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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pstroud100

  1. pstroud100

    I'm Mad as Heck...!

    Ok so normally I would just read post and keep my opinions to myself. However, I have to weigh in on this one. I can sympathize with the slow weight loss. But I went to the same siminar as you and I heard them say that this is not a miracle cure. Emily, Dr. Antonetti, and James all told me that I would probably not feel any restriction until my 3rd or 4th fill. Dr Antonetti even reminded me of that before I had the surgery. I have no one to blame for my slow weight loss but myself. I am sorry that you are having a hard time too but I must take up for the group. I was warned before I had the surgery. Good luck on your journey.
  2. My doctor who did my surgery actually recommended muscle milk lite as part of my protein intake. I am not a chocolate fan in general but I love the french vanilla, and strawberries and cream. I am really picky about what I drink. Esp when it comes to protein drinks. I found mine at walmart in the health and nutrition isle and they are the ready made drinks. They are a good source of protein.
  3. pstroud100

    TOM: ? for Ladies (WTMI)

    OK Finally someone who understnads what I have been going through. I was banded on 12/3/08. Since then I have had my period 3 times... each time for atleast a week. I finally had to ask for something to stop it. I feel sorry for my DH who is wondering what in the hell is going on. I dont what started it but I wish that it would go away.
  4. pstroud100

    Fatty Liver Diet??

    When a liver becomes fatty it also becomes brittle. This makes the surgery more complecated for the doctors. The diet is required because when you begin to los weight the body usually takes the extra fat from the organs first. This what was explained to me when I had to do my diet for surgery. I did not have any problems with the surgery. I hope this helps.
  5. pstroud100

    The Water Rule

    I can hold off on the before and during. I am struggling with the after. I have just been banded so I am in my first week of trying to adjust. I can usually hold off about 30 mins.
  6. pstroud100

    The Water Rule

    I was told by my doctor that I should not eat 30 mins before, during and up to one hour after I eat. The reason I was told is one... you dont drink right before eating because it gives a false sense of fullness and you wont eat enough. Two.. During eating if you drink it can cause you the same as one and it can push the food through the band to quickly. and Three after eating hold off on drinking so that the band has the proper amount of time to do its job. Hope this helps.
  7. pstroud100

    Come On SC!

    Hello Everyone! I was banded on 12/3/08 by Dr Antonetti at Riverside surgical. I stayed in the hospital one night and I am now at home. I am doing well except I am having terrible shoulder pain. I have tried everything. I had used heat, ice and even a shoulder injection. They did not work. If I could get rid of the shoulder pain I would not need any more pain medicine. I have been using the protien drinks that the doctors office suggested. they are a little on the expensive side however they taste pretty good. They have a whole line of products that all have protien in them so that you are not struggling to get your daily dose in. So far out of all the products there is only one that I do not like. I think it is just a matter of what fits for you. Remember, We wont be in the liquid stages forever. Hang in there. If any one knows how I can get rid of this darn shoulder pain please let me know.
  8. pstroud100

    Where Decembers Bandsters?

    Hi Everyone!!! I was banded on 12/3/08. I had very good pain meds on the first day and was able to walk a good bit. The next day was very rough but I still walked. Last night I did not sleep well and even though I had dilaudid for pain i was very sore. The miracle of the story is today I am still sore but just a little bit. I havent had any pain meds so far. I am having some shoulder pain and I am burping alot which I think is kinda weird. I know that some of you are talking about caffine intake. My nutrionist says that caffine can cause hungar pains. I have quit caffine and switched to crystal lite. I just wanted to share my experience and Wish all of you good luck.
  9. I have jumped though all the hoops.... did all the tests.... seen all the doctors... waited impatiently for insurance and I now I finally have a date! I am getting banded on December 3rd 2008. I am very excited and super scared. By the time of my surgery I will have been on the preop diet for 2 weeks. I am trying really hard and when I am working I do fine. But the weekends when I am off its horrible. I want to eat every thing in a 10 mile radius. Anyway, I am hanging on trying to be strong. I am just ready and I wanted to share my good news....
  10. pstroud100

    Did You Have Sleep Apnea and Not Know it?

    DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE!!!. I was required by my surgeon to have a sleep study done even though I felt like I slept fine. I was not one to snore but I would toss and turn. I would get up sometimes 3 to 4 times a night to go to the bathroom. I was fine on the weekdays but on the weekends I was tired and often took naps. I found out that my oxygen level dropped to 67% when I was sleeping. I was shocked! I was put on a CPAP at a very low level and was told that after I had the surgery that I would be re-evaluated and probably taken back off. Have the study done. I think you may also be surprised. Good Luck!!!
  11. Hello Everyone! I had my last appointment with the diet doctor today. I have jumped every hoop that the insurance has required. I went to a psych dr, cardiologist, pulmonologist, and had a sleep study. I finished My 6 months of monitored diet. Now everything is going to CIGNA for approval. Now EVERYONE PLEASE cross your fingers and toes that I get a quick approval and soon become a NOTORIOUS NOVEMBER!!!!!!! Please wish me luck!:wink2::laugh:
  12. pstroud100

    Six Month Diet Question

    My insurance required that I do the same thing. All I had to do is type a brief history of my diet failures for the past two years. I then backed that up with four years of doucmented weight history. I just got the last four visits from my gyno guy. I was told that was all I needed. Good luck in your journey. Hopefully I will have a date by the end of the month.
  13. I worked 7 years in an orthopedic office. I had terrible plantar fascitis and was told to do this: every morning before you get out of bed, a take towel and loop it under your foot and pulled it toward you and stretch as much as possible. It really works. Also a good pair of supportive shoes. Good Luck!!!!
  14. Hello, I too am required to go to a Baritric center of execellance by my insurance. I was impressed the first time that I went to my doctor. They have a whole group of doctors that work very close together. I am amazed at how fast they are acting and making sure that all of the info form my studys are getting back to my doctor very quickly. I do feel like I have jumped through alot of hoops but then I do want them to be well prepared. Good luck on your journey!
  15. pstroud100

    anyone have a sleep study??

    I wore shorts and tee shirt. BTW my hair was a mess because of the stuff they put in your hair. I had planned to just run out in the morning but after I woke up with the hair from hell. I had to scrub it out before I would even step out of the room. So I suggest strong shampoo and conditioner. Otherwise you will do great.
  16. pstroud100

    Anyone familiar with Cigna?

    Here you go right out of Cigna website. I hope it helps! CIGNA HealthCare covers bariatric surgery using a covered procedure outlined below as medically necessary when ALL of the following criteria are met: • The individual is ≥ 18 years of age or has reached full expected skeletal growth AND has evidence of one of the following: BMI (Body Mass Index) ≥ 40 for at least the previous 24 months. BMI (Body Mass Index) 35–39.9 for at least the previous 24 months with at least one clinically significant comorbidity, including but not limited to, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease, or pulmonary hypertension • Active participation within the last two years in one physician-supervised weight-management program for a minimum of six months without significant gaps. The weight-management program must include monthly documentation of ALL of the following components: Page 2 of 34 Coverage Position Number: 0051 weight current dietary program physical activity (e.g., exercise program) Programs such as Weight Watchers®, Jenny Craig® and Optifast® are acceptable alternatives if done in conjunction with physician supervision and detailed documentation of participation is available for review. For individuals with long-standing, morbid obesity, participation in a program within the last five years is sufficient if reasonable attendance in the weight-management program over an extended period of time of at least six months can be demonstrated. However, physiciansupervised programs consisting exclusively of pharmacological management are not sufficient to meet this requirement. • Evaluation by a multidisciplinary team within the previous 12 months which includes the following: an evaluation by a surgeon qualified to do bariatric surgery recommending surgical treatment a separate medical evaluation recommending bariatric surgery clearance for surgery by a mental health provider a nutritional evaluation by a physician or registered dietician Bariatric Surgery Procedures: When the specific medical necessity criteria noted above for bariatric surgery have been met, CIGNA HealthCare covers ANY of the following bariatric surgery procedures: • vertical banded gastroplasty • Roux-en-Y gastric bypass • adjustable silicone gastric banding (e.g., LAP-BAND®, REALIZE™ ) • biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS) for individuals with a BMI (Body Mass Index) > 50 CIGNA HealthCare covers adjustment of a silicone gastric banding as medically necessary to control the rate of weight loss and/or treat symptoms secondary to gastric restriction following a medically necessary adjustable silicone gastric banding procedure. CIGNA HealthCare does not cover the following bariatric surgery procedures, because they are considered experimental, investigational or unproven (this list may not be all-inclusive): • Fobi-Pouch (limiting proximal gastric pouch) • intragastric balloon • mini-gastric bypass • sleeve gastrectomy (SG) • Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery™ (NOTES™) (e.g., StomaphyX™)
  17. pstroud100

