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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by SandrafromNJ

  1. I was wondering how much weight band to sleeve revisions patients have lost. I currently have the band. It has slipped, waiting on surgery date for removal. I will be getting sleeved probably around April after all requirements have been met. I have heard many people don't lose as fast when they revise from band. Can anyone tell me how their weight loss and experience has been? Thank you

  2. Dr Attia's scale is def 5 pounds over. I go there too. I am just starting the process. I had lap band surgery in 2009. What a f#cking joke!! I am still the same wait. The lowest I was when I was pregnant with my son. Mainly because all I did was vomit. I am revising to sleeve hopefully by March. Dr. Attia's bariatric coordinator is Ardenia. She used to work with my original surgeon. She is awesome and knows me on a first name basis. I am looking forward to being on the losers bench!

  3. Dr Attia's scale is def 5 pounds over. I go there too. I am just starting the process. I had lap band surgery in 2009. What a f#cking joke!! I am still the same wait. The lowest I was when I was pregnant with my son. Mainly because all I did was vomit. I am revising to sleeve hopefully by March. Dr. Attia's bariatric coordinator is Ardenia. She used to work with my original surgeon. She is awesome and knows me on a first name basis. I am looking forward to being on the losers bench!

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