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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by serenity

  1. I have been truly overwhelmed with the number of diagnostic test I have had to complete before surgery. I am afraid I won't have any sick time left for recuperation. So far I have seen the nutritionist, psychiatrist, sleep specialist, pulmonary doctor, gastroentronolgist(sp?), internist, cardiologist, I am sure I am missing someone. Aside from the nutritionist and psychiatrist, I have had two or more appointments with the others and never can they seem to be scheduled in one day or early morning. Rather 12 noon seems to be the favorite appointment time of day. How do you keep your business to yourself (not sharing with your job) when you have miss a week of work for test? Now, I am waiting approval for the latest and greatest CPAP machine.....and of course I have to go back to make sure it works. Enough already. :cry I did not have this many test when I was bringing life into the world. :faint:good grief!
  2. serenity

    May 2007 Banders

    I too am having the problems at night with fluid backing up into my throat. I had a fill last Thursday and I am now at 2 cc in a 4cc band. I have never had this type of restriction ever since being banded (5/07). I have been on liquids for the past three days and I am willing to stick it out as I have not lost any weight to speak of because I was too loose, but I am afraid that the fluid content may injure my throat. I literally start choking and am awaken several times throughout the night. Does this pass or do I remove some fluid. My concern, like most is that I will lose the restriction that took this long to get and be back at not losing...any thoughts out there?
  3. serenity

    I'm here to help...

    IndioGirl55 Thank you. I will make the radiologist appt this week. I downloaded your sample menu and yes, I need to stop playing with my own head......I participated in a walkathon Sunday (3 mi) and worked out tonight while watching Gladiator....something about that movie motivates a person to be physical (smile) As for going through my cupboards, that is going to be hard, throwing away food.....that was considered sinful when I was younger, hence my problem now. But, the journey begins with the first step......When you return, please alert the boards and I will let you know how the week went.
  4. serenity

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Indiogirl55 I had the band implanted om May 07. I have had three fills and the last one caused quite a bit of slimming, but thins appeared to have settled down. To date I hover at a 30 lb lost and need to jump start my program. I have difficulty with proteins (meat, fish) and veggies and gravitate towards softer foods with higher caloric intake. My doctor suggested loosening the band so that I could eat the right foods. But I admit I am afraid as my "thinking" has not change, that could be a disaster. I would appreciate working with you to assist in getting my "tool" to be all that it can be...please let me know if you are available and ow to proceed.:ohmy:
  5. serenity

    200+ Protein Shake Recipes

    Thanks so much. I have been banded for 14 months and am at a complete standstill. Hopefully these shakes will jumpstart me into eating better.
  6. serenity

    Six months in -- how are you doing?

    Well Fellow May Bandsters....so many of you are doing so well. Personally, I am having some difficulty. Since being banded I have lost approx. 30 lbs and cannot break the 220 mark. I admit that since my last banding, I was quite tight, but did not want to release the restriction. However, that choice may have hurt me more as I ate more soft carbs than protein. Proteins would not go down at all. Reading how well all of you are doing is a needed "kick in the pants". I will check out the food link to see how the successful "losers" are eating and try to become a "loser" too. Thanks again....I see I have work to do.
  7. serenity

    Food too much trouble??

    Thanks for the response Mindy. You are doing great. I was afraid to get the unfill, thinking I would eat too much. But I think my metabolism has slowed down so much, it is having the same effect. I go back to the doctor on December 8, 2007 and I will ask for some to be taken out. I thought I would adjust to it, but the last fill was about two months ago and has not improved. Because of the pbing, I shy away from eating. Well Thanksgiving will be different this year......have a happy holiday.
  8. serenity

    Food too much trouble??

    I have also lost desire to eat solids mainly because it will get stuck and that pbing is not cool. So I often make bad choices because there is some hunger. I got this thing for cheese now...where did that come from!? I know it is empty calories, but many days it is what I eat to fulfill the desire for texture and flavor. However, I still have not loss weight in over two weeks. For those eating much smaller than expected, what are you choosing and how are you keeping your metabolism going so you continue to lose?:hungry:
  9. Banded in NY at North Shore Manhasset - surgeon Dr Gadaletta. Great doctor, he listens to you, and his office is operated efficiently as it relates to appointments. He even does his own fills.:clap2:
  10. serenity

    Morning Protein

    Costco carries the line of Bolthouse drinks.
  11. serenity

    I'm going to have to force myself to eat.

