I came to this site because I thought that this would be a wonderful place where I would be surrounded by a group of my own peers. I have posted many questions that I had questions about or had minimal knowledge on. I have received very good advice and some advice I thought sounded nice, I followed up with my doctor on. I mean it is awesome to get advice from others, but who knows what best for you besides the person who placed this remarkable tool inside of us??
We have all been forewarned about the dangers of not following the rules that was given to us. If you have orders from your doctor by all means FOLLOW THEM. Don’t take matters into your own hands and when something bad happens, you freak out.
Everyone has an OPIOION!! Do you have to agree? NOT AT ALL. Most people who do cheat their bands/themselves often look for confirmation from another person who will come out of nowhere and agree with them. I feel personally some question should not be asked on this site; especially ones that promote controversy in a bad way.
Example, I was just banded and I am hungry. So I ate some lunch meat.
You were advised against it but insisted on doing your own thing. How can you expect not to receive feedback with someone trying to make you accountable for your mistake? Not everyone is going to say something nice to glorify your wrong-doing. Before you judge a statement try to understand it for the other persons prospective. Let’s just go back to being helpful by sharing experiences that are helpful to one another. I am almost 90% sure no one on here is purposely being malicious but simply helpful.
Always remember, When you are typing it’s hard to tell someone’s tone. So when in doubt, just say thank you for your input and move one.
(I had to vent and I wanted to share with everyone. I don’t like seeing my friends being verbally attacked for stating an opinion. Sometimes you just have to learn how to AGREE TO DISAGREE. An opinion is like an Ass, Everyone has one and you are not always going to like sh*t it comes with. ) Have a nice night.