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Posts posted by musica73

  1. here are a couple other Protein Shake recipes that my dietician gave me if anyone wants to try them: Black Forest: 1 scoop chocolate Protein Powder or 1 scoop vanilla with 1/2 to 1 teaspoon cocoa powder (add however much for how chocolatey you want it.)1 c milk, and 1/2 c frozen cherries, then blend. Next is cinnamon roll Protein shake - 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/2 tablespoon vanilla sugar free instant pudding, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon,1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 splenda packet, a few dashes of butter buds, 1 cup milk, and 3 cubes of ice (optional) then blend. Again add more or less cinnamon for your own taste. The third is called Peanut Brittle - 1 scoop vanilla protein powder, 2 tablespoons of sugar free instant butterscotch pudding mix, 1 tablespoon creamy Peanut Butter, 1 cup milk, and ice optional, then blend. I have tried all of these and they are very good. Also with the cheese cake shake recipe I gave earlier, you can substitute anything for the cherries that you would like, the cherries have been my favorite. I hope you all enjoy. These have really helped me a lot, not drinking the same thing all the time.

  2. Thank you so much for posting this musica73!!! Sounds Yummy!!! I have been drinking Slim Fast premade shakes. After surgery' date=' I need a cheaper option. Will probably buy the powder. How are you feeling today?[/quote']

    You are welcome Jama! I got my powder thru the Vitamin Shoppe online and it was pretty reasonable. I have several other recipes. My dietitian is awesome! Just let me know if you want more. Will be more than happy to share! I am doing better todsy. Less pain, not hungry at all, but really working hard on getting in my Protein. Getting out for short walks are really helping too!

  3. Not sleeping the greatest either! I prefer to sleep on my side, but that's out for the time being. Just try my best. I have been trying my best on my intake, was able to get in around 45g yesterday and shooting for that today. Really working on liquid intake too. I don't feel hungry at all, so I have to make a real conscious effort to work on getting that Protein in. Pain is much better today. Going to go for a few short walks today. Went for one yesterday. Ugh all I feel like I am doing is constantly drinking something. My dietitian said to drink 4oz every hour. But....I know it will get better! Did you have any nausea? Thankfully the hospital gave me some medication and a nausea patch that I wear for two days that would stop any. And it worked! I'm glad to hear you are doing so well!

  4. Deweydoer! Glad to hear everything went well! I had the same shoulder pain. Guess it was gas pains. I have been having pain in the middle section of my stomach but it is much better today. Have you been up moving around? I am looking forward to a shower today! How are you doing on your intake? Hope it is going well.

  5. Hi all! I am two days post op. Everything is going fairly well. I have been having some pain in the middle of my stomach, but pain meds are helping. Getting up and walking is helping a lot too. Haven't had too much trouble with gas pains. Excited I can take a shower today woohoo! Stay hydrated everyone and work on getting your Protein in. Hope everyone is doing okay who is post op and good luck to all who have surgery coming up.

  6. Musica73' date=' you are so right. For me this journey began when I found out my Mom was diagnosed with Diabetes. I have struggled with my weight since after High School and off and on again with diets but her diagnosis was when I realized that I need to make a real permanent change. It's just so crazy jumping into the unknown.[/quote']

    Same here! I have been overweight since I was a teen. Dieting doesn't work. I eat like I should. I exercise alot and show no progress. My mother also has diabetes and was insulin dependent. She is no longer. I too am diabetic. My family has early onset. I hope and pray this will help. Like you I needed to make that permanent change. I want to live a good long and healthy life!

  7. OMG....Musica73' date=' those shake recipes sound delicious. My surgery date is tomorrow the 15th and I'm so over these Optifast shakes my Dr had me on. Once I'm on full liquids I'm sooooooo making your shake recipes.

    I keep going back and forth. The closer I get to surgery the more I'm like, Am I really doing the right thing? But then I look in the mirror and remember that I don't want to be this way any longer. I'm so thankful for everyone's comments on here, it makes me feel like I really can do this. Thanks everyone!!![/quote']

    Hey, poohbear!

