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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About jessiquoi

  • Rank
    Bariatric Master
  • Birthday 10/10/1957

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    Software Development Project Manager
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  1. jessiquoi

    I really need your help guys. Please!

    The only way you can fail is to stop trying. You haven't stopped, you're here looking for help, so congratulations! You know exactly what to do, because you've listed all the behaviors you need to get rid of. Listen to all the other advice given here. Take it slow, make one change back at a time, and congratulate yourself on coming here for help before you gained it all back! You can do this. You've already proved yourself. Positive thinking is one of the most important tools we can have to help us in our journey. Make your attitude one that you are proud to share with the world! And keep posting here, as much as you need to, for support.
  2. jessiquoi

    Panic attacks and anxiety post-op

    I have panic attacks, but they are controlled by medication. I've been sleeved 5 months, and the only time I've had an attack is when I don't take my meds. They seem totally unaffected by my sleeve. The only difference is that eating used to be an alternate drug for quenching the anxiety (if for whatever reason I hadn't been taking my meds). That's gone now. I try to always remember my medication for this reason.
  3. jessiquoi

    Need info

    Good response, @JaimeLogical. @@teffytmg I have been sleeved for a little over 5 months now. So far I've lost 45 lbs. I find it relatively easy to stay on plan. I definitely have restriction. I belong to a FB group of over 400 people who all had their sleeve surgery in the same month. There's not one person who regrets their decision. We're all losing at pretty much the same rate (percentage-wise, based on our starting weight). Out of the group, there were 3, I think, who had complications, and they have all been resolved at this point. I would recommend the sleeve to anyone who is serious about bariatric surgery.
  4. HW 285 SW 266 CW 221 I'm having a great time with my sleeve! Every time I feel a little less than successful, or start to worry about whether I will really lose all the weight I want to, I look at what I'm eating and how much activity I'm getting. Refocusing on the basics works every time, and each time the tweaking needed to bring me back to full compliance is less and less. I'm really learning new habits and breaking old ones! I still have cravings, but not as often. When I give in to them, I don't enjoy the food as much. I am using less than half the insulin I used to pre-surgery (I'm a Type 1 diabetic). I'm off of 2 of 3 blood pressure medications, and my follow-up blood work showed my cholesterol to be outstanding, so I'm going to be talking with my doctor about stopping that med as well. Before surgery, I would be exhausted, out of breath and in pain walking from my car to my office. Now I walk unlimited and I feel twenty years younger (I'm 57)! Each of us has our own journey. Don't compare yourself with anyone else to determine your success! It took me over a year to decide to go through with the surgery, and I don't regret a day spent in researching and mulling over ethat decision. Give yourself whatever you need, because you deserve it. I wish you all a quick approval, a safe surgery, a speedy recovery, and a long and healthy life.
  5. So far, I only heard one person chime in about it growing back, and that was after two years! I'm in the same place as Elode and I'd love to hear from more people about when the loss stopped and actually reversed back to normal. Anybody?
  6. jessiquoi

    What to tell work

    I also just said that I was having surgery. Funnily, everyone assumed I was having back surgery because of the pain I was in with all the extra weight, and someone else in the office just had back surgery. You have every right to your privacy. Be open to the fact that you may change your mind about who you tell what as you go forward. Now that I'm three months post-op, I'm starting to tell a few people in the office who comment on my weight loss and my much improved health and mobility. I think it's because deep inside I was worried about what they would think, that I was taking "the easy way out" even though I knew it was anything but that. I just didn't feel like having to explain myself when it was taking all my focus to stay on my 3 month pre-op diet. Now that I'm down 55 lbs from my highest weight (six months ago), my confidence has soared and my old, younger attitude of "who gives a crap what anyone thinks" has returned. Do whatever makes you the most comfortable.
  7. Hi, everyone. I haven't posted for a while, and I'm happy to say that's because I'm out there living like I couldn't do 55 lbs ago! Getting sleeved was the best decision I could have made for myself, and I'm so grateful to the outcome. HW 285 SW 266 CW 229.8 1 Month Post Op: 248 (down 18 lbs) 2 Month Post Op: 241 (down 7 lbs) 3 Month Post Op: 230 (down 11 lbs) I owe so much to the people on this site who took the time to answer questions and share their experiences. I will try to do the same and spend some time each day here.
  8. There may be people who will yell at this advice, but when I had a shake that I didn't like and I still had a tub of it left, I added some banana to the blender. It made SUCH a difference. Yes, you're not supposed to have it right away, but it made the difference some days between me getting my Protein in and not. 2 months out now and I don't use shakes any more.
  9. Good for you! I had one false start myself. It's great that you found this site, it's awesome. Welcome!
  10. every morning, after pooping, after my shower, before i get dressed. i need the feedback to keep me on track.
  11. jessiquoi


    you are doing great! just keep on doing what you are doing. if you're "stuck", you can try to mix things up a bit... try a different workout, eat a little more one day and a little less the other, drink more Water... but there's nothing wrong with the rate you are losing at.
  12. jessiquoi

    Two month surgiversary pix

    Thank you! I lost more inches than pounds this month, and it's definitely showing in my clothes.
  13. From left to right: 3 months pre-op, at my highest weight; 1 month post-op; 2 month post-op
  14. jessiquoi

    Plain yogurt = *gag*... Help!

    I have mixed plain greek nonfat yogurt with just about everything. SF hot chocolate, Protein powders, SF puddings. It'll be fine. Just add a little at a time so you don't overdo it.

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