 4 more to go. Let me know if you want me to be your buddy!!!!
  10. mumof2boys

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    UPDATE: Hello all...wanted to give you an update. Last night I had a discussion with my husband and I told him that it's just not working. I told him that I didn't think that we should be husband and wife anymore...the feelings are not the same, there has been too much damage and I can't continue on like I'm happy in the marriage. I said that I am happy with myself and my kids but that I am uncomfortable around him and the thoughts of what he has done are constantly with me. We both cried...I told him that I didn't want to hurt him, despite what he may think. It was a very difficult conversation to have but I felt like it was the right time. I do worry about him and I told him that he has made great changes in his life but unfortunately for me, it's too late. We didn't discuss any particulars regarding a seperation but that's the next step. It's going to be hard but it's something that needs to be done. Who knows...maybe one day those feelings will return but right now there are none. It's very difficult to deal with all of this but I'm holding it together as best I can. Thanks to everyone for being here for me. This has been a great place to vent, get advice and I have made some pretty good friends here. Pray that things continue to go smoothly and it doesn't get ugly. I would hate for this to turn into something that it doesn't have to. Thanks guys!
  11. Thank you so much. It's been a long, hard journey but so very worth it. I can't wait to get this excess skin taken off. I'm scheduled for surgery for April 14...I'm having a lower body lift and breast lift with implants (I lost ALL my boobs:() You will be successful with the band as long as you have made up your mind that you are ready to take on this journey. You can do it!!!!! Thanks again.

  12. I am scheduled in April for a LBL and breast lift with augmentation. My total is $19,600.
  13. mumof2boys

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Hey there everyone...life is still treating me good (especially the scales). In my new-found love of myself I have become addicted to the treadmill and running. I really get some good "Tina" time when I'm running on the treadmill. I'm happier than I have been in a very long time. I'm sad because I think that my marriage may be over and I never wanted to end a marriage with divorce but I have learned that somethings are out of your control. My husband is truly trying everything in his power to make me happy but I'm just not feeling those same feelings towards him anymore. I think that I have finally realized that it's probably over and I'm content with that. Is that strange or what? I feel like I can finally stand up tall and say that I'm a strong woman and I can go through life by myself with my kids. I feel like a new woman!!!!!
  14. Hey there...I'm a local to you guys too...I live in Southern Maryland and I was banded at George Washington University Hospital by Dr. Brody...what a life saver!!! Good luck everyone.
  15. mumof2boys

    Running Weight Loss Totals by LBT'ers

    Can you add me? 128 lbs. gone FOREVER!!!!! Thanks!
  16. mumof2boys

    This was taken last month at my moms birthday party.

    Thanks!!!! I have never been called "hot" before...what a feeling...
  17. mumof2boys

    I am normal!!!!

    Wow...what a feeling...I am in the "normal" zone for my BMI. I can't believe it. Truly I wouldn't consider myself "normal" by any means :wink2: but it's nice to see... I'm almost there guys!!!! My plastic surgery is on April 14 and I'm determined to get these last seven pounds off...I can't believe it....I'm jumping from the ceiling right now. Good luck everyone!!!
  18. mumof2boys

    I am normal!!!!

    Words of wisdom???? Let's see...I kept telling myself that I didn't gain the weight overnight and I shouldn't expect to lose it overnight...once I decided to have the surgery, I set my mind to it and used my "tool". Sure...I had some times when I ate things that I shouldn't, but we're all human, right? Believe me...if I can do it, anyone can!!!!! Good luck.
  19. Thanks so much. It really means a lot to have all of the support that I have gotten from everyone on here. You're right...we all have our own personal hell and it really helped me to talk about it...I have finally realized that I am somebody and I am worthy of happiness. I actually love myself now. Thanks so much.

  20. mumof2boys

    I am normal!!!!

    Thanks!!! It feels so amazing. I just posted some pics in the Before and After thread...I feel like a completely different person!!!
  21. Here's nothing...let's see if I can get these pictures to post...
  22. mumof2boys

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Well, it looks like your anniversary is coming up (not a good anniversary though). I'll be thinking of you on that day. I hope that you get through the day alright. Luckily I will be knocked out on mine. It truly is amazing at how I am these days. I have people wondering what has happened to me. I am full of life and don't worry about things anymore. In fact, I "pushed" my husband to go out with his friends the other night. I wanted to see how I would feel about it while I was sitting at home and he was out. Guess what...I didn't care. I have found inner peace within myself and to be honest...I don't know if I will get past everything that he has done but I do know that with or without him...I'm going to be just fine. I finally love myself and I am excited to wake up in the morning. I have great friends and family to help me and support me no matter what comes of this. On another note...this morning I weighed 147. Can you believe it...147...I was probably in the 9th grade the last time that I saw that. Boy oh boy...I can't believe it. Keep up the good work everyone...thanks for being here for me...continue to pray for me and keep me in your thoughts...you guys truly ROCK...
  23. Thanks!!! You will get there...it takes determination, will power and patience but it is within reach. If I can do it...anyone can do it!!! Good luck to you.

  24. mumof2boys

    It's my turn...

    Just three short months from yesterday and I go under the knife...I'm nervous as hell and excited!!! About the breast lift...that's what I initially went in there for with my second consultation. Let's just say that by just doing a lift, it took me from a C cup to an A. I cannot have that. So....I'm getting the lift with implants. I want to remain the same size that I am...a C but I want a full C...not a skin filled bra C cup.
  25. Thanks! I loved participating in the walk. I was very impressed because I never got on a sweep van...went all 60 miles and it felt great. I wanted to participate again this year but the fundraising is tough and nobody wants to do it with me. Plus...I'm having my plastic surgery on April 14 for a lower body lift. I'll be all healed by October but I will miss some training. Good luck to you!!! Oh...we didn't have a pie cooking contest at ours...that was probably a good thing though.

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