    I too have reached that "great" restriction and I am not complaining as many of us know, eating was never a problem. My concern is, if you do not eat enough does that slow down the weight loss? I was told the body goes into a "fasting" phase, when it stores fat thinking that it is saving me from starvation? I drink coffee( 8:30 a.m.) and that usually holds me until noon. lunch usually consist of Soup or some other soft food because of the restriction and dinner may be a few bites of something. I find myself craving pepper Jack cheese for the spice. I psyche myself into thinking I am having a spicy savory meal (pepper jack on a couple of triscuts). Before the band I craved spicy, crispy food and I still do, but I cannot get them down. However, I digressed.......back to the original question, does not eating enough calories slow down weight loss?
  12. serenity

    HELP! Should I Wait This Out

    I am at 2cc in a 4 cc band for the past month and I still cannot tolerate much in the way of solids, but I can't imagine going back to have it unfilled. I waited too long for restriction. I have read where the band will loosen as you lose weight, I guess I will wait until that day comes because I know how out of control I can be w/o restriction. Anyway, while I am waiting, I will get creative with protien shakes....:clap2:
  13. serenity

    May 2007 Banders

    thanks Sheila...it is a real strange feeling because my mind has not caught up with my stomach yet. Hopefully if you go to 2ccs you will feel it, let me know. I took a large jump from 1.25 ccs to 2ccs, but the fill doctor was on board as he agreed that I was not losing fast enough 17lbs since surgery, so he was aggressive with the fill - God Bless him.
  14. serenity

    May 2007 Banders

    Hello May bandsters. I finally feel restriction. I have had such a struggle and did not believe this was going to work. It took three fills to finally understand the "..Oh ...Oh!" when you eat too fast, take a what was once normal bite size and swallow or eat the wrong things. I believe I am at 2.ccs now and although I am not fond of the heartbeat in the chest or the need to excuse myself from a table...I am lovin' it!!!!!!!! I know you all understand. My surgery was 5/23/07 and I could not lose more than 17 lbs. I don't know what I am now, but something is happening because I am able to wear clothes from the back of the closet. This is cool in a weird way:clap2:
  15. serenity

    oh no!!!!

    I think so. Better safe than sorry. Call your surgeon and let him know you are heading in.
  16. serenity

    Fill Doctor In NYC

    Hey Syrenity: I have my fills done at North Shore Hospital Manhasett, on Community Drive ( Nassau County). My surgery was done by Dr. Gadeleta - he is great and when it is time for a fill, he writes a script for me to the hospital (radiology dept.) to have it done, or he will do it in his office, I think the fee is $100.00. The office number is 516 482-8657 give them a call and see what they say.
  17. Can someone please describe what is good restriction? Is that the feel of food traveling down into your stomach (not comfortable) or is it the feel of fullness after a few bites? I have 1.25 cc in a 4 cc band and can still eat what I want when I chew well. I have been told to exhibit more control, but if I had that control, I would not have gotten the band....some feedback would be appreciated.
  18. I have been away from this website for a few days....my question is --"What is restriction?" is it the feel of the food traveling after you chew or is it fullness, like I can't eat anymore. I had a fill on 8/17/07 and now have 1.25 cc in a 4cc band. Like many in this thread, if I chew well, I can eat like I did before. I stop myself because I believe I am eating too much. My doctor's office state that I have to have more control and limit my intake no matter how I feel. However, if I could do that, I would not have gotten the band. I need to understand the "sweet spot" and restriction and I am not clear ...please someone explain what good restriction feels like and fullness is it one and the same. Thank you
  19. serenity

