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The Icy One

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by The Icy One

  1. The Icy One

    No Pre-Op Diet? Drain Port?

    Hey Jamie, my surgery is the 21st as well. I'm a bit envious of your pre op free cruise to the OR. LOL I have to do a three week pre op. Two Protein shakes, one lean and green a day. It's been a real trial but it's worth it. Some days, I think I am going to lose my marbles but I've already blasted out two weeks; just seven days to go. I've come this far, the rest is cake. I'll keep a good thought out for you on our surgery day!
  2. Heh! Heh! I fully plan to lose a f*ck ton of weight, keeping them guessing then, when they least expect it, drop the Lap Band bomb on them. :ph34r: That should take a little wind out if the S.S. Naysayers' sails.
  3. The Icy One

    Anyone getting banded in Nov?

    Beergirl and Kmb, you couldn't have foreseen or controlled what happened. Infections happen. You'll take your antibiotics, kick them in their a**es and then get your surgeries. November, December. You will get them. This. Is. Happening. Never doubt it. My surgery is slated to be outpatient, also. As long as I am stable and good to go, I prefer it. When I had my lap chole that wasn't in March, it was outpatient. I had my op in the morning and was home, chillin' like a villain in my lovely, puffy recliner, watching my own TV, being waited on hand and foot by my sweet hubby by lunch time. I like recovering at home. I feel much happier, more relaxed,
  4. The Icy One

    Too Fat To Run For President?

    I commend Chris Christie for doing something about his weight and getting his band. I do tend to question his timing... Just a bit... But I don't live in his head, his life, his decision making process. Physically, yes, I do believe that Christie could do the job.
  5. Some have good intentions and some want to knock your arse right off the rails. It isn't easy for some people to accept a friend or family member's dramatic weight loss. As huge as it is for us, it's pretty freaking huge for those around us, as well and not everyone deals with it so well. Good luck on Monday! I'll keep you in my thoughts,
  6. I don't hate them, I just grow a little weary of the sweet. I am craving some savory. I was perusing the unjury site, looking at the chicken flavor, reading reviews and so on. I think I am going to order a few packets and try it. Get a little variety in my menu.
  7. Congrats, Lovebug! I go on the 21st. Can't wait! For one thing, this pre op diet is driving me up a tree. LOL I think I need to have my surgery so I can drink broth and have something different.
  8. The Icy One


    Flouncers gotta flounce. In Micki's case, I get the impression she was a bit overwhelmed and let that rule her fingers for a spell. It's happened to me. Micki, I'm glad that your issue was solved and you are feeling a little cooler headed. Heal soon and good luck with the rest of your journey.
  9. Yep. That is why I am pretty much keeping my own council, for now. I will probably share sometime in the future but for now... Naw.
  10. The Icy One

    Gross Question

    Oh my gosh! I am on my pre op... Two Protein smoothies and one lean and green a day. Dude... I think that part of this is to clean me out because dayumn!!!!!! I am not complaining, I actually feel pretty great and I think this has been good for me but I am keeping the T.P. company in business. LOL
  11. The Icy One

    Lapband Haters

    Right on, Sister Soldier! The war on obesity is tough enough without infighting over which surgery is better and who made the right decision and who didn't. Band, sleeve, bypass or switch we should be uplifting and supporting, not ripping one another to shreds.
  12. The Icy One


    I am loving this thread. Popcorn and I go way back and I adore it. I was told that it is a no go and I am prepared to give it up if I have to but if, after I settle into my band and can handle it I will be delighted.
  13. Yep. I am being careful about whom on my husband's side of the family I tell. They love to drag out the "So and so knows so and so and they had a *insert WLS here* and such and such happened and now their life is RUINED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Stories and I don't need that crap, thank you very much.
  14. The Icy One

    6 Years Later, Still No Regrets

    Congratulations on your success. You are an inspiration and proof that the band works but is not a magic bullet or an easy way out. I am in pre op phase my surgery is the 21st. Seeing your pics gives me even more inspiration to move forward.
  15. The Icy One

    Anyone getting banded in Nov?

    Well, True Results called me today and I have been pushed a day to the 21st. My surgeon has some big meeting he has to go to. I'm a little boo-hiss about it but not too much. It's only one day. Not a big deal. That's one more day I can do my pre op diet, prepare and it's no biggie. I'm still getting my band and that is what really matters.
  16. The Icy One

    Help with Pre op Diet!!!

    I'm glad that you found something you can live with. Bummer that you can't have any solids, at all. That one lean and green meal makes this pre op diet easier. It's so weird how different surgeons have their patients prepare.
  17. The Icy One

    Anyone getting banded in Nov?

    Hey Irishflower, I'm glad that your surgery went well and you are rocking your recovery. Wow! The site looks different! Great.But different.
  18. The Icy One

    What to eat

    That was my question. My husband and son will not be eating liquids, full liquids and mushies after my band is installed. They are certainly not enjoying my pre-op diet. LOL Families do need to learn to adapt to a family member's special diet but they don't necessarily have to follow along.
  19. The Icy One

    6 months out

    Congratulations! You are such an inspiration!
  20. The Icy One


    I am so sorry that you are having such a rough year. sometimes life can really smack us upside the head but hard! ((())) I'm glad that your granddaughter is doing better. That is wonderful news. it sounds as if she is going to be just fine. I'm so, so sorry about your sister's diagnosis. A bad cancer diagnosis hits loved ones really hard. When my mother was diagnosed with stage four metastatic breast cancer, the news hit me so hard I thought that I was going to stop breathing. Her prognosis, at the outset sucked. But she has been having treatments, keeping up a great attitude, praying hard, doing everything she can and, while she is not cured or even really out of the woods, she is hanging in there, She is doing better. Her most recent round of blood tests showed her tumor markers had dropped from almost 600 to the mid 250's. She has time, she feels pretty good and we are grateful for every bit of time with her. My mother will more than likely not be "cured" but for now, she is living with her cancer. And she is living far longer and better than she had been told she would or could. What I am trying to convey here is that as long as there is breath, as long as there is life, there is hope. Miracles can come in the form of a cure or in the form of time, blessings are many, we need to be open to them. My heart aches for your sister and for what she must face. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family in this difficult time. I don't really have many words of wisdom about your band, maybe go in and talk to your doctor and see if perhaps you have a situation that needs attention paid? It sounds as if you need to practice some much needed self care. Remember, if you don't take care of yourself, you are not going to be in good shape to take care of the ones you love when they need you. Don't neglect your health. You need to take some time, be a little selfish and be good to yourself, too.
  21. The Icy One

    Liquid diet

    True Results rules!
  22. The Icy One

    Help with Pre op Diet!!!

    Hang in there. Pre op is a bugger! LOL I have to go three weeks, two protein shakes, I can blend them with frozen fruit, if I like (I like) and one lean and green meal a day. I keep reminding myself what I am working for when I reach in my pantry for my protein powder and I see my son's Doritos. jerseygirl, your surgery is on my birthday.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