    so excited...

    DO NOT!!! I MEAN DO NOT let the bad out weight all the good in here.There is alot of helpful and funny post on here. I too am still in the pre-op stages and I have received more support on here then my family (except my wonderful hubby). Hang in there and good luck on your journey.
  18. Ok today was the last hoop jump for me. (I think) I had a whole list of things to do. I had to see a psych dr, have a sleep study, get OK from primary dr, 6 months of supervised diet ( I only have 2 more visits to go). Type out a two year diet history. Obtained medical records for the past 4 years to prove I didnt gain the weight over night. Lots of blood work, started CPAP machine. Last but not least I had to see a cardiologist, have a stress test and echo done and he gave me my final approval for surgery! I feel like a 300 pound weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I am so excited. I am ready to be done with all of the pre work up for pre op. November here I come!
  19. pstroud100

    Group Name Ideas.

    NOTORIOUS NOVEMBERS! Thats my vote!
  20. I have unsupportive family members as weel. My sister told me I would die if I have the lap band. I think I will die if i dont. I do have a supportive husband but I have been trying to get him to het it too. He has high bp, high choles, acid reflux, severe sleep apnea, borderline diabetes. I would just try to get him to a seminar. Once he is there he will see a sucess story and maybe it will help him change his mind. I know it did mine. As for the rest of the family and friends just be strong in your convictions and prove them wrong. I told my sister that after I have my surgery SHE can have my fat clothes. Hang in there. He will come around.
  21. pstroud100


    I joined Curves and I love it. I have learned how to challenge myself. I do a full min. on the machines and do extra rounds on the circuit. I go about the same time on the days that I go and I have a met a circle of friends who encourage me and makes the time go fast. I personally like it.
  22. pstroud100

    Letter from cigna

    My cigna required a psych eval, 6 months of supervised dieting, a letter from my primary dr stating he was approving me for surg. a personal typed history of my view of my diet history, and past three years of weight history. I also had to go to a doctor that was approved by Cigna. I called them and spoke with someone who guided my thru their website to get the criteria. I hope this helps.
  23. pstroud100

    Come On SC!

    I live in Newberry SC and I am hoping to get my band in November. I am using Dr Antonetti with Riverside Surgical.
  24. pstroud100

    What kind of razor do you use?

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the coochie cream. Its the best I have ever tried. I use it with the Quattro.
  25. I have actually tried the miracle noodle. Ill try to explain it as best as I can. It doesnt have any taste. It takes on the taste of the sauce that you put on it. You do not cook the noodles they come in small packages that has the directions on them. To me it is chewy kinda like calamari. Its not bad tasting but it takes some getting used to. My husband says that it is strickly filler it has no nutritional value. He also says that they smell a little fishy when you open the pack but that is because its in sea water. After you rinse them the smell leaves. Per the pack this is totally normal. I didnt notice any swelling in my stomach. If you have anymore questions just ask. I dont mind at all. Well, I am off to eat some mircle noodles for dinner!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