    Restriction Poll

    Hi guys: I have been reading this site for some time and still can't seem to get this right. Okay, my first question is the restriction. Is that when you eat and a minute later, you feel something forcing to pass through in the chest area? I feel this sensation (not nice), but it's discomfort not fullness. I read where bandsters state they can eat one cup of food and that's all. I can eat the wrong thing and feel the sensation in two mouthfuls, but that is not fullness, its pain, pbing. etc.. so I stop and wait, but I am not full, just don't want to feel that feeling again. I want to understand the sweet spot, I have used the term in wanting to reach it, but I am no longer sure of what I am striving for. If the food feels like is keeps passing through the band, although uncomfortably is that what I am supposed to feel or is the band still too loose? I was of the understanding that the pouch fills and then I stop eating and then things pass as they digest, not discomfort and then hunger. As many have shared, I love food, I am a texture eater. I move from sweet to spicy and during my cycle....I'm out of control. The other day, I wanted White Castles, why I do not know. Anyway, I ordered five cheeseburgers and finished them. They went down easily. Now that does not sound right....and before anyone comments on why I ordered five, the band is around my stomach, not my mind. I supposedly have 1 cc in the band. I say that because 1.5 ccs were put in the band in July and when the doctor checked before the second fill, there was barely .25 ccs. Any feedback would be appreciated.
  20. Hi Smyly: 58 lbs lost in less than four months.....that is phenomenal. I do not think you could lose any faster and remain healthy. That' s almost 15 lbs per month. I wish, I could drop at that rate. How are you eating? Congratulations on the success of your band.
  21. serenity

    4th fill coming up....

    I posted in another thread my experiences since being banded in May 2007. The most weight I lost was the first three weeks post op. since then I have been at a stand still. I thought I had 1.5 cc placed in the 4 cc band back on July 6, 2007, and was expecting great restriction, but got none. I had another fill Friday from my surgeon who reported I only had .25ccs in and did not know where the other 1/25 may have gone. So now I am up to 1 cc and still feel no restriction. like most of you, I am stopping because I feel guilty and guilt wears off real fast for me. I am eating way more than I should and want this tool to start doing its part. If I had the willpower, I probably would not have had the surgery. As for the hard proteins, I have trouble with them ( meat, chicken, tuna is a breeze as it is soft) passing the band, producing that lump feeling which is uncomfortable, but the problem is, it does pass the band within a minute or two and then I can eat the food. Like all you, I want to feel filled after a few bites causing me to move on to something else other waiting for the food to go down so I can take another bite.
  22. Today I had my second Fill. The first fill was on 7/6/07, done under the fluoroscope. I was told that 1.5 cc were put in. I was expecting great restriction and was very disappointed when it did not come. Today, I had the fill performed by my surgeon and he advised that I barely had .25cc in and stated it may have been an air pocket that led the radiologist to believe he put in more. So, for the last month, I was feeling bad that I was still so out of control, eating pretty much what I wanted, when in fact I had no restriction.:faint: Today, I think, I went up to 1 cc. I do not know what to expect, but I know I no longer place emphasis on the amount of the fill, but will go by how I feel. If there is no restriction in a week, I will call my surgeon back to ask for another fill. Eventually, I am sure I will hit the "sweet spot" and will have a ballpark as for how many cc's caused that effect. Moral of the story.....don't get hung up on the amount that is entered or compare it to how others react, go by how you feel. I am on liquids for the next two days and I really hope to feel a difference when I return to solids, but if not, I 'll be knowing on the doctor's door.
  23. serenity

    Need your help

    In the same boat with you TAB, I am hungry in the evenings also, which was always a bad time for me. I am six (6) weeks out of surgery and attempted to get my first fill on Friday, but my doctor believes my port flipped, so I am unable to get the fill until radiology determines the problem. Like the other replies, I am trying to apply common sense - not overeating and walking with hopes that while waiting for my tool to be operable, I do not do more damage. BUT IT IS HARD. Like many have said, if I could have done this on my own, I would not have gotten the band. Any suggestions on fighting this urge to eat until we are properly armed (band working) would be appreciated.
  24. serenity

    anyone had this problem?

    Thanks for the info FaithMD. Went for my first fill today and my doctor believes the port flipped. Of course I panicked, but after seeing your post with the links, I feel much better. The info you provided was extremely helpful and I will know more on Thursday.
  25. please share the info if you can about the diet plan you are following at this time. I am struggling and need to rev up my action.

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