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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kelli1016

  1. Celebrating 5 years with the best husband I could have ever imagined! I love you, Jim! <3

  2. Disclaimer #1 -- That title was written to the tune of "Babysitting Blues" from Adventures in Babysitting. I now have that song stuck in my head. LOL Disclaimer #2 -- I am mostly going to whine. Feel free to ignore me. So, I'm not even through my first full week of "mushies" and I am MISERABLE about it. Seriously, turkey taco's (no shells) in the blender looks like cat vomit! I have two cats, legit looked like what I've cleaned off my floor. Now, they tasted fantastic but every time I looked at my plate, I had to talk myself into taking the darn bite. My chicken and cauliflower tonight looked like someone chewed it up and spat it out for me. Like I'm a baby bird. I've had some pretty good success with chili -- though Wendy's has been my go to since I've never made chili and the sodium has me up a couple pounds. I have all the ingredients to make a turkey chili that my sister (a chef) is going to make up for me tomorrow. For some reason, that's been one meal that I can eat pureed and the texture isn't killing me. Plus, its good in Protein and once made at home will be nice and healthy. I also made a delish butternut squash Soup. I'm trying to mind my carbs with that so I'm treating it like a side dish and not having too much in a serving. Snacks are OK. Yogurts, pudding, cottage cheese and smashed banana with some PB mashed in for protien have been yummy. That said, right now I want crunch. I want bite. I want something to chew. But, the reality is THIS STAGE SUCKS! I need to think of more meals to have for dinner, too. I'm not sure what to mix with the meats so they are not dry. I suppose I can live on chili for the next two weeks. My husband may want to divorce me by the end of that, tho. Ha ha ha. I have two more weeks of hell. I know I can do it. I know I'll get through it. I just needed to whine a bit about it and share with people who can sympathize. So, if you have have taken the time to read this, I thank you. If you, too, have "Babysitting Blues" stuck in your head, I apologize -- unless you like Adventures in Babysitting -- and if that's the case we should be friends. Disclaimer #3 -- Lack of solid food is clearly affecting my sanity as evident by this post. LOL
  3. Kelli1016

    I've got the "mushy" stage blues....

    Thanks for the recipes and idea's, David. I started eggs with some cheese just the other day. We actually use Egg Beaters so I need cheese added for taste. I make them very soft and chew them until I can't possibly chew them any more. I have also taken to chili. It puree's nicely and I've been having it for lunch and dinner. Good protien. I made it with Turkey so it's a healthy version. The soup sounds wonderful! I will try it.
  4. Kelli1016

    I've got the "mushy" stage blues....

    I just started eggs this morning. I have to watch my carbs since I'm technically still diabetic. I'm also up a couple pounds. Blah. Going to ramp up the exercise this week.
  5. Kelli1016

    how much u loose 1st week?

    Sarah -- my surgeon actually warned me of that. I was up quite a bit right after surgery as well but it came off fast during my first week post op!
  6. Kelli1016

    how much u loose 1st week?

    I had a little cheat myself when I was on liquids. I had a bite of apple sauce and a taste of PB (on different occasions toward the end of the week). It's not easy to do what we are doing but it's possible. I'm on mushies now and having a hard time but battling through. Yea, those pain meds will bind you up quick. Glad you got that resolved. Good luck with everything. Happy to chat, anytime. It seems we are fairly close in our journey.
  7. Kelli1016

    I've got the "mushy" stage blues....

    Thank you! Hmmmm, I should make some meatballs. I must admit that I'm a bit of a sauce snob but I could whip up a small batch of that, too, I think. Good idea! Thank you very much. Appreciate the encouragement and you reading my rant! Oh and I'm sure if Jim was awake he'd say Hi back. He's currently passed out with the Sox game on, leaving me to watch it. Good thing I like baseball. Ha ha.
  8. Kelli1016

    how much u loose 1st week?

    Hey there. 12 day's post op here. The first week I was down about 9lbs but I was on straight liquids only. Once I started the mushy stage, I actually gained a couple pounds (I think I'm retaining some Water battling sodium in some of the foods I have been eating). My husband was banded about a year and a half ago (Jim1967) and I can tell you from his experience that it is a SLOW process. You'll lose the weight but at times, it will be very slow. So, don't be discouraged. My port incision and actually all of them are hard and raised at this point. It feels hard and can be sore after moving a lot. So, I'm guessing what you're feeling is normal for the port but if you have doubts then you should see your doctor. Trust your instincts. If it doesn't seem right, get it checked out. Good luck, girl!
  9. Day 4 was about when I started feeling hunger as well. It will get better and YOU CAN do it! I seemed to feel it mostly in the afternoons/evenings the worst. I think I ate about a million popsicles! Ha ha. Good luck. It's hard but it will get better.
  10. Kelli1016

    Is my surgeon right?

