I had to bump my date by a week because I forgot my daughter had a soccer tournament that weekend. So I am now booked for Friday, September 13th (good thing I'm not superstitious!). I have to confess, I nearly changed my mind. I found myself thinking that I will never be able to enjoy myself on vacation again, I will never eat x, y and z again, I'm going to throw up if I make a mistake and eat too much (I have a real vomiting phobia - haven't done it since I was a child) etc. My husband put it all I'm perspective when he said "it's just food". I will still be able to travel and I will still be able to taste new foods when travelling (in small portions). Food doesn't have to be the focus of the vacation. I also thought I might just try losing weight on my own again, but I have never been able to maintain the weight loss. I've been struggling with my weight for close to 15 years and I am so tired of it. I'm sure you can all relate...