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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PJkitty

  1. I am making dinner for my family and they r having Mac and Cheese, smoked sausage and zucchini and I want the zucchini!!!!! It smells so good!!! I will just have my cream of broccoli soup and some baby food peaches instead....I will b so glad when I can eat real food again lol
  2. PJkitty


    Oh that sounds good!! I like spaghetti squash too and have used that in the past for a noodle substitute and that's really good too!! Will have to try the zucchini tho
  3. Anyone ever have any shoulder nerve pain after surgery?? I thought my gas pain went away a few days ago and then I say down to eat my creamed soup and got this sharp nerve pain in my shoulder when I was almost done. Could it b that I ate too much or just still some residual gas left in there? I'm 5 & 1/2 days post-op.
  4. PJkitty

    Shoulder Pain

    Thanks...I only had 3/4 cup of soup...next time I will do 1/2 and see if that helps me
  5. I was told 10 min before and 20 min after but I'm still on thick liquids so I haven't had to do that much it's gonna b hard for me too...good luck
  6. I don't wanna jinx myself but today is day 5 post op and as of yesterday, I feel really good!!! No more pain except some ab soreness that feels like I've been working over time doing sit ups lol. I felt pretty horrible the first few days but once I got a good nights sleep the other night, I feel much better. I am still having alot of tummy rumbling..don't know if it's gas or hunger but it's tolerable. I just wanna say....u guys r all awesome!!! I would really like to maybe get to know some of you so I can have someone that knows what this is like...hope u all have a wonderful day
  7. I am four days post op and I am having the same pain...it's right under the left ribs and feels like a stitch u get in your side from running. It was really bad yesterday and seems to b getting better today....I can't tell u how long it will last but I would like to know too. It's bearable but I have been in more pain than I thought I would but getting better . Hope u feel better soon
  8. It's been three days since my surgery and today I am finally feeling a bit better. I am worried about nutrition and feeling weak but I think the weakness has more to do with not being able to sleep for more than an hour without having to change positions. I was told that after 24 hours I could go to full thick liquids and boy is that making a difference in how I feel!!! Thinned cream of whatever soup and thinned stage one baby food never tasted so good
  9. I just had my surgery yesterday morning and I was wondering how long it was before any of u were able to sleep comfortably? The only real pain I have is on the left side where my port is and when gas is moving thru my system but I can't lay down to sleep.
  10. I had my surgery yesterday morning and I'm not having any issues keeping water, broth and protein shakes down. I really want coffee!!! My surgeon said I could have it the day after surgery but I'm still a little scared to drink it....any opinions?
  11. PJkitty


    The protein powder sounds yummy in coffee!! I know I'm boring but I really like just the vanilla powder..would b good in coffee...I think I will wait until tomorrow to try and have any coffee tho. Right now I am trying to figure out something so my tummy isn't rumbling with hunger
  12. Well, we r about to head to the hospital for my surgery....the butterflies r flying around in my tummy...wish me luck
  13. PJkitty

    Surgery in a few hours

    I am home now and I actually feel pretty good...except for the pain in my left side from the gas. I have been walking around and I don't know if it's helping that much
  14. PJkitty

    Surgery is Monday

    Good luck you two!!!!
  15. Good luck!!! I'm heading to the hospital in a few myself!!!
  16. Surgery date is finally here!!! I have to b at the hospital at 7:30am...really excited but also a little scared. Please keep me in your thoughts as I take the first step in this new chapter in my life
  17. PJkitty

    Surgery is Monday

    My surgery is also tomorrow...good luck and u will b in my thoughts..while I'm awake anyways lol
  18. PJkitty

    Super Excited

    I'm getting banded tomorrow morning
  19. My surgery is day after tomorrow. I was feeling pretty excited and then I saw all this stuff about pain and stuff after. Now I'm kinda scared. I am ready to start this new journey in my life but am def not looking forward to the pain afterwards. We have four kids and my husband is only gonna b off for three days after my surgery. I don't know if he should get a couple more days off or not. HELP!!!
  20. Thanks so much!!! My kids r 11,8,8 & 6 so the days of lifting them r over lol
  21. Hi...I have surgery scheduled for the 19th...10 DAYS!!! I found this forum for some support. I am very excited to get the surgery but I am awaiting my insurance approval. Haven't heard anything from the surgeons office so I'm guessing no news is good news . Pre-Op on August 14th!!!!
  22. PJkitty

    Lap Band on August 19th

    No, I haven't been told about a pre-op diet....I was wondering about that myself...my pre-op appt. is on the 14th and I just had my consult last Tuesday and it was never mentioned so I don't know if they will give me one at my Pre-Op or not

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