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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Deweydoer

  1. Deweydoer

    Ball is rolling......

    I started the process on 12 June and I am getting banded on 12 August, two months to the date. Hang in there, I don't work during the summer so I was able to get all of my appointments quickly and insurance only took 4 days to approve. I feel like I've been on a warp drive ride, can't wait until next Monday.
  2. This pre-op diet is rough, no question about it, but it is all mental, not that that makes it any easier. When I worked through the mental stuff, crying like a crazy lady for a bit then pouring out my soul to my husband, I felt better, sucked it up and I'm feeling much better.
  3. Deweydoer

    Pre OP Weight Lose -

    I'm on day 6 of a 10 day pre-op diet and I've lost 8. My surgeon gave me no weight loss goal pre-op, he just wanted my liver to be as fat free as possible. My BMI was only 43%, so I guess BMI does make a difference. By the way, I'm not happy with a BMI of 43%, it is nothing I am proud about, but I'm doing the right thing now so I feel ok about it.
  4. I noticed that is I didn't eat, I did get shaky. I'm not diabetic or anything like that. I have noticed that I'm really antsy and unfocused, which is VERY weird for me, I'm usually a rock. I just feel like I'm counting days until surgery, which is at 9:00 on Monday, the 12th
  5. ABSOLUTELY!! I'm on day 6 of my 10 day liquid diet and yesterday I felt like I wanted to cry. I just felt like I was going to throw up if anything liquid passed my lips. I called the nurse nutritionist and she talked me over hump. I got the go ahead to make my own creamed soups with fresh veggies. I love to cook and I was not only tired of the liquids, I was missing the process of preparing my meals. So it's roasted tomatoe soup, creamed of course!! Today is better
  6. The lap band is a tool, you are as successful with it as you want to be. I would shop another surgeon, not all doctors are all that honest, sometimes it comes down to money. To get my insurance packet together I had to see a Pulmonologist, who told me I needed a sleep study. I don't snore, I rest well, and have no physical characteristics that would make me a sleep apnea candidate. I saw another pulmonologist and he laughed at the suggestion that I would need a sleep study. Come to find out the first doctor owned the sleep clinic, yea that's right he owned the sleep clinic so he had a financial stake in me taking an unnecessary sleep test. Reality, but it kind of sad.
  7. I was told clear liquids for about three days after surgery then start protein shakes for 3 weeks.
  8. Deweydoer

    Pre-pre op diet

    I'm going this weekend to Sam's to check out the premier shakes. I'm loving the Muscle Milk Vanilla favored, it is just like a creamy milkshake!!! My doctor said today that I can make my own soups as long as they are blended down to liquid, made a roasted cauliflower soup tonight that was amazing, even in a completely liquid form. Went in for my pre-op appt today with the doctor and all of the pre-op testing went well and I'm reading to go on the 12th. We have to be at the hospital by 7 AM and surgery is scheduled for 9 AM. He said, without complications, of which he was doubtful, I should be home by suppertime. My husband is home on leave and has to return on the 14th, so I'm going to enjoy every moment of him being home and me starting on this amazing journey.
  9. Deweydoer

    Pre-pre op diet

    I'm on day four of my pre-op diet, and it is not bad at all. Actually I'm finding that I am less hungry every day, I can't believe that I'm not hungry!!!! I'm having a hard time getting down enough protein, the 60-70 grams a day. I'm stopping by the health food today to get some unflavored protein to put into things to bulk up the protein. I've actually lost eight pounds. I am shocked at loosing weight AND not feeling hungry, that is not something I'm used to. My doctor only required me to be on the pre-op diet 10 days.
  10. Deweydoer

    6 day post op.

    Great to hear you are doing so well. I'm going back to work eight days after surgery and it sounds like I should be good to go.
  11. Deweydoer

    Going back to work...

    I have a week before I have to get back to work, I've been told that that should be plenty of time.
  12. I would call the Dr.'s office and check. I have a 10 day pre-op diet that I'm now on, it allows things like cottage cheese and sugar-free jello and pudding as well as creme soups. I guess every doctor is different, but I would most certainly call in and find out if it is ok to substitute.
  13. Congratulations, keep up the good work!
  14. Deweydoer

    Tight in the morning

    Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited about my surgery, but I'm a little overwhelmed with all of the new terms like feeling tight. I know this is a whole new lifestyle change and I am so ready for this, but except for my weight, I have been very successful in every aspect of my life and I'm so worried about screwing this up. I have been 100% compliant with everything so far, regarding vitamins, and pre-op diet, still a little concerned.
  15. I'm also being banded on the 12th!! We'll have to check in and see how it is going.
  16. Deweydoer

    Define Hunger

    I've never felt like I experienced hunger, I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. Now on my pre-op diet, I'm experiencing some hunger, but it is not killing me so I guess it is doable. I'm most certainly not starving, but I'm wanting to eat. My stomach is not growling, but I am not full, but it isn't an uncomfortable place. When I start to feel that I'm not satisfied, I just have a little protein and I'm good for a few hours, like two or three. I'm really trying to find other things to do other than think about being whatever hungry is.
  17. Deweydoer

    Going back to work...

    I'm having my surgery on the 12th and I am returning to work on the 20th. I'm a librarian, so the weight lifting restriction is going to be an issue, but I guess I can work around that. I feel very confident that I'll be able to go back to work as quickly as I am.
  18. I just stocked my fridge with all of the stuff I need for my pre-op diet tomorrow! I'm not nervous at all and I super excited for my August 12th banding. Getting healthy, I'm soooooooooo excited!!!!!
  19. Deweydoer

    3 Months later

    I'm getting banded on the 12th of August, and I can't wait!! It took me a year to come to a decision to go to an orientation and two months to the day I'm having the surgery. Once I got real and noticed just how much my weight was affecting my daily life, I feel like I'm doing the right thing. My husband is so excited and says that he is excited for me to be healthier. The first 50 years of my life was wonderful and I'm excited to start the 2nd half of my life off the right way.
  20. Deweydoer


    I too had a bad experience with a pulmonologist. I don't smoke, don't have asthma, have never had any problems with breathing other than a few springtime allergies and except for the weight, I'm in great health. The doctor wanted to do a sleep study even though I scored as low potential for sleep disorders on three different scales. I went home, thought about it and called in, and even the nurse said she was surprised that he had ordered a sleep test. I asked if he had any financial stake in the sleep clinic, found out he owned it. She talked to the doctor and he finally said that I didn't need to do the sleep study and he sent in the report. I was actually kind of pissed, but it all turned out ok.
  21. Deweydoer

    Day 1

    I start my 10 day pre-op diet on 3 August. It is a soft food only, with a sugar free focus
  22. I started this process on 12 June and I'm having surgery just two months later!! I'm scared but I feel that I've been swimming in an ocean of fat and someone just threw me a life ring! Luckily I have a fantastic surgeon and a super supportive family, so I'm feeling like the stars have aligned and i'm ready to go.
  23. Glad to hear that you are being successful! I'm going to meet pre-op with my doctor on 6 August and I have a ton on questions.

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