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Status Updates posted by allysonwhitt

  1. Another great check in with my doctor. Lost 11lbs in a month and havea octal of 38 lbs gone! Feeling great!

  2. Down 35 lbs total and fit in an old dress for a party! Woohoo!

  3. Seven weeks and I am down a total of 31 pounds. 21 since surgery! I was so happy when I had a 4 pound Weightloss this week! I lost 4lbs while going to Atlantic City all weekend! Woohoo!

  4. 4 weeks post op today and I am down 15 lbs. feeling very excited and proud of myself!

  5. Had my first weigh in and fill today. Down 13 lbs in 3weeks. Feeling good!

  6. One week post op today! Yay! Still sore but better every day!

  7. Day One after surgery! Doing well but having a ton of gas pain!

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