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    OneHawtGammy reacted to GypsyQueen in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    There are definitely fun things on my list, but the ones I am happiest about I'm crossing off as we speak.
    1. Go to sleep without wondering how long I have to live.
    2. Get rid of sleep apnea machine.
    3. Not seeing morbidly obese on my medical charts.
    4. Living (prescription) medication free.
    5. Having no co-mobidities.
    Soon to come...
    6. Not having to crop most of me out of pictures.
    7. Having a professional family portrait done.
    8. Feel comfortable in my own personal space (on an airplane, public venue, etc.)
    9. To feel worthy of my super hot husband (who has been amazing).
    10. Knee high boots!!!!!!!!
  2. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to RCN in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    My top ten:
    1. To feel confident in whatever I'm wearing
    2. To be able to wear stilettos again
    3. I want to exercise without feeling stupid or having people give me that pity look
    4. To be able to go hiking with my children without getting tired so quick & giving up.
    5. To have more confidence in bed with my husband
    6. To shave my legs and other areas in the shower without passing out
    7. I also would like to buy some Victoria Secret
    8. I want to go out dancing without feeling like that green monster from yo gaba gaba
    9. Roller coasters!!! I love them!
    10. To enjoy a day at the beach in shorts & a tank top or someday a bathing suit!
    Sent from my iPhone
  3. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to oldskoolsooz in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    This is a lovely hilarious inspirational thread!
    1. Feel comfortable, sitting, standing, in a diner booth, in the fitting room, in my own skin
    2. Have my husband pick me up and carry me across the room or spin me around weekly at least
    3. Lose the negative feelings that accompany being obese like being embarrassed, ashamed, anxious, resigned, anti-social, guilty
    4. Travel more whether it's within the US or across the seas no longer restricted by not fitting in seats or being winded walking around sight seeing
    5. Become medication free/healthy, no more high blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid issues, breathing issues, heat rashes
    6. Start wearing clothes that reflect me and my personality instead of wearing shapeless bland pieces that fit
    7. Not receive looks anymore or advice from good intentioned loved ones about my weight and health
    8. Eat to live and not live to eat..enjoy every bit of food ensuring I enjoy every bit of my new life
    9. Have a child (I'm 40 this September) and be able to keep up
    10. Live a long and healthy pain free life with the few I cherish in my life
    Thank you for this thread and those that have responded :-)
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    OneHawtGammy reacted to spiritstalker in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    Here are mine, surgery July 1st!!!
    1. Go kayaking
    2. Use my mountain bike, and not look like a elephant on a tricycle.
    3. Actually enjoy clothes shopping
    4. Not be embarrassed to be in family pictures
    5. Go zip lining
    6. Go on backpacking trips
    7. Ride my motorcycle again
    8. Run a 5k
    9. Do a belly dancing class
    10. Last but defiantly not least... Wear my wedding ring again!!!
  5. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to NYVSGguy in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    These lists are great. There are so many things that I looking forward too, here are few:
    1. Be able to keep up with my little girls.
    2. Not be tired walking my daughter to the bus.
    3. Being a healthier role model for my kids.
    4. Stop using the seatbelt extension I had to get for my new car.
    5. Fit on one airplane seat.
    6. Not getting tired putting on socks and shoes.
    7. Running again.
    8. Stop feeling like if I stay on the same path, someone else will be raising my kids.
    9. Stop wanting to always want rest instead of getting out and living life.
    10. Be able to fit into nice cloths.
    I know we all will be smiling once we finish the journey and our lists become reality. Good luck to all!
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    OneHawtGammy reacted to Jiggly Puff in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    This is my favorite thread! I feel exactly the same way on just about everything you all listed. Here's my list:

    To feel attractive and to fall in love again (hopefully for good this time!) I avoid men like the plague because I can't imagine anyone falling in love with me looking like this.

    Get rid of ALL of my fat clothes!

    To wear my jewelry

    To walk with confidence

    To wear sun dresses and spaghetti strap tops!