    Hey there! I'm about 12 day's post op and I can tell you I have no pain when eating -- at all. I am still on mushie stage and will be here for another 2 weeks before my surgeon will allow me to go to "regular" foods. I might suggest a second opinion. What your surgeon said just doesn't sound right. It should NOT hurt to eat. Good luck!
  11. Kelli1016

    Any other September 2013 bandsters?

    HI Everyone! I'm 12 day's post-op. In my first week (of three) of "mushies". My port area still get's a little sore with a lot of movement but for the most part, I feel great. It (my port incision) is also right in my "fat fold" and where my pants seem to rest when sitting so that irritates it a bit but it's healing nicely. I got some good news earlier this week when I saw my endocrinologist. He was so happy with my numbers and weight loss and that I had surgery that he took me off my diabetes meds!!! Woo hoo!!! Having a bit of a hard time with the mushie stage. It's true that we eat with our eyes first and I will say that pureed turkey taco's looked NASTY -- despite tasting great. LOL. Anyway, I still find myself wanting something "tangible" but I'll get there in time. I have some pretty good restriction (likely from still being swollen) and am doing pretty good. Glad to see everyone else is doing well, too. It's been a while since I read up on this thread and I thought I'd check in!
  12. Kelli1016

    Eating slow is hard

    So, I am 9 days post-op and just yesterday started on my "mushie" stage of eating. I've only had two meals so far and man am I having a hard time eating slow. I thought I was doing well but my body is telling me now that am still eating too fast. I have always been a fast eater and I KNEW this was going to be the toughest part for me. I'm working on it and my husband, Jim, has an app for my phone that can help. I am going to install it for lunch time. Does anyone have any tricks they use to eat slower??
  13. Kelli1016

    Eating slow is hard

    That's a good idea, pulsetkr! I'll try it.
  14. Kelli1016

    Eating slow is hard

    @Bandista -- I agree. It's a problem. It's something we have been talking about in our Hungry Head class, that I'm currently taking. It's a matter of being conditioned to it. Look at schools and the work place, you generally have 30 min to get your lunch and eat it. It's crazy. Thank you all for the advice. I know I can do this but I'm going to have to work hard at it.
  15. No more diabetes meds for me!! Woop woop!

  16. No more diabetes meds for me!! Woop woop!

  17. The day I had surgery, I decided to tell two of my "best" friends of my decision. I couldn't be more disappointed in their reactions. One said, "I think you're crazy. You were doing so well on your own." The other didn't verbally express any kind of disapproval but you could hear it in her tone. Unfortunately, I somewhat expected it but it doesn't change the disappointment. Now, I know that not everyone will understand, approve of or support my decision. I don't expect people to and frankly, I don't need their approval. But my two best friends whom I have helped and supported through some very tough times, can't support me? I don't expect approval -- just support. One hasn't even reached out to ask how I'm feeling while the other said, "I'm just not for it". Funny thing is this is why I held off telling them in the first place. Yet, here I sit, slightly annoyed and disappointed in them. I know that I shouldn't let it get to me but these are two women who have been friends for more than 20 years. I feel like I never should have told them but I am not the kind of person to keep "secrets". I am an open book and share most things about my life. I know I'll get over it. I guess I just needed to vent a little about it.
  18. Kelli1016

    Disappointed in my friends reactions

    Thanks everyone. I may actually chat with them about it when I'm a little less bothered by it. They are my best freinds, I should be able to talk to them about anything - including this.
  19. Kelli1016

    Disappointed in my friends reactions

    One is not obese but does battle with her weight while the other is about my size. So, it could be jealousy. I'm sure you're right and they will come around. It just sucks that I can be so supportive of them and they can't do the same for me.
  20. I had my surgery on Monday. Today, I am battling with nausea. The doc called in some anti-nausea meds for me that I just took. I am so afraid to vomit this soon after surgery. Has anyone else had this problem?
  21. Thanks everyone. The Zofran helped a bit. Hoping for a better day tomorrow.
  22. I just took the zofran. I thought about gingerale, too. Maybe I'll grab a bottle to see if it helps. Thanks for the reply!
  23. Hey girl! I'm surprised your docs have you on Protein shakes. I had surgery on Monday and I'm not starting them until maybe tomorrow. So, I'd say you'll be fine. I'm having trouble today with nausea. The gas pains haven't been bad but I am so "woofy" I can't bare to drink anything. The doc's called me in some anti-nausea meds so lets hope they work. Good luck, girl!
  24. Day 3 post-op and feeling sore and nauseous. Otherwise, doing well! :-)

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