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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by runt

  1. Another trip to the ER with extreme stomach pain... No slip no erosion per CT (and EGD a month ago) WBC and LFT slightly elevated but not worrisome. I am so sick of this happening and no one can tell me why!! Ready to get the band out!
  2. runt

    Argh! ER again!

    No I don't eat before bed... At least an hour. And this is WAY worse than acid reflux. I have a high pain tolerance and it's enough to bring me to my knees crying.
  3. runt

    Argh! ER again!

    That's on my list of possibilities. I hope it's something that simple.
  4. runt

    Argh! ER again!

    Usually it's at night. I go to bed. Can't get comfortable (not cause anything hurts... Just toss n turn) then bam... Nausea and intense pain I have wracked my brain all day. The only thing I have noticed 2x now it's happened after taking cough med with codiene in it. They also shot me full of hydromorphine at the ER and I got really sick First time I have actually "thrown up" since being banded. (9/3/13)
  5. I eat just about anything I want... Except bread and soda. If I want steak I have learned to eat medium well, small bites and chew til my jaw falls off. If I want ice cream I only have a little bit (what I use to call a taste is now a serving) My band has been empty for a month now and I'm still down 8 pounds. Banded 8/3/13
  6. I was banded 9/3 and have lost about 65 pounds. Working on the last 20. And they are fighting to hold on!!!
  7. runt

    This can't be true...

    Yes. It has happened to me... Pre band life. Your body goes into starvation mode because your not eating enough. It holds onto every calorie you consume. As soon as you increase intake and your metabolism corrects.. The pounds drop. They aren't crazy.... It's science.
  8. runt

    Afraid to get a fill

    I haven't had an office fill. Just what was done when placed. There was no problem hitting the port or anything traumatic like that. He does barium swallows in the office and both times it has been fine. Calling tomorrow to see if they think I should come in or not. I guess if I only have a little added it wont be any worse than before they emptied it.
  9. About a month ago my dr emptied my band (lots of issues... No known cause) well I think I need some juice put back in my band (haven't lost a pound since then). But, I am afraid to! Even though EGD showed nothing wrong I still have a burning in my chest/shoulder/upper back when I eat or drink. Not always.. But more often than not. And heartburn, holy cow call me dragon lady! I can light a fire a block away somedays. Other days I am perfectly fine. Agh. If I had a crystal ball life would be soooooo much easier!
  10. Just like the last two episodes..... Went to bed fine and I'm up pacing the floor with horrible stomach pain and nausea. The EGD showed nothing wrong.... My band is empty and I haven't eaten since supper at 7. I am not going back to ER to be treated like an idiot or freak of nature cause I have an "implanted diet device".
  11. runt

    Crud.... Here we go again!

    And my band is empty... He did that after the second episode before the EGD
  12. runt

    Crud.... Here we go again!

    But did you have these symptoms at one specific time?? This only has happened at night about an hour after I go to bed. That's what's has dr scratching his head. Not related to eating or drinking. Just a horrible pain (relate it to kidney stone and a GB attack at once) an nausea. Omg I hate nausea. Never chucked. Just that oh boy here it comes feeling
  13. runt

    Crud.... Here we go again!

    Not in my stomach..... No back pain and no urinary symptoms. They have no idea what it causing it. Called doc. He wants me to come in Monday... Just started a new job. Can't. Will have to wait for Wed
  14. runt

    Crud.... Here we go again!

    It feels like a gall bladder attack... In my stomach (not abdomen). But had GB out 5-6 years ago Feel ok now... Little sore like I would expect to see a bruise there if it was over a muscle.
  15. runt

    Crud.... Here we go again!

    Thank you! Peaceful dreams.
  16. runt

    Crud.... Here we go again!

    No not going to be for a while. But if your headed that way it's ok. Once I get up. I'm up for a while.
  17. runt

    Crud.... Here we go again!

    Working on the hot tea. I'm thinking it is helping calm it down. Yeah the medical field here really does suck for certain things... Heart attack, stroke, cancer.... They are good.... Weight loss, psych, and general health care....SUCKS. It's a shame too. I was really relieved I didn't have an erosion when they did the EGD. But another part of me says get this damn thing out of me. I get frustrated when this happens and everyone's response is "what do you expect you weren't made to have that thing" OMG. I JUST HAD THE BIGGEST BELCH OF MY LIFE.... thank you for being up chatting. Kept my mid busy.
  18. runt

    Crud.... Here we go again!

    I have his cell number... But he even says he is at a loss for what it could be. And his office is an hours drive away, he has offered to meet me there the first time it happened. The medical community here (spfld,il) treats you like your an alien for having the band. I over heard them talking when I was in last time (2 weeks ago) "where are the labs on the lady with the diet implant". They are very quick to label and dismiss people (yeah I also work in the medical field here) Pain isn't as bad now as an hour ago. Took another zofran to see if it helps Thanks for the company.
  19. runt

    Crud.... Here we go again!

    No, this is the third to time in 6 weeks that this has happened.
  20. I am so glad there are there are other people whose tastes have changed! My dr says there is no reason foods I liked before I won't like now.. My list is easy though. I'm too chicken to try a sandwich! Bananas... The smell of them makes me gag But oh do I miss my bud lite!!! I would love to have a beer! Ice cold... Mmmm. But when I am really missing something I use to eat I go put on my new jeans... Then my old ones over them!!
  21. runt

    Family becoming food police

    YES!!!!!!!! They had ice cream tonight.... I put 2 tablespoons of ice cream in 3 oz of almond milk for a milkshake... Oh I'm telling your doctor... Well guess what he already knows I like ice cream. He says count it in your calories and don't complain if you don't lose!
  22. Ugh. I am about to lose it on family... And friends. I am so sick of them telling me I don't eat enough. I'm losing weight too fast. I need to eat more veggies. My husband telling people. No she doesn't eat anymore. Not enough to keep a bird alive. Sorry I had one sancho (homemade) and not 3! I think my insurance company paid a dr a whole lot of money to help me manage this. I have lost 58 pounds since sept and still weight 165. At 5'5" I can still stand to drop a few more pounds. Guess I should have put this in the rant post. Just had to vent.
  23. runt

    Family becoming food police

    Thanks. I just get so annoyed feeling like I have to constantly fight for what I am doing. I haven't weighed what I do now since I was 12!!! 30 years!
  24. runt


    Ugh. My whole life I have hated shopping for clothes. Now that I have lost a considerable amount of weight. 220-165 I love to shop (not buy just try) Who is the one person who would drag me shopping for 6-8 hours at a time. But now, stands outside the dressing room and bitches cause I'm trying on 2 pairs of jeans. You guessed it.... mom. I Knew there would be those jealous and have an attitude about the new me... But her of all people Grateful my hubby doesn't say a word if I try on one pair or 10. His only complaint is why are you trying them on and not buying them???
  25. runt


    I know she loves me, I guess it was just a "shattered idea". Mom and me being able to go shopping together. Lunch... Pedicures and a new outfit.... Silly things like that. Then poof, that bubble has been popped. I have tried numerous time and always get an excuse. Oh well. One of those things to grow up and deal with.

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