    I want to be social and outgoing again

    To ride a motorcycle again

    I want to "turn heads" for the right reasons, not because I'm fat

    To prove my family wrong, that getting the VS is the right thing for me to do

    And last but not least, to make my son proud of me

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    OneHawtGammy reacted to LOSINGLOOSEY in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    Here's my list............
    1. Sit on an airplane - and trying to hide the fact by putting a jacket on my lap - so the flight attendant won't realize that the seatbelt isn't buckled.
    2. Go play poker at various spots - I won't show myself at some of these places since, the last time they saw me, I was 80 lbs less.
    3 Ride the zipline on Fremont Street in Las Vegas - weight limit is 230....I have a ways to go.
    4. Not have to jiggle the booth away from me to make it so I can breathe!
    5. Not having to go through my clothes every morning - struggling to find something that fits.
    6. Driving by the grocery store - without thinking about stopping to get a "goodie" for the night.
    7. Not having to maneuver into my truck so much - in order to "get comfortable."
    8. Riding a bicycle - I would just be so embarrassed right now.
    9. Going to the gym regularly - without being embarrassed.
    10. And the biggest thing - breaking the cycle that was set by my Mother, my Grandmother, my Great Grandmother - I refuse to be the next generation of overweight women in my family. The buck stops here!
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    OneHawtGammy reacted to rhonda2006 in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    I love you guys lists. Here are a few of my cant wait to do lists.
    1. Go to the waterpark and enjoy without thinking everyone is looking at a beached whale.
    2.go to my high school reunion -Been to ashamed to go
    3 soak in my bathtub and actually be all covered with Water
    4. Walk down the street without struggling to breathe
    I could thknk ic so many but you guys have already listed a lot that we all are wishing for.
  9. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to Fiddleman in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    What a great idea!!! A bucket list for your dead overweight self.
    Here is mine:
    1. Sky dive!!
    2. Cross fit regionals
    3. Caving in South America
    4. Completing a 2 week back packing trip
    5. Running a marathons ( at 12 miles so far)
    6. Take an expedition up mount Rainer
    7. Zip line!!
    8. All night sex session
    9. Horse back ride the Grand Canyon
    10. To be determined
  10. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to hopeliveshere in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    Heres my random list
    1. Be able to play with my 2 daughters and chase them in the park.
    2. Be able to go up more than 3 steps without getting winded
    3. Wear shorts for the first time since i was 15. I am going to disney for the first time next summer and want to be comfortable
    4. Not have to hide under the covers while being intimate
    5. Not get insane heat rash between my legs from my thighs rubbing together TMI sorry
    6. Shop at a regular sized clothing store
    7. Wear a bathing suit. My swimming attire is currently a t shirt and calf length capris
    8. not have to unbutton my pants after eating cus i cant breathe
    9. love the way i see and how i feel about myself.
    10. Not have the urge to pee all the time.
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    OneHawtGammy reacted to karpouzian in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    In no particular order
    1. Be able to play outside with my four year old for longer than 5 minutes.
    2. Not tell my wife for one whole day that it is too hot!
    3. Buy clothes from wal-mart (wow, that sounds like I'm one of 'those people')
    4. 'Experiment' with my wife
    5. Go swimming without a shirt on.
    6. Do any kind of non-sedentary activity for more than ten minutes.
    7. By clothes without an x in the size.
    8. Enjoy thing like going to the zoo, fair, museum, outdoors, etc. because I enjoy walking.
    9. Fly a kite by running.
    10. Not be tied to the couch/computer chair all evening.
    11. Sit down in my tub, and not move to one side to let the Water pass.
    12. Take a long relaxing shower and not get out after 5 min because standing hurts.
    13. Have underwear that fits right.
    14. Not be self conscious about having my picture taken.
    4. I want to have clothes that reflect my style and not what I coud find that would fit me. (Stolen)
    16. Not be embarrassed to post my photo on a weight loss surgery website (how stupid is that?)
    I'm sure I'll add more...
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    OneHawtGammy reacted to Robby Rob in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    here is my list. I numbered them but they are in no special order.
