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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Angeleyes

  1. It sound great, I was in the Uintah Mountians on a camping trip east of Salt Lake City. Weekends are great aren't they. I plan on returning to the Mountians for the next two weekends for camping trips and then going into Salt Lake City for shopping on the third weekend. I would like to retire too but I don't have enough money to live the life style I like without the pay check.

  2. I usually order Soup and then eat a few bites off my husband plate. He loves it because he is trying to eat less. Our eating out bills are alot less now. If I do order more than what I can eat I just ask for a doggie bag and take it home for another meal. I have been to buffet style places but it does make you feel ripped off. You do have alot more choices and if you happen to be able to eat a little more you can try different things. Just don't look at the price.

  3. I really need some energy. I was used to drinking 6-8 diet cokes a day and now I am 13 weeks out from my surgery and am having alot of problems with being so tired all the time. I had someone tell me recently that they take a suppliment called Chlorella. Have any of you used it? Any suggestions would help me, I need to get enough energy to exercise !

  4. The great thing about the band is that I am now never overeating. I used to sit down with a bag of chips or candy and eat the whole thing without thinking. Now that never happens I have a few bites and I am satisfied, I almost never feel hunger,it is a great tool. The pounds will start dropping off soon and I will feel better about the process.

  5. I love my band but.... my life is different than what I expected. I am losing really slow( I know its a tool).... I didn't tell only one or two people and my husband's family has alot of occasions where they eat out and I can never tell when after one or two bites food gets caught in my throat. So I spend alot of time in the bath room. I try to avoid eating in public but there is times when I have to go and participate. For me eating is a chore, I have had my band almost 3 months and have lost 15 pounds no one has noticed. I will probably feel better in a few months when I can determine what foods to avoid and when I can see that I am losing more weight. I don't seem to have alot of energy to work off the weight.

    However I was gaining every month so I am moving in the right direction.

  6. You guys are soooo funny. It happen to me at a picnic, I just held the spit that was accumulating in my mouth until I found a napkin and turned my back and let it fly. Well there was to much it run out and over the napkin and down my arm. I didn't turn around to see if anyone noticed.I just got another napkin and cleaned up. I am just so shocked at how much spit can gather up so quick! I have also had it happen in the car. I had a empty grocery bag in the car and it worked out fine. Since I had a little unfill I haven't had so much trouble with it. But I am ready for it to happen at any time. I have a grocery sack under the seat with some napkins in it and I have a ziplock with a napkin in my purse. What can you say no one who hasn't had the band would understand???? Oh well I love my band!

  7. All you guys that were banded in April check in and let us know how you are doing. I had my band put in on April 5 and I lost 10 pounds in that month. In May I lost 4 pounds and I have lost and regained 2 pounds in the month of June. I don't have a lot of energy and have not been exercising so that is probably why I haven't done as well as I thought I would. I have had two fills and one unfill. For two weeks I was so tight I couldn't eat any solid food, slim fast was my best friend.

  8. I think the only way you can determine what is best for you is to talk to people who have had each surgery. Try to find people who have had it done for at least 1 year and then talk to your Doctor.

    I have lost 16 pounds in 8 weeks. You need a Doctor you can get after care with and will need to go back for fills and un fills. I have had two fills and the last one was to tight, I have an appointment to go back and have a tiny bit taken out. It is hard to determine how much is just right. It also depends on how much weight you need to lose.

  9. I had my second fill and I am to tight. I have an appointment to get an unfill soon. However I finally lost 4 pounds, for a total of 14. I am just starting to notice my clothes are a little loser, It feels great.

    I just need to get out and walk, it has been so rainy here I haven't been out in a while and I sit at a desk to much.

  10. I too am having problems with food. I had lost 10 pounds in the first month and the scales just sit there. I went for my first fill and sat there. I had my second fill last week and now I seem to be to tight. I have the golf ball feeling after the third bite of food and then stop eating. This is harder than I thought it would be. However I have lost 4 pounds this week.

  11. Dr. McKeen does. His office is located in Orem Utah. Call his nurse and leave a message with your name and phone # she will call you back. Her Name is Chris at 1-801-380-5020,tell her Loraine referred you. The Doctor and his Nurse are great people.

  12. I also drank 6-8 cans of diet coke. I decreased my intake before surgery until I was at one can a day. Then the day before surgery I had that last can and knew I had to change my life. It was not going to stand in my way, so I drink Crystal Lite, Diet peach tea in the gallon jug and Water. The water is very hard for me but I find if it is always setting beside me I drink it all day.

    The odd thing I have noticed is that my problem with incontenince has almost disapeared. I think it had to do with carbonated drinks! I have not lost much weight so it can't be that. I have had trouble with it for about 4 years. So it has been worth it.

  13. I also am on anti-depressants. After taking Prozac I started to gain weight and put on about 45 pounds. I then stopped taking it and have changed to Effixer(this may not be spelled right) and my weight seemed to stablize. I am still taking it and I think for the first time I am less depressed than I have been in years.

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