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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by serenity

  1. the decision to have the surgery was not easy nor this period, but the gentle kick in the pants helps we reverting to old bad habits. again thank you <p><p>Thank you......</p></p>
  2. Like some of you I am having a hard time with the post op diet. It was one month this past Saturday and I still can't get it together. I having been drinking the protein drinks and find myself bloated after drinking them. I am on semi solid and some days I can eat and others, things just get stuck. Mornings are not friendly and I find myself drinking coffee to reduce the hunger. Also I find myself gravitating to foods I did not normally eat, such as ice cream because it feels so soothing. Yes, as I said in the opening, I am having a hard time. I fee worse than before because if I eat my family looks at the food quantity like wow! but when I find something that goes down, I am happy and I eat and rationalize for the times I cannot eat....Oh the agony.....:decision:.
  3. serenity

    Not losing...

    I am almost 6 weeks out of surgery and had my first follow up. Initially I lost 16 lbs. but I am at a standstill. I have had personal difficulties following surgery and can't seem to get back in the rhythm of eating correctly. I am concerned that this may be interfering with my lost and want your feedback. For Breakfast I may have a Protein drink, but usually just a cup of coffee until lunch. Coffee seems to diminish my appetite. For lunch I get adventurous and will eat either Soup, Protein drinks or like today sushi. Sometimes when I eat semi solid, it feels stuck and I am bloated for hours and I know that I am not suppose to drink, but the food feels stuck. Then there I can graze and wonder where the food is going, while the other day I tried to eat scramble eggs and they got stuck, but the cheese sandwich went down....what gives.....
  4. I was banded on May 23rd. However, so much more has changed. One day prior to my surgery, my mother took ill. The day after surgery my mom entered hospice and passed on four (4) days later. Needless to say, all the planning and reading for the banding went out the window. I just returned home today and had the opportunity to review my discharge papers that I left behind. Feels like weeks or months have passed by and you could imagine the stress and emotional rollercoaster I am on now. In the midst, I mistakenly ate food, forgetting about the restrictions until something lodged in my chest. I have just returned to my home and trying to resume my regiment and through this loss, I am determined to become healthy and shine in honor of my mother who was supportive of my decision. My first follow-up appointment is tomorrow and hopefully, I have not done any damage to myself. Love ya Mom
  5. Linda I found the protein shots at the Vitamin Shop. I would suggest that you buy the individual tubes first to see which flavor you can tolerate. I made the mistake of buying a case for about $27 bucks with the discount, but it was all one flavor (grape) ughh! You can also order it online at the vitamin shoppe or Bariatricedge.com, if you don't have a Vitamin Shoppe near you, but you won't have the option of trying them first.
  6. I am not fond of protein shake either, but I found a mix at Costco - Sportpharma (chocolate) Whey Protein mix that is not that bad. I mix it with 2% milk and a half of a small banana and I feel satisfied. I also used the Unjury Protein (unflavored) in soup (Better than Bouillon) and found it did not alter the taste at all.
  7. Great posts. I too have fallen off the wagon, and berated myself. I do not want the complications and will make a serious attempt from this point forward to get my act together, bandster hell or not.....it took alot to get this surgery and yes, old habits die hard, but again the post are encouraging from all points of view.
  8. serenity

    It's done

    First, I would like to thank you all for your prayers and support. I shared my loss because prior to the surgery, I lived on this board reading and loving all the support and love from people all over the states and abroad. So I guess I needed a group hug too. Thank you. Went to the Dr. and lost 16 lbs. I was honest about eating the wrong foods. However, all things taken into consideration, they sat with me and worked on getting me back on track. I have another week of liquids, which is harder being that I cheated, but I am doing it. Next week, I start puree, oh Joy! Thank you again....
  9. I am scheduled for surgery on Wednesday, May 23rd and have just been diagnosed with an ear infection and placed on antibiotics for 10 days :sick Do you think they will delay the surgery for that? :faint:It took so long to get everything done.....:mad:
  10. Thanks....so much going on and I really want to move to the next phase....I will let them know on Monday and let the dice roll as they may........
  11. serenity