    1. Be able to ride roller coaster.
    2. Be able to see my manhood with out it standing at attention.
    3. Ride a horse
    4. Climb a tree
    5. Repell
    6. Run
    7. Play at the park and tire my kids out.
    8. Fly comfortably in an airplane
    9. Be able to find my size in any store
    10. Give up cpap machine
  13. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to need2bthin! in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    Oh I love this thread!! Here is my list:
    1. Be able to ride comfortably in my car, with the seat belt on!
    2. Be able to buy something I love, not just something that fits.
    3. Unpack all my old clothes!
    4. Purchase a new mattress and get rid of the one I purchased last year that has ready "sunk in" on my side.
    5. My husband be able to pick me up.
    6. Go hang out with the other mommy's without feeling like I take up the whole table.
    7. Wear boots!! Real knee high sexy boots!!
    8. Buy a pair of nice designer jeans!
    9. Take my daughter to Disney world and the beach!
    10. Be able to wear my wedding rings!! I love them so much but I never wanted to have then sized.
  14. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to josielew in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    Hi guys, love all the "can't wait ideas" there all inspiring!! Here are my top ten things.
    1. Look good so my husband will be proud of me! ( even though he has not said anything like that).
    2. Go hiking with my 9, and 12 year old
    3. Get healthy.
    4. By cloths in the single digests!
    5. Be confident in front of my husband with the lights on!!
    6. Get rid of a lot of aches and pains!
    7. Zip line
    8. To feel what it's like to be skinny or at least smaller again.
    9. To not fall into my moms foot steps of just gaining more and more weight as years go by.
    10. Feel in control of my health.
    And many more!!!
  15. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to awifeinmichigan in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    Here are my 10!
    1. Physically have babies (My 2 boys are adopted) Years of infertility issues.
    2. Dance non-stop
    3. Get dressed up and not have to wear my 2 girdles
    4. Restock my shoe closet with Italian Cut shoes that I can not wear now because of my fat feet.
    5. Have my husband pick me up and not let me go.
    6. Chase after my boys without being tired.
    7. Play a round of Volleyball with my boys and my Sister.
    8. Live a healthy life.
    9. Be an example for someone who struggles with weight issues.
    10. Continue to make more list because this one will be completed one day.
  16. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to lanuzaanac in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    1. Look good in the clothes that i like
    2. Have hours of sex without getting tired
    3. Go out with mu kids and not b tired all the time
  17. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to ewhitt in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    1. For my wedding rings to fit again
    2. To go running errands with my daughter without feeling exhausted
    3. To feel confident in my career
    4. To shop in the "cool" stores
    5. To not dread getting up in the morning because I have nothing that fits well
    6. To go out in nature and hike and have fun with my family
    7. To drastically cut the number of pills I take.
    So far, that's all I got
  18. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to piercedqt78 in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    Wow, how inspiring....Here is my list: 1. Wear a bikini 2. be comfortable in anything I put on. 3. be able to go all day without having to stop for a break when we are at the zoo or theme parks. 4. not struggle with finding a pretty well fitted bra. 5. be able to show my daughter a positive body image. 6. be able to get a pedicure, without feeling self conscious. 7. eat a single portion of gourmet food and be full. (I can already do that but haven't yet) 8. be a MILF 9. feel good enough about my body to DANCE again. 10. wake up and like what I see in the mirror.
  19. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to docbree in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    What a great list! Here's mine:
    1) go caving in the "wild" part of Mammoth (maximum chest circumference = 44 inches)
    2) SCUBA certification
    3) be able to snorkel without asthma attack
    4) buy lingerie at Victoria's secret
    5) indoor rock climbing
    6) be able to excercise without needing ibuprofen
    7) be able to sleep through the entire night (without waking up 10 -15 times because my back hurts or I can't breathe)!
    8) wear my wedding ring
    9) horseback riding on the beach
    10) get to Onederland!
