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LAP-BAND Patients
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    Drea_M got a reaction from dylanmiles23 in Took the first step... few questions   
    So I went to 2 classes, did a lot of internet research, talked to a lot of people who have had the lap band (some good experiences, some bad), and after weighing my options and looking at my past diet history, I realized lap band probably is right for me.
    I've had a few hesitations... stories of the lap band slipping, some saying they were always in pain when they'd eat, but there were way more positive stories and results from the band.
    So I filled out the paper work, sent in 2 weeks worth of my diet journal (I'm on weight watchers so I was already keeping a detailed diet journal). Now I just have to wait for them to get my paper work sometime next week... then the ball will be rolling.
    I guess my main thing... what do you guys eat after the surgery, and how do you know when you've hit the sweet spot where enough is enough, and when it's one bite too many. How many times a day do you guys eat?
    For example: One woman I've talked to who has had the band for about a month.. she says she starts the day with 1/2 cup worth of a Protein shake, for lunch she will have a well done angus burger patty (no bun) or a grilled chicken breast, then for dinner she'll have another 1/2 cup worth of a Protein Shake. in between meals she'll make a home made smoothy and drink about 1/3 to 1/2 cups worth. usually 2x a day.
    She says that works for her. Others I heard eat normally, just less. But they don't explain what normal is. So I'm just curious what everyone eats. Just wanted to start getting a general idea for what diet plan I can prepare for. I know I have to meet with the nutrition specialist yet... but I thought it would be cool to hear what others have been doing.
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    Drea_M got a reaction from Lady VS in Struggling with final decision.   
    Went to the 2nd class... then went to see another doctor at a hospital a few hours away for a 2nd opinion. So far it seems like it may be the right decision for me. it's reversable, you lose weight at a normal, healthy pace rather than losing too much weight at once... I can maintain my basic exercise routine once I'm healed, and since I am high risk for diabetes and because I have back issues and knee issues that can benefit from less weight... this should be a good choice for me.
    The 2nd doctor also said that it can help my "bottomless pit" stomach feeling. He said basically the portions you eat will be smaller because smaller amounts will make you feel full... so in the course of the day, if I'm adhering religiously to the diet plan, I'll eat half of what I do now and not feel like I'm starving.
    I still have some concerns... but they're typical concerns I had when I had my ankle surgeries. So this is becoming more and more like what would be good for me. My sister-in-law's friend lost 136lbs with the lap-band. I'm just waiting for the packet the doctor sends for me to fill out to get the ball rolling. I will still have to meet with the dietician. They want to see I can make the necessary changes to my diet plan and stick to it.
    So We'll see. Its not a done deal yet. I have a few more appointments with the dietician, the doctor who recommended lap-band and the surgeon.

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