    I did the same thing, was indecisive for several years, until a year ago my mother was told if she didn't have gastric surgery she would die soon. Obesity is a major genetic link in my family. I knew right then I needed to do this now , not later when my life is on the line. I know in my heart it was the right decision. My advice to you is to look at the reasons why you started this journey in the first place. What are the pros and cons? For me my pro list heavily out weighed everything else. Thete is a lot of great support out there. You are not alone in this.

    Oh, and I havr seversl other shake recipes thst I would be more than willing to share! They have all been good and have really helped!

    And on a side note... my mother had rny surgery in February is down 100 lbs and it has helped improve her health and quality of life immensely. Due to her age, bmi, and health risks, she was not a viable candidate for the band.

    Have faith in yourself! And we are all here for support!

  8. I will give them a try! Thanks!

    If you want a really yummy recipe for your shakes - here are a couple: cherry cheese cake- use 1 scoup vanilla Protein, 8oz milk, 1 tablespoon sugar free cheese cake pudding mik, 1/2 c. Frozen cherries, ice is optional. Blend in your blender. It is yummy!

    Another- reeses peanut butter: 1 scoup chocolate Protein Powder or 1 vanilla with 1 teaspoon cocoa powder, 8 oz milk or almond milk, 1 tablespoon creamy Peanut Butter, a packet or 2 splenda, and ice optional. Blend together.

    These are two that I have found very yummy. My dietitian gabe me several Protein Shake recipes so I don't have to br drinking the same thing all the time and I have been very grateful! Each of these will give you st least 30g protein per shake.< /p>

  9. We are all experiencing the same thing, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I too had a couple of those rough days at the beginning of my pre-op phase. I just kept having to remind myself that it was helping to prepare for this new chapter in my life. I definitely agree that being on this forum has been a great source of strength. You all have been wonderful!

  10. Hi All! Home from hospital. Surgery went real well. Had a little gas pain in the shoulder but it has subsided. Pain in my stomach but it's tolerable. Getting up and walking helps! Keeping on top of pain meds. If you have yet to have had your surgery, ask about the nausea patch. They leave it on for two days to keep you from getting sick. Best of luck to all who are going to have surgery soon.

  11. Hi thought you sound great...attitude helps you go the distance. Iam on 4th day of preop. I usually have headaches all day long but on preop only a few. Means I have food allergies.

    Today has been the first day I really felt like eating. I didn't! But my sensitive dh ate popcorn and candy right next to me. I was angry. My trigger foods he eats even though he said he would cut back.

    But thats him not me. I'm in it for the long haul. Delicate question to anyone....alot of liquid bowels and lots of bathroom breaks? Well good luck on your reop and after..keeo coming back....and keep up the positive feedback. Donna

    Hey Donna,

    I had those symptoms too for a couple days then it went away. As far as having people eat something in front of you, this may sound wierd but I actually asked my husband to keep his normal routine. This IS for life and there will be things I will have to watch people eat that I can't. I need to learn how to be comfortable and for those around me to be comfortable as well. I didn't think it was fair to ask others to change. I think yhis made our pre-op experience s little less stressful on everyone. But, you have to find what works best for you. I wish you the best!

  12. My band is going to be placed on Monday' date=' you are right, time is standing still!! I've been trying to keep myself busy, but I look up and it has been like 15 minutes, so annoying!! My husband us home on leave, so that has helped a little bit, but I feel like I'm waiting for Christmas morning.[/quote']

    Omg! That is what is what it's like. Tomorrow is the day. It can't get here soon enough! Good luck tomorrow Deweydoer, see ya on the other side. :-)

  13. Hi musica 73! I'm 5 days post-op and finally feeling better today. I have struggled with being sore but the worst part has been the gas pains. Omg they hurt!!! Some tips would be to buy a heat pack if you don't have one. It really does help with the shoulder pain. Pack a Chapstick for the hospital' date=' your lips get dry after anesthetic. And keep on top of your pain meds even if you're feeling ok. I was slack with mine yesterday because I was starting to feel better and boy did I pay for it last night!! Good luck :)[/quote']

    Thanks angemc! I appreciate all the great advice! The hospital told me today about the chest/shoulder pain. I will keep a heat pad handy. I know from past surgery pain meds are my friend! :-) Just ready for Monday to be here so I can start this new chapter of life!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
