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LAP-BAND Patients
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    cindy74 reacted to Pittsburgher in Made it to Onderland........Finally   
    So i have been waiting for this moment for ever it seems. I thought i would of seen it weeks ago but for the last 3 weeks weight loss was only about 1 pound a week. But then BAM i step on the scale today and what did i see......195 oh YEA finally and i weighed 200 last week so awesome!!!!
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    cindy74 reacted to Georgia_Peach in 5 days post op..   
    Surgery day I was 229.8 and on day 5 post op I am 217.2! I am so excited. I am starting full liquids tomorrow and the cream of chicken and cream of potato Soups have been amazing I dont need very much before I am full!
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    cindy74 reacted to cheryl2586 in Upset - very low weight loss - please help!   
    First of all everyone loses at a different pace. You are not going to lose like everyone else. 8lbs is a good loss. Count everything you are putting in your mouth then see at the end of the day how many calories you are eating if its over 1000 or no more then 1200 then you need to check yourself as to what you are eating. Stop comparing your weight loss to everyone else.
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    cindy74 reacted to bigcheese in Upset - very low weight loss - please help!   
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    cindy74 reacted to DELETE THIS ACCOUNT! in Upset - very low weight loss - please help!   
    The first 4-6 weeks should be concentrated on healing not losing. Plus, you should never ever compare yourself to anyone else. This is your journey and comparing your loss to others is only setting yourself up for unnecessary disappointment.
    Stick to band size portions, track your calories, and exercise and the weight will come off.
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    cindy74 reacted to catfish87 in Encouragement needed   
    Never, Ever Give Up!

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