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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by HealthyNewMe

  1. HealthyNewMe

    Self image, anger, & resentment

    I feel bad reading this from y'all. So much extra crap to deal with when your attention is trying to be on your journey to a healthy new self. If nothing else, this just reaffirmed to me how supportive my husband has been..... Through thick and thin (so to speak). Best wishes to all dealing with sabotaging and unsupportive spouses.
  2. HealthyNewMe

    Emotional Struggle

    My mantra is "I can do ANYTHING for two weeks." That's how I got through my two weeks of fluids. That's how I get through most of my difficult experiences..... I just keep repeating my mantra. You, too, can get through this. You are stronger than you think you are. Use the week you have left to journal, read, talk, and to focus on how your life will be different once you are freed from the food prison you have been living in. Best of luck.... You can do ANYTHING for one more week!!!!!!
  3. Ditto HotButterfly's comments!!!!! Wow
  4. HealthyNewMe

    Post-Fill Diet ?

    My instructions are LIQUIDS first day ( and they give examples, like proteins shakes, soups, broths, juice) and SOFT/MUSHIES the day after ( mashed potatoes, puddings, yogurt)..,.. My family knows I like this day bc it is the rare time I order mashed potatoes and don't feel guilt. Third day, back to regular diet.
  5. HealthyNewMe

    One Year Surgiversary

    You're darn right..... I'll take 60 pounds/year any time!!!!! Congrats
  6. HealthyNewMe

    Here is my TV Commercial--update

    Just watched it.... Powerful message..,. It's about our HEALTH and getting our LIFE back! Hope your commercial helps at least one other unhealthy, obese person see that there is a way to regain his/her health. Nice job!
  7. HealthyNewMe

    Motivational/Inspirational Quotes

    Your BODY hears EVERYTHING your MIND says...... STAY POSITIVE
  8. HealthyNewMe

    Got banded this morning....Feb 5, 2014

    Best of luck as you go through your recovery phase.....
  9. HealthyNewMe

    Where's everyone from?

    New Orleans...... Getting ready for Mardi Gras/Carnival season to begin!!!!!!!
  10. HealthyNewMe

    I Really Hate It When The Media Calls Some Celebrities "fat"!

    This is a little off the original topic, but this is what aggravates me..... Why do shows like "Say Yes to the Dress" have to have special episodes for large size brides called "Big Bliss"? Why can't they just have a larger sized bride on a regular old episode, and not have to point out that larger brides need to be confined to special segments? That, for some reason, irks me !!!!!
  11. HealthyNewMe

    My 600lb life

    I find most of the "caregivers"/"spouses"/"parents" on this show are ENABLERS!!!!!!
  12. HealthyNewMe

    Banders Exercise

    60 mins on elliptical doing 20 HIIT's 6.52 miles today ..... Yeah, ME
  13. HealthyNewMe

    Very Slow Progess

    So glad to finally read a post from another August bander. I was banded on Aug 22. It seems to me you are making very steady progress. I too have been losing at a steady pace...... Can it really ever be FAST ENOUGH for us? Glad to see you are exercising. That's where I ramped it up..... In the exercise department. I try to get to the gym SIX days a week, and most weeks I do get there all six days. I have learned a lot about myself through this process..... I learned to live in the present and I need to practice patience. The weight WILL come off..... In time!
  14. HealthyNewMe

    Reach Goal

    A picture speaks a THOUSAND words !
  15. HealthyNewMe

    10 months post op - photos

    A picture speaks a THOUSAND words !
  16. HealthyNewMe

    To eat or not to eat.