  20. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to JCassell in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    This is a lot of fun to think about! Here are my ten:
    1. Walk into a room and have my husband do a double take.
    2. I want to be able to make my kiddo tired
    3. I want to wear a dress and not look like a bell.
    4. I want to have clothes that reflect my style and not what I coud find that would fit me.
    5. To run in the many marathons in my state. They have a Zombie run that looks awesome!
    6. To travel to other countries.
    7. To not immediately notice that I am the biggest person in a room, or that people are talking about me.
    8. To want to go out and do things, instead of thinking of them as chores.
    9. To go out for a run
    10. To be smaller than my husband and more confident in the bedroom :wub:
  21. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to luckysmomma in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    1. To be able to walk more easily....improve my mobility!
    2. To rock a black dress again, and a red one, and a blue one, and a purple one...you get the idea!
    3. To wear my rings again...
    4. To have my legs become one of my best features again instead of just hair & teeth
    5. To try new things ...confidence & mobility to be able to
    6. To go to the 'other' side of clothing stores again and be comfortable regardless of the size
    7. To feel more comfortable in my own skin again...regardless of what Mr. scale says
    8. To feel like the old & real me again...
    9. To hopefully, lower my health risks (lots of bad health issues on both sides of my family) of many problems at my age
    10. To have George Clooney, or Joe Manganiello (excuse my spelling), or Vince Vaughn, or John Cusack, or Russell Crowe, or Gerard Butler...fall madly in love with me, of course, and live happily ever after!!! LOL
  22. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to Dualstarr in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    YES!!!! Ziplining! I have always wanted to try this....That is actually #1 on my list of skinny activites to try...followed by rock wall cimibling,
  23. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to Melixxa in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    Thanks for starting this! My surgery is July 2nd and here are my ten things:
    1. Wear all my old favourite clothes in little sizes. I have held on to them for ten years!
    2. Have a long, leisurely soak in my RV-sized bath tub!
    3. Go on a trail ride. I just couldn't do this to a horse right now!
    4. Ride my bike on this special trail we have near my home....it's about three hours on an old rail bed, down-hill through a forest all the way but I don't have the stamina right now.
    5. Buy roller skates and use them up and down my back alley!
    6. Visit my family in England. The flight and walking around for all the sight-seeing overwhelms me right now--never mind having my family seeing me 100 pounds heavier than my last visit.
    7. Have coffee and a good visit with a few ex-boyfriends who remain friends and stay in touch, and don't understand why I avoid them.
    8. Order a pile of adorable dresses and cardigans from Modcloth and Anthropologie.
    9. Wear my beautiful rings and bracelets again.
    10. Buy lots of super-cool antique and vintage clothes, which don't seem to come in plus sizes!
    I think I have many more, but that's a good start!
  24. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to Dualstarr in 10 things I can't wait to do   
    I'm still a little ways out from my surgery (just started the Kaiser options classes) but this morning I was laying in bed thinking of all the things I can't wait to do when I lose weight.
    1. Be able to walk through those stupid little turnstyle things
    2. Finally be able to stop lying about not liking rollercoasters. I love them..my fat ass just won't fit. Easier to lie
    3. No longer have to buy gigantic pads with wings (yeah I know TMI)
    4. Be able to buy something from Victorias Secret
    5. Be able to shop with friends without having to make a Detour to a "fat store".
    6. Not be ashamed to walk though the mall with my bag of clothes...I always hate shopping and having to walk through the mall with a Lane Bryant shopping bag...just screams I'M FAT!!!
    7. Be able to put the lap tray down on an airplane
    8. Be able to tell people I used to run cross country in high school without them saying "What happened". and actually be able to run again.
    9. Sky Dive!!!!!
    10. Go out with my "skinny friends" and actually have guys want to talk to me too...and not just to ask me to ask my friend for her number
  25. Like
    OneHawtGammy reacted to natedog51 in Purging my closet again - anxiety   
    You can do this! Out with the old, in with the new!

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