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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chaqwela

  1. chaqwela

    not losing

    I am officially one week post op I have only lost 1 pound:(... I see ppl saying how they have lost 15 poinds in just 10 days after surgery whats going on with me! I dont feel any restriction at all n I cant have my firdt fill till im 6 week post op its kind of depressing to say the least....advice please help
  2. chaqwela

    itching incisions

    Thanks guys lol im feeling much better!
  3. Im 3weeks n 2 days post op and omg my incisions are itching so bad anyone experience this and what did you do?
  4. chaqwela

    realize band

    How many cc does the one size fit all realize band take?
  5. chaqwela

    realize band

  6. chaqwela

    not losing

    I know everyone is saying I should still be in a healing phase....im just concerned because 99% of post ive read ppl state they have lost atleast one pound post op 3 weeks later I have not lost 1 pound I have followed the instructions I was given im starting to think ive plateaued because prior to my band placement I lost 50 pounds then another 10 on the pre-op... I have no clue whats going on maybe the fill will help!
  7. chaqwela

    not losing

    Thank you! I have been trting to stay active lol I have been in walmart everyday this week for atleast 2 hours walking around but u didnt want to over due anything..monday I plan to c how soon can I go to the gym
  8. chaqwela

    not losing

    They advanced me to soft foods starting sunday...I only had to do 2 days of pureed food thats yesterday and today to have a small transition...its just kind of depressing to not c results as soon as others... im wondering if the band will work for me.. im hoping that the fill will help me to make more progress
  9. chaqwela

    not losing

    Im 21 im not sure what size band I have...yesterday the the nurse practitioner said she wanted to fill the band to about 14cc altogether with but small fills
  10. chaqwela

    not losing

    I did a pre op diet I lost 10 pounds during it. But I have had an appitie since 3rd day post op I dont think I experienced alot of swelling becuse the only time I felt discomfort is right after surgery other than that nothing...from what I can c my incisions are pretty much healed on the outside my dr was amazed my body healed so much 5days post op :/
  11. So I haven't ate in day so ive been super hungry to the point I feel dizzy n sick so I started to eat different foods other than my liquid diet now I feel 100% better my body is handling the food like it hasn't went through anything... I dont want to over do it so ive been eatting egg drop soup I hope that this wont hurt me in the long run
  12. chaqwela

    post op liquid diet

    Yes I had surgery on the 6th tmrw after my dr apt im supposed to move to soft foods tho I havent had any complications at all...my dietitian and nurse practitioner actually gave me a call n told me I should be fine eatting the soup since its so thin
  13. chaqwela

    pre op diet (im guilty)

    Thank you! Its going to be fine I was nervous as well they gave me versed in pre op ro calm me... stay in contact I hope everything goes well for you...have you started ur preop diet yet?
  14. So i violated my pre op deit a little but i guss not much.... protien shakes are just not my thing. So instead I ate fresh fish baked and fried with as a part of my 1 meal a day and I did struggle labor day I ate a bigger meal than I shoukd have but I guess it was ok because I worked it off... liquid diet how ever I passed with flying colors.... my doctor said my liver was perfect and i didnt have to have open ..i lost 10 pounds on my pre op diet itself!!! I wonder how are this gonna be now that I have my band... still have 10 more days of liquid but ill be just fine! Anywho surgery went incredible I fell good!
  15. Omg its in!!! I had a hard morning but after a nap I felt just fine!!! Im super excited to see what kind of success I wil b able to achieve:)
  16. chaqwela

    1 more day til surgery

    Thank all u guys im doing wonderful the first couple hrs were had I was in a lot of pain but after a nap I feel fine
  17. My surgery is Friday sept 6th! im nervous! Anybody else scheduled for this fri??
  18. chaqwela

    1 more day til surgery

    Thank u I have 5 hours !!!
  19. I was doing great after I worked out a couple kinks...6 days in to my pre op diet n the worst thing ever happened im craving carbs sweets anything I can get my hands on... this happens one time a month n it decides to happen now :/ the cramps are not helping at all and I have to work all night!!! Im very moody!!
  20. im so hungry! I dont know what to do! Anyone else on a 10 day pre op diet protien shakes every two hours with one small meal a day???
  21. Lol im having a definite problem I hate milk... never noticed how picky my eatting habits are...no shakes for me...anyone tried any fruity protien juices?
  22. chaqwela


    Thanks I got some isopure I can deal with these thank you all!
  23. chaqwela


    So I went to buy almond milk I still cant drink the shake I start to feel nauseated :/ im gonna see if theres an alternate that I can replace them with
  24. What vitamins did you all choose? Personally I hate. The chewable kind they are to chalky... Suggestions?
  25. chaqwela

    Day one pre op diet

    Lol im loving this post!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
