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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by akreese02

  1. akreese02

    Halloween Challenge!

    Oops goal is 165 currently 176
  2. akreese02

    When did people notice your weight loss?

    I'm a teacher too and had my surgery during spring break last year. When I came back after the summer, I was down about 45 pounds. I lost 5 more and then EVERYONE started noticing (which is s little embarrassing because I don't like a lot of attention). So I would say around the 50 pound mark.
  3. akreese02

    9 Months Into My Journey (With Picture)

    WOW!!!! I'm almost 6 months and no where near your success! Congrats, inspiring!
  4. I think those of us that had less to lose are going to find it harder to get those last pounds lost. I was stuck at 184 FOR TWO MONTHS!!!!! I know my issue is exercise. I wear a fitbit and average 5,000 steps during the day (I'm a SpEd teacher so always on the move between classrooms) and also have three kids so on the move after work as well. By the time I get home at 7:00 pm, all I can do is collapse into bed. When my daughters are at soccer, I try to walk around the track but I know once winter hits in Colorado, exercise will become harder. I also feel this pressure to get the last 40 off before the year mark and we March sleeves are already 1/2 way there. I already feel like the honeymoon phase is over. I can eat anything (no reaction to sugar, carbs etc.) and my restriction is less. I do fine during the day because I am so busy, sometime I forget to eat. However, once the evening comes around, I graze. I'm going to try something new and set timers on my phone and only eat when the timer goes off. Hopefully this will help!
  5. I average between 1,000 and 1,200 don't get as much exercise as I should but follow my protein and water guidelines. I'm a slower loser but happy overall!
  6. akreese02

    Really strange

    So I had my surgery in March and left for summer break at the end of May (I'm a teacher). I've lost almost 50 pounds but only 10 of those 50 pounds in the last three months. However, when I came back to school two weeks ago, everyone started noticing the weight loss. How can 10 pounds tip the "Are you losing weight?" comments?
  7. I had my surgery March 24 the Tuesday of our spring break and went back to work the next Monday. Was tired as all get out but it got better!
  8. Of my 1.5 month stall? I've posted before but it's getting ridiculous. I have been vigilant about my diet for two weeks, drank all my water plus some and upped my exercise and still NOTHING!!!!! So frustrated and depressed!
  9. akreese02

    How long was your longest stall?

    I'm in a 6 week stall at 4 months post op! Very frustrating but also this stall has coincided with 3 family birthdays, 1 vacation and I swear I retain water in the hot summer months! So, I'm back to drinking two premier protein drinks and getting the rest of my calories (trying to stay around 800) from low fat protein and drinking a TON of water! Maybe the scale will move again. Oh and I forgot, walking 4x per week for 45 minutes!
  10. Pre-surgery I was insulin resistant and frequently suffered from low blood sugar attacks (hypoglycemia). It is one of the reasons it was so hard for me to lose weight. Post surgery and now a little over two months out, I was so happy that I hadn't experienced one hypoglycemia attack....until today. I ate like I typically do, kept carbs and sugar down but I started cleaning my son's room and bam! I drank a premier protein shake (11 ounces went down pretty fast) and has two packs of mott's gummie snacks (I was desperate). I'm so concerned that this is an indication of my old life coming back. Anyone else have a similar experience? Advice?
  11. I was sleeved on March 24, 2015. Everything was going great until about a month ago. I left for summer break (I'm a teacher) and weighed 194. I hit 184 on my 3 month anniversary (June 24, 2015) and have stayed put! I've read about stalls but a ONE MONTH stall this early in? I feel like I'm up against time, trying to lose all my weight during that "honeymoon" period (6-12 months) but this stall is killing me! I will say that the logical part of my brain is thinking that I am retaining Water (I get at lest 60 oz plus a day) due to the heat but the illogical part of me just gets depressed and thinks this is it. Plus my clothes are fitting tighter which really has me freaked out!
  12. I track on MFP but have had many social events that have derailed me. I'm kind of excited to get back to school, back to routine and structure.
  13. Thanks! It is the battle over what the mind logically knows to be true and the emotional part of stalling out. I do get that motivation to change it up and have slacked on tracking EVERYTHING like you said. I really think it was trying clothes on that I have worn all summer and them feeling tight that freaked me out!
  14. So I came across the National Institute of Health calorie counter. My results were: in order to lose 17 pounds in 2 months, I need to eat roughly 1,200 calories a day. Ummmm, I've averaged 1,000 or less a day for two months and have only lost 10 pounds in 2 months!
  15. of soft foods plus 2 premier Protein shakes a day. This averages to about 550-600 calories a day. Is this normal for this stage? My surgeon says I need 1,000 calories a day but there is no way I can get that much in.
  16. akreese02

    No one is noticing:-(

    People I know well will say,"you look great!" And leave it at that. Co-workers might not say anything because they don't want to offend you. Also, people that are around you everyday have a harder time noticing because they are around you everyday. I'm a teacher, so it will be interesting to see if I get comments when I go back in a month!
  17. Not sure you can tell from these pics but pre-op weight was 230 (227 after three day liquid diet pre-op). Now 187. Went from size 20 to a size 12 although I am apple shaped so I have lost EVERY pound in my ass and legs it seems like! Can't wait to see what the next three months brings!
  18. akreese02

    3 month post op pics

    About a week later and that was after taking Milk of Magnisia and stool softeners. I still struggle with constipation on a high protein diet but if I drink smooth move tea every other night, it keeps me regular!
  19. akreese02

    3 month post op pics

    @busylizzy- I feel great now! I was really tired until I was able to eat solid foods. Only time I vomited was after taking a bariatric choice multi-vitamin (heard they are really potent but I can handle them now).
  20. akreese02

    3 month post op pics

    @Onesleevedmamma- thanks for the encouraging words!
  21. So I'm almost three months out and have had my share of ups and downs, yada, yada, yada. What I don't get is the physiology of my new stomach. How can I gain weight by eating roughly 1200 calories a day and of those calories, some are carbs? I mean a normal person eating 1200 calories a day would not gain weight but three straight days of "being bad" has resulted in a three pound weight gain. Doesn't make sense to me?
  22. Oh it's the carbs that kill me. I can not go above 1200 calories but if I go over 50 grams of carbs for the day, forget about it! I also think that the summer heat is making me retain Water like crazy (I have always been like this even when I wasn't overweight). Sometimes it is just hard for me to wrap my head around the number on the scale. I know, I should trip on it but I do!
  23. Exactly the same problem. In fact, my daughter said to me today, "mom, I can really tell in your legs and butt that you've lost weight but your belly and arms look the same." Sigh, I've started doing sit ups and lifting hand weights hoping this will change!

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