    Sleep Apnea

    I have mild sleep apnea and I have the CPAP machine, I hate it, I can only sleep on my back as when I turn it is so uncomfortable. In the middle of the night, I find myself pulling it off and returning to sleep. I don't know if I will ever get used to it. I have been using it 2 weeks now. How long does it take to get acclimated?
  12. :clap2: Wishing you well Anne........may you have a safe and painless recovery, can't give any advice as I will not be banded until 5/23/07, God's will. Take care and get a good night sleep.
  13. Thanks for the reply NBJEN...you are 100% correct, it will be worth it. Post when you are banded and share the experience.
  14. Aint't life something (smile) God is awesome..... A situation that has challenged you, has lifted so many people....hooray for you on opening this door of communication.
  15. Does anyone know about the use of charcoal capsules to relieve gas? A friend shared that they are very effective and natural opposed to using gas-x or other products?
  16. serenity

    Charcoal pills and gas

    Thanks, I will go to the health food store and pick some up as most people on this site state the gas pains are difficult to manage and you were not too graphic, fore-warned is fore-armed! I take an express bus to work each way for about 90 minutes, that is gonna be interesting (smile)
  17. I love this site. Everyone here is so real...why can't everyday life be so supportive. Krystal, I am scheduled to be banded on 5/23/07 - North Shore Hospital. Reading your story was helpful. I know that when I can't have something, I crave it more, and I have had more pity parties than I care to admit, but I am learning to cut those shin-dings short. I too will check for you here and I hope that you will check on me. WasaBubble Butt....you are cool people, that was very kind to open your arms, ears, alright computer (smile) to Krystal....hope you got room, I may be stopping in from time to time too.
  18. Hey Newbie.....I am scheduled for May 23, 2007. I know there is a list out there, but I can't find it now, what are the must haves after surgery when you come home? and what protein did you choose for the liquid portion of this process, I purchased muscle milk as they said it was filling, any suggestions?
  19. serenity

    Is the lap band healthy?

    Thank you ALL for your responses. I will keep reading on this site because I need diversified viewpoints. In this thread, I get to read some of the "not so nice" things about being banded. I know it will take lifestyle changes, and yes, I am going forward, but I want to be as informed about all sides as possible. Dawn I like what you said about being "active" again (wink, wink). To all who responded, thank you for caring enough to voice your opinion.
  20. Getting closer and looking for feedback from anyone who has been banded by Dr. Gadaleta with North Shore Surgical Specialist, affiliated with North Shore Hospital - Manhassett. I feel confident with his practice, just want to hear what you guys have to say.
  21. serenity

    Is the lap band healthy?

    I am awaiting approval and have been on this site continuously looking for the good and bad. This particular thread caught my eye as most of you do not appear thrilled with the band. I myself am quite afraid of any WLS, but I am also afraid of the complications that may occur with my health if I don't do something. But am I trading one unhealthy lifestyle( obesity) for another unhealthy lifestyle (PBing, slimming, reflux, etc...) Gosh, this is so depressing, I know, seek the advice of the medical profession, but often it will be you guys that will tell the truth about living it and that is equally important. I don't even know if this warrants a response, just posting my thoughts....
  22. Today I was given my pre-op screening date of 5/17/07. Needless to say, I am getting scared :omg: . I have read so many post, maybe too many. They have all been candid and helpful, but suddenly the reality of surgery is setting in. 90% of the post are positive, but of course the closer I get, that 10% is looming large. I am afraid of the incisions, the healing, the scarring. However, I am mostly afraid of the chewing as I am a gulper. I think I chew twice and then down the chute. :hungry: I started practicing and found my jaw hurt after chewing more than five times. Also I have RA and the pain meds are fairly large, oh heck :faint: I am stressing. Seems so drastic, someone shake me :help: I am taking myself on an anxiety ride. Hope I am not the only neurotic on this site, I hate to be alone:second: .
  23. serenity

    almost there

    thanks, hope all of you are right, just opened my bills and discovered that the two sleep studies I had were not covered by my insurance company as the sleep studies assured me they were. My insurance company states that they are not participating providers with BCBS. here we go...what don't kill makes you stronger>>>>I am going to be the hulk!
  24. serenity

    almost there

    thank you...I looked at the animated surgery and that scared me. It seemed that the incisions would be bigger and I was afraid of that. Thanks again.....working this through post by post
  25. Hi everyone. I have taken the step to have the lapband surgery. It has taken me a long time to get to this point and have two pre-op test to complete. As the time is nearing for final approval, I am getting very nervous. My family is split on my decision, in particular my daughter (14) who is against it and urging me to try harder (running and eating better). :think She is afraid of my having surgery and it is hard to argue with her because although a relatively safe procedure, it is not guaranteed and I understand her fear. Needless to say, it adding more stress to the decision. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest....whew.... My question other than the fear is: Has anyone worked with the office of Dr. Dominick Gadaleta - North Shore Surgical Specialist and if so how was your experience. :help: Pam

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