    No thought or solution..... Only sharing with you what i do. I don't eat breakfast. I do eat lunch and dinner. If I'm ever hungry later, which is very rare, I eat a spoonful of peanut butter. So, I only eat twice a day most days.
  17. HealthyNewMe

    Coffee.. I need help :(

    I know every doctor has his /her own protocol about what we WLS patients can/cannot have, but I have never seen/read/heard that coffee is on the "forbidden" list. Very interesting..... I have no words of wisdom or advice, bc I would be like you.... In a haze. I was in a haze and had headaches when I first gave up sugar and flour. Thank God that only lasted for two weeks. Maybe with time things will get better..... I sure hope so!
  18. HealthyNewMe


    Getting rid of my scale was the best thing FOR ME..... I weigh once every four or five weeks at the doctor's office. I was/am the type of person that let the number on the scale dictate my mood/outlook for the day.... Dumb, I know. Plus, I found myself getting on the scale even more than once a day. My husband hid it..... I think permanently bc my daughter wanted to get on the scale a while back, and HE can't find it..... Oh, well.... Life goes on. I'm not advocating not weighing daily for anyone, but it sure worked FOR ME !!!!!
  19. HealthyNewMe

    10 month progress

    EXERCISE..... My husband and I joined a gym (probably the fourth or fifth time doing so) last June...... Two months before I had WLS. I HATED it. Every day I fought with myself to go. I dreaded even walking out of my front door. I rode the stationary bikes bc I could sit while exercising. I would come home and have to elevate my legs bc of them being swollen.... But I continued going...., started to feel a little better after about six to eight weeks..... Fast forward to the present. I go to the gym six days a week. I do an hour of cardio on the elliptical every single day!!!!!! I try to do the weight circuit two to three times a week. I am totally addicted to going. Can't believe it is even me ..... So yes, a person can learn to love exercising! Best of luck to you.
  20. Support is definitely out here, Sweetie. The problem is every person who responds can only respond based on what they know. I personally know nine people who have had WLS. Three chose gastric bypass. All three weighed well over 350 pounds, thus having the most weight to loose. They chose what I would consider the most invasive surgery for what they hoped would give them the most weight loss. Forward to today.... One lost all the excess weight. The other two list over one hundred pounds, but stalled or gave up or were satisfied there. None of the three became exercisers. One guy I know had the sleeve. He is in his twenties. Lost about 125 pounds..... Very physically fit. Became an every day at the gym guy. Five people, Including myself, had the lap band. One of those lost about 50 pounds, became complacent, gained it back, and has had the band removed. Three others have lost 100 pounds, and have kept it off. I don't believe any of them became exercisers. I personally had the lap band surgery 5 1/2 months ago, I am at the gym six days a week. I have lost over 100 pounds, 50 of those pounds before the surgery. I chose the lap band because to me it was the least invasive. There probably comes a time when you have to go with what your heart tells you.... You've done all your research so you're very well-informed. You can and will be successful If you follow the guidelines that your doctor sets for you. I'm 53 years old, I have a husband and four children. I have a lot of support and my family. You are 21. Do you have family that can support you through your decision? Ultimately of course it is your decision. I have no Doubt that once you make up your mind you will be happy with whatever you choose.
  21. HealthyNewMe

    My journey

    I'm so glad to read this..... These have been my exact thoughts.... Continue on the elliptical for a while why I continue to loose the poundage, and then convert over to trying to run. This just verified for me that I need to continue with that plan. Thanks, B52
  22. HealthyNewMe

    10 month progress

    That's a lot of progress.... Wow! Looking good, and I'm sure.... Feeling better!
  23. HealthyNewMe

    February 2014 Fitness Challeng

    Gym: 5 to 6 days/week Miles per wel: 30-36 Weight Circuit: 2-3 days/week
  24. Just saw the movie...... SO NOT WORTH IT (my opinion)!
  25. HealthyNewMe

    2 Year Bandiversary

    Linda..... Buy that swimsuit ..... I was one of those FAT PEOPLE THAT STILL WENT SWIMMING.... I mean, I live in the Deep South..... It's hotter than hell in the summer.... I got in that pool and cooled off every day!!!! I Will look quite a bit different in a swimsuit this year.... A little wrinkly and less puffy, but I'll still get in that pool or go to the beach often...... I mean, you've got to live!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
