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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by RealizedJen

  1. RealizedJen


    I so appreciate this... How long is recovery? How long were you off work? How was the pain? What kind of assistance did you need in the first days/week(s) after surgery? When I get my lap band paid off, I would love to do the exact procedures.
  2. Can some one please explain to me why I can eat "normally" for 1-3 days and then switch to "barely getting milk down" for 5-10 days? Why is this occurring? I am not stressed, I haven't been out in the sun, I haven't exercised, I am not sick, I only have ovaries (sorry, tmi), so what the heck? I am 2.5 years post-op and still can't figure out what is going on?? Anyone have any thoughts? suggestions?
  3. You guys are awesome! I am not dehydrated, I have learned in the 2.5 years post-op that I have to be extremely hydrated (with water of course) if I want any chance of eating "normal". I have never thought about the eating every 4 hours possibly affecting it - I'll experiment with that theory if I should ever be able to eat again But thanks for taking the time to respond - all of you! It makes me feel so good to have people who can relate to me.

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