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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PJkitty

  1. I haven't been on here for a couple months and just wanted to give an update. I was banded on August 19, 2013. Since my surgery, I have lost 54lbs and lost 9 inches off my waist. I have gone from 257lbs to 203lbs....from a size 22 to a size 12. One-derland is so close!!!!! Hope everyone else is doing good.....I LOVE MY BAND!!!
  2. PJkitty

    Hello :)

    I am happy to report....I reached one-derland yesterday!!!! YAY!!!!! It may not b by much at 199...but I made it!!!!!
  3. PJkitty


    Just ate some apple slices for the first time in six weeks!!! Oh apples how I have missed you dearly!!!! Lol
  4. PJkitty


    I haven't had any issues with any fruits I have tried....grapes, apples, oranges, watermelon, cantaloupe, cherries...pretty much no fruit is off limits for me..good thing too cuz I love fruit
  5. PJkitty

    Spooky October-Challenge

    Checking in at 221.6....down 5lbs :-)
  6. PJkitty

    Grilled Cheese

    Today is the first chilly day of fall here and I'm gonna make the family grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner tonight. I feel brave enough to try a half of a grilled cheese sandwich....wish me luck
  7. PJkitty

    Grilled Cheese

    Grilled cheese went down with no problem!!! YAY!!! Could only eat a little less than the half that I made myself tho and about 1/4 c of soup....I'm TOTALLY great with that!!!!
  8. PJkitty

    Grilled Cheese

    I haven't had a prob with anything I have eaten so far so hopefully since the bread is gonna b toasted like, it won't b a prob and I chew my food until there's hardly anything left lol
  9. PJkitty

    Spooky October-Challenge

    Checking in at 225
  10. PJkitty

    Spooky October-Challenge

    Name, real or screen~ Cathy Goal weight for October 31st~ 216 Weight on October 1st~ 227 Age~ 33 City/State~ North Las Vegas, NV Dietary goal for October~ Eat more solid protein Exercise goal for October~ Go to the gym more often Personal goal for October~ Stop being so moody Date banded~ 8-19-2013 Total weight loss since banding- 30lbs Favorite Halloween activity- trick or treating with the kids
  11. PJkitty

    Too much?

    An six weeks post op and am down 30lbs since my surgery. Is this too much? Will it slow down soon? I am not worried or anything but just want to know if anyone else has had this much of a weight loss this quickly that started out about the same weight as me. I started at 257 and now I am 226!!! I am extremely happy but just curious...I am going back home to visit my family in three weeks and I had a goal to lose 30 lbs before I went and I have reached my vet first weight loss goal and couldn't b happier and even happier that I may exceed my goal in the next three weeks!!! YAY!!! Love my lap band
  12. PJkitty

    What Are You Reading?

    I am currently reading Stephen Kings "Doctor Sleep". Before that it was Stephen Kings "Under the Dome". I am a HUGE Stephen King fan
  13. PJkitty

    My furry son is dying

    I'm so sorry to hear this as I know exactly how u feel. We had a Malamute named Lupa for 11 years. Before we had any of our kids and she was my baby. She passed away on March 12, 2011. We think she had a stroke and we took her to the vet to get checked out and he confirmed that she did have a stoke. We had her in the back of our van and were going to have her put to sleep to end her suffering and the vet was gonna do it in our van to keep her more comfortable and to keep her from getting more scared. He went in to get the things he needed and she ended up having another stroke and passed away with her head in my husbands arms. We didn't want to put her down and I'm glad that she went on her own so that we knew we would've made the right decision because it would've been one of the hardest decision of my life. She had a good life and we always treated her as one of the kids and as a big part of out family. I know this doesn't make u feel any better but I just wanted to let u know that I know how it feels and u and Your family will b in my thoughts. (((HUGS)))
  14. PJkitty


    My goal for the end of Sept was 240....I am at 229....down 11lbs from my goal and 18lbs from what I was on Sept 1st....if only it would keep coming off like this!!! So happy!!!!
  15. PJkitty

    Travel Food

    Thanks...u guys gave me some really great ideas and I will b using them. You guys r awesome!!!
  16. PJkitty

    Travel Food

    Am going on a trip in about 3 &1/2 weeks and am having a hard time thinking of some foods that I can take on the airplane with me. My total trip will take almost 9 hours so I need to take something with me. I have thought that I could take some cheese sticks and nuts but does anyone have any other ideas for what I could take that will meet airline rules? Any ideas are greatly appreciated thanks
  17. PJkitty

    Travel Food

    I really hope that question was a joke but here is my answer....I feel I need to eat to keep my energy level up and so being on an airplane for hours with my tummy rumbling will not happen and make it even more uncomfortable to b on a cramped airplane.....trying to make my trip a little more tolerable
  18. PJkitty

    Travel Food

    Thanks Mis I will also look for those.....u have been a big help
  19. PJkitty

    Travel Food

    That's a great idea!!! I guess they slipped my mind!!! Thank u so much!!! I will def put a few of those in my bag
  20. PJkitty

    New Pants Size!!!!

    Had to go buy a couple pair of new jeans today because my old ones were just getting way too loose and I got sick of pulling them up or feeling like there was a load in the back lol....my old pants were a size 20...today I had to get 16's!!!!!! I was so shocked!!!! I tried on 18's and thought they were ok until my husband informed me that there was like a two or three inch gap at my back in the waist.....yes, the 16's r a tiny bit tight but if I keep losing weight, the 18's would b falling down in a month or two. I have not even been able to squeeze into a 16 since I don't remember when.....I am happy
  21. PJkitty

    New Pants Size!!!!

    Thanks u guys and yes...if I could kiss my band I def would!!!!! It's amazing!!!!!
  22. PJkitty


    Was wondering if anyone takes a fiber supplement? I have some fiber gummies and am having some slight issues in the bathroom and thought I would start taking then again. Any advice would b greatly appreciated thanks
  23. PJkitty

    Peanut Butter

    I love peanut butter!!!! I haven't eaten any since surgery because of the calories but I found this powdered peanut butter called PB2. U mix it with water and it tastes GREAT and only 45 calories per 2 TBS serving!!! Just thought I would share
  24. PJkitty


    Checking in at 234....already 6 lbs UNDER my monthly goal!!!!
  25. PJkitty

    How long until you got results?

    I was banded on August 19th and have lost 20lbs